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Rudd: time for a reality check : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 4/4/2008

There are many countries which are waiting to see how Australia will reposition itself now that Rudd is in power.

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"Well think of this. It only takes 12 warheads to wipe us out,( Australia) and in knowing this, I would be kissing ass too."

Well you might like "kissing ass", but most of us have a far more nuanced view on the type of relationship Australia should be striking with the US. Many would argue that we are in fact less safe rather than more so as a result of our unwillingness to stand up to US intimidation.

We're a target while ever there are US military bases on Australian soil and Howard's sycophantic give us more attitude has only increased the risk.

There's no guarantee that the US would ever act to protect Australian interests. History shows clearly that the US acts far more often out of self interest than it does out of loyalty or altruism.

The mess in Iraq is a prime example of aggressive US foreign policy gone horribly wrong. Thanks to Howard's blind and mindless unwillingness to question the US decision to invade, we're also aligned now as one of the enemy in the eyes of many of the world's terrorist groups. There are countless other examples around the globe of US military aggression dividing communities and turning minds against the west.

We need a Prime Minister who can maintain the relationship with civility but who has the nerve to stand up for Australian interests and those of the region and to say no to US hubris when it looks like overreaching itself as it does so frequently.

"As for the reality check, do you think you can do any better?"

I can't see how striking this belligerent type of tone towards an author of a very reasonably worded article is going to further the debate in any way. In every point he raised, Bruce offered an alternative course of action. Did you actually read his article?
Posted by Bronwyn, Saturday, 5 April 2008 1:08:52 PM
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>it has rather been the unwillingness on the part of the Japanese to negotiate and discuss that has stuck in the throat of many Australians. It indicates a lack of respect and an arrogance that is not useful or constructive in any long term relationship<. Yes, I agree. I rather saw Rudd's leaving Japan off his agenda as meeting like with like. Like you, I don't believe any irreparable damage will be done, but it is enough to let them know of our annoyance with them over their refusal to discuss the whaling issue. I don't know that it will be enough to bring them to the table, but it certainly now will be on the 1st meeting agenda, where Rudd can raise the issue. As for the UN issue, surely he is flagging a future intention and positioning ourselves, rather than an immediate expectation? I believe Rudd is saying overall that he will not be accepting of the cultural cringe in Australian society that begat the toadying Mr Howard, and with 21 million people in a large land, we will be rightfully taking a more proactive stance on world matters. As for the so-called salute, surely it was a spur-of-the-moment acknowledgement, rather than a pre-meditated event of huge international significance. Aren't we being a bit precious in reading more into it than was intended?
Posted by arcticdog, Sunday, 6 April 2008 9:04:52 AM
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dear bronwyn. My main system is down and i have to use a pentium 2
which i can only say is like watching paint dry, so no i havent read the artical. The main reason for the comment, concidering the size of the powers that are with us and the unique geographical position, I know that we are in USA's best interests of protecting us.

In laymen terms we are but a flea on a dog when it comes to military and self protection. I think Mr Rudd is exactly what Australia needs and like I said, and know you all wont take it out of context,(kissing ass) but try and imagine the world without the US. Asia is just waiting for them to fall and if that happens, well, I think you can see my point.
Posted by evolution, Sunday, 6 April 2008 6:37:13 PM
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Hello Marylin, you old headbanger you!

I don’t want to be a bore or anything. I know some people really get their jollies out of being as abrasive as they think they can get away with, but I’m just not into it. Sorry.

I would love to debate this issue with you. But there is one prerequisite; that you behave in a manner that is polite and tactful to those with whom you disagree.

If you would like to reword your post in neutral and not directly offensive and down-putting language, then I’ll take you up on whatever points you wish to debate.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 6 April 2008 7:50:00 PM
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Reality is that many refugees can not book at their local travel agent for a ticket to Australia.

Reality is people who hold up babies on a vessel in distress are sending an international signal indicating young children who can not swim are on board and need critically urgent help.

Reality is in all my 50 years ocean diving experience including 25 years investigation into world fish devastation I have never seen any animal dead from any plastic bag, except just three or four on tv.

Reality is in the eastern Coral Sea, some Solomon Island people are now suffering chronic poverty, malnutrition, disease and death due to a shortage of available food from the sea.

Reality is SW Coral Sea unprecedented whale calf abandonment is occurring similar to behaviour of mammals like cattle and humans that abandon their young due to starvation.

Reality is that major media boycott of bad news about unprecedented mass starvation of mutton birds along coastline extending from Rockhampton Qld to NSW, Vic and to South Australia and around Tasmania, is preventing achievable and politically tenable solutions.

Reality is sewage nutrient pollution dumped in Australian south and east coast alongshore surf current flowing north is feeding algae that is smothering estuary seagrass food web nursery, and smothering coral, causing coral bleaching on the GBR.

Reality is need for Asia Pacific sanitation including due treatment at Australian ocean sewage outfalls.

Reality is ocean food web devastation is being allowed through gagging of nutrient pollution and consequences and solutions, not by over-fishing as easily claimed without evidence by media.

Reality is that gagging of ocean devastation is allowing damaging coastal development to continue, including deep dredge excavation exposure of ancient nutrient matter and likely toxic algae seed/spore linked to asthma, all for modern ship harbours in bays and estuaries.

Reality is we need a leader who will embrace truth about the marine environment and direct decent bureaucrats and scientists and media toward urgently achieving real solutions. Real solutions are required to prevent Pacific Ocean environment devastation and social impact equivalent caused by empty wildlife plains of Africa.
Posted by JF Aus, Monday, 7 April 2008 11:44:52 AM
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Did you use the term 'fawning' Bruce? I think it accurately describes most of your commentary here.

Rudd's done little so far. Oh sure he's ponced about on the stage as a bit player largely ignored by the world with comment only reported in Australia.

He's ratified Koyoto and 'got a seat at the table in Bali' where less was achieved than Howard achieved in Sydney. Big deal eh?

He's said sorry and adopted Nelson's suggestion of an annual report on Indigenous Life Expectancy. Both of which are steps forward but hardly fulling of any standard for greatness.

He's cozied up to George. And that must rankle with the anti-US mob. And let's give him credit for abandoning the Yanks as they, at last, appear to be winning a war. That makes great sense, hey?

His assault on a UN office given his projected timing might just be taking into account his life expectancy as Australian PM. But really he's trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants both a unilateral and multi-lateral approach to relations with other countries... at the same time... Makes great logic eh? I'm sure the operation of both policies are sure to create more problems than positives. When our interests conflict with the interests of our buddies in the UN ... well you'll understand my point I'm sure.

I didn't see the word metooism in relation to immigration. And don't forget the Labor Party and Union history in regard to our past legislation.
Posted by keith, Monday, 7 April 2008 4:26:35 PM
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