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The Forum > Article Comments > Black and white thinking: mental illness and the print media > Comments

Black and white thinking: mental illness and the print media : Comments

By Jenny Jones, published 7/4/2008

The media needs to stop portraying people experiencing mental illness as violent criminals and stop presenting them as the enemy of civil society, public order and themselves.

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Thought the author made some good points. I've got no idea what Harold's on about. Harold, what are you on about?

Anyway, the mentally ill have been stigmatised for 100s of years - or seen as divine. The media squashes everything flat. There's no time or space for nuace. The mentally ill are portrayed often as figures of pity. Of course this is the last thing they want.

I think TV news and current affairs is psychotic but they can be helped - by not watching.
Posted by Cheryl, Monday, 7 April 2008 4:49:01 PM
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I do not read magazines.

Celebrities like Britney Spears are treated like objects rather than human beings. Like something disposable: Used to sell magazines at any cost. A joke really. Not to take seriously. In fact, if such descriptions as that put forward in this article were more "appropriately described" they would get sued because there is no evidence that e.g., Britney Spears actually has a mental illness. Yet magazines still have to be sold so they opt for suggestive language.

By the way. Anybody who feels depressed (not necessarily chronic depression)and is having difficulty overcoming it. If possible starving yourself of sleep for one night can interrupt your biology. If you sleep for 7-8 hours night, try only 3-4 one night, waking and undertaking activity from say 3:30am. Your energy processes will go into hyper drive. Be careful not to overuse the technique though (e.g., no more than once every two weeks). And of course depression is not only biologically based. Your environment can be an issue to. If you are having trouble with "feeling down" more often than not you should see your doctor.
Posted by Richard_, Monday, 7 April 2008 6:09:31 PM
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Being diagnosed as an acute depressive by my GP ten years ago, gave me relief from the anxiety by putting an identity to my then being.

With the support and counselling of my GP and by various drug trials, as to how I could get balance back in my life, I am now living a calm and postive life.

Prior to this, my life was lived on a knife edge, dealing with pressure and stress both work and personal.

I came out of the darkness, because someone listened.
Posted by Kipp, Monday, 7 April 2008 8:28:46 PM
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In most part the media does perpetuate the issue in a negative light, not intentionally but rather through naivety. One in five adults suffering mental illness is truly a spectacular figure, but how easily can the average person spot someone with mental illness in the street? Theres no obvious physical representation and its difficult for those having not suffered the illness to be able place-a-face to the problem, let alone conceive what its like to endure a failure of the imagination. The media does its job in stating the facts but unfortunately does it in a duhumanising sort of way as Jenny highlighted.
Posted by peachy, Monday, 7 April 2008 11:45:54 PM
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Nicola Roxon and ALP Ministers, I need to see some action on Mental Health. As we know ‘co-ordination is vital and is a current missing ingredient’.

While I thank you Nicola as a Minister for the reports last week concerning a clean-up regarding Medicare, and the efforts between all the open debates about Indigenous health issues... I am deeply concerned that the real issues that connect cause to these topics is getting whorped in the wash.

My own opinion is not as mainstream as those of urban Career groups and Consumer networks. While I am unable to agree with the ‘known’ way institutions use treatments in general in Mental Health I sense that the treating regional Mental Health Doctors have no back-up other than (an auto-use of ) dependence medication, outside their door. Community support structures are seriously lacking. As we know from a FOCUS ON 23 BIG THINGS IN MENTAL HEALTH, the system has the knowledge yet it has made no answer to it, especially in places like Cooktown.

As I have advocated on this forum, Cooktown is not part of the Cairns loop, except through a narrow service delivery structure based on "crisis-care". GP Doctors are Ad Hoc and ill informed about the underlying issues in mental health, and the MH staff-turn over is frequent having no concern for further investment, or awareness of HOW to deal with the issue.... of say... "communty engagement".

Nor does the Local Council or Local Resource Centre, bodies that that are closest as civic organisations have a "clue" on serving to advocate for these need inside the community.

Social Drift, bullying and neglect of all descriptions are random forms of community and transcend into a structural violence. The practice(s) are culturally reproductive, locally entrenched and critical.

As a willing advocate, I find it impossible to engage productively with the District or Local staff. The "business as usual" approach underwrites many of the related issues that cut through others (related) and become instead a wider issue for Crime Prevention. People are hurting and everyone is too dammed busy to care.

see below;
Posted by miacat, Tuesday, 8 April 2008 3:20:31 AM
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Andrew Dentons helps but doesn't go deep enough. The Mental Health Services forum is dubious, and Andrew needs to "go behind the scenes”. Listen to last years callers on talkback, on Tony Delroy. Particularly the comments involving “Advanced Directives”.

Try to meet the those being "stone walled" by this ‘feel good’ system. Those too scared to engage with Mental Health, either the system generally, or and the ‘clicky’ Consumer /Career groups, where many are as neglectfully ignorant, as the system itself.

I am shocked at what I have learned, tested and see. The way issues become riddled or flawed by self-serving personalities with agenda’s that has nothing to do with the "hope and pro-action" and belittle the true meaning behind ‘making a difference’ in real peoples lives.

I feel Mental Health as opposed to Illness is the most important issue for citizens in Australia. This is because Mental Health asks for a cutural “whole of environmental’ shift.

If we are planning a “education revolution” then I say start with Mental Health. It is the nations mentality from the bottom-up.

Social Inclusiveness as a bed-friend will do more for the revolution than all the doctors, nurses, administrations and politicians wrapped in one. This is because Mental Health is a community issue and until we accept this, it will continue to be banner plagued with the half-beat ‘do gooders’ that have no idea of what ‘gratification or support’ is, because they are so busy stealing it all for themselves.

Sharing Service Provisions is a meaningful way to engage community.

Alma Ata as it is truly meant is defined as Health for ALL.

On this note I leave you with a historical topic (link above) that is indirectly related, as one that can reflect whether we are a society making headway or an exact mirror at a level shared with the ancients.

In reference to media, I believe ABC has done more than any other institution in Australia when it comes to taking some responsibility to diversify the issue of Mental Health.

The problem is are we still learning?
Posted by miacat, Tuesday, 8 April 2008 3:34:39 AM
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