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The Forum > Article Comments > Biofuel starvation > Comments

Biofuel starvation : Comments

By Geoff Ward, published 14/3/2008

Will the developed world continue to grind grain for ethanol in the face of mass starvation?

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at worst presumptuous.

Crude Oil recently sold at $110 a barrel, and immediately OPEC put an embargo on production. Our Oil giant's who own Oz's seven Refineries can and do set prices on petrol/diesel/ kero/gas even though the ACCC profess otherwise. CEO Samuel apparantly assumes the hoi palloi are IT illiterate ? Another furphy, we buy Tapis Crude from Singapore and import MOPS95 petrol, which evidently is never mentioned in fuel circles. Singa's has the World's biggest Oil Refinery. When demand is up Caltex Inc create shortages and starve the Independents. Why does it take 8/10 days for Singapore prices to reach Oz bowsers ??

German Petrol Stations have been selling biodiesel for a decade with 60 % less CO2 emissions & 50 % less CO emissions. European Union produced 3.8 million tonnes of biodiesel 2005.

Crop yields - maize 145 kg/hectare or 172 lt/h compared to rice 696 kg/h and 828 lt/h. Cocoa, peanuts,jojoba have greater yields - 2250 kg/hectare.

More efficiencies:

Adoption of Algae or algaculture yields 40 kg/h or 47500 lbs/ltr ??
Wheat - poor yields in US,Europe and Aust this year. China buys more crops to feed burgeoning populace. Due to the weak US dollar and China's profusion of surplus US dollars ?

Wheat prices at record highs at 200 % rise from $18/bushel to $ 24/bushel in February.
Ukraine, Russia and Argentina in wheat moratorium. High energy hikes..fertilisers - 30 % of grain production. US supplies 40 % World's grain market. Downside, it takes several years to rebuild stocks to catch-up.

Bibliography: Wikipedia on Biofuels.
Posted by shellback, Sunday, 16 March 2008 4:51:59 PM
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'Whilst you keep shipping them, they will keep on screwing you and a lot of people
in Africa make a lot of money out of all of that free food.'But....but...isn't 'the free food' GM produce that the US cannot get rid of in Europe?
Posted by eftfnc, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 1:23:19 AM
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