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The paramilitary wing of the AFP : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 25/2/2008

Terror has been the vehicle for unrestrained empire building with minimum accountability by Keelty and the AFP.

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Good Morning Pelican,

I understand that the AFP may even be aware of who visits which establishment at Fyshwick and when and what they do.

There are some who share your concern - taking on the AFP means taking on a monster that know's many (probably not all - they're not that good) secrets of all Federal Governments since at least 1979.

I once was told of a Post Grad HR Student, who was a member of the AFP, completed a thesis on the management structure of the AFP (this wasn't too long ago). What this thesis apparently detailed was the origins of the members of the management team. Somewhere around 90% on the team were former ACT Community Police, and of those somewhere around 85% were former Detectives at the Woden CIB (not far from Fyshwick ironically...). The source of this information was someone who under the Admiralty Scale would have been rated an A1. Alas, I can't substantiate these claims - but with the little knowledge I do have of the current management team - the claims are highly probable.

I think the ALP might be on to something with the AFP. When the Howard Government introduced the legislation for the ACLEI it didn't make provision for the behaviour of the Commissioner, only those who worked with him. This to my knowledge, has been rectified. Now poor Mick is accountable too - oh when ACLEI actually gets a budget to enable it to do its job.
Posted by I love my country, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 6:25:20 AM
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Hello I Love My Country

From my understanding, ComCar drivers know more dirt on the pollies than anyone else in Canberra. Some of the stories would make your hair curl particularly harking back to the 80s. :)

It is not altogether surprising that senior officers of the AFP come from the ranks of ACT Community Policing. They are very closely linked and the career pathways allow for cross training/promotion both Federally and from the States. Much of the AFP central policy, international liaison, counter-terrorism is managed and directed from Canberra.

I should add that there are many good police and I respect the work that they do - not an easy job. It makes it harder for police if the system they work within does not support honesty and integrity and works against measures that might assist in deterring and exposing corruption.

I should add that not all allegations of corruption are valid, there are often vexations and mischevious allegations but if the reporting mechanisms are working well and the avenues of complaint investigation are clear and transparent, it would serve to uncover the truth whatever that might be. While these lines are not clear corruption may go unreported.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 10:37:40 PM
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I agree re the issue of no all allegations of corruption being accurate - however with the AFP we have never had a public opportunity to test any allegations that have been made in relation to the organisation or its' members.

The structure of the AFP is such that the ACT Policing function is in fact a 'Region' of the AFP, the remainder of the country is split into regional offices. The work done in the areas outside the 'ACT Region' is vastly different to that within the ACT. The argument made by many inside the organisation, quite vehemently, is that many of these 'ACT Police' members have reached the pinnacle of the organisation without any exposure to or knowledge of the work done in the rest of the organisation. The morale within the regions is often very low because the opportunities for promotion are taken by people from the ACT. ie never worked outside ACT and suddenly promoted to run a Region.

I am acutely aware of the number of 'good' people within the organisation - I am also acutely aware of the struggle they face to operate within it.

I believe that the premise of the article was the nature of the AFP's 'empire building' and how that has extended way beyond it's charter. This phenomena is only a reflection of the way the organisation is managed domestically. It also reflects the attitude of the management to the members of the organisation. If you think we can be frightened by their activities - imagine working for them and not agreeing with the direction.

Comcar drivers are a treat - and a good source of intelligence for Special Branch (yes the still operate - under a different name - thanks to the Wood Royal Commission - there was a mad rush by all Law Enforcement Bodies to change the name Special Branch to Security Intelligence).
Posted by I love my country, Thursday, 28 February 2008 6:59:09 AM
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I Love My Country

"The structure of the AFP is such that the ACT Policing function is in fact a 'Region' of the AFP, the remainder of the country is split into regional offices. The work done in the areas outside the 'ACT Region' is vastly different to that within the ACT. The argument made by many inside the organisation, quite vehemently, is that many of these 'ACT Police' members have reached the pinnacle of the organisation without any exposure to or knowledge of the work done in the rest of the organisation. The morale within the regions is often very low because the opportunities for promotion are taken by people from the ACT. ie never worked outside ACT and suddenly promoted to run a Region. "

I agree with what you say and I have heard these sentiments expressed before. I was previously employed in a role (working with many ex-police) and liasing with State and Federal police and I understand some of the issues involved.

Like you, I have great respect for the work of police and this is why I believe governments should work to their utmost to protect police and allow them to get on with the job of protecting us.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 28 February 2008 8:53:22 AM
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Exactly - the only way to ensure that we protect and support our police is to support open accountability within policing organisations.

By creating a mechanism that is responsible for oversighting, and acting upon, incidents of inappropriate or criminal behaviour a huge burden is removed from those decent souls in the policing profession. May of these people are aware of the cultural problems - if not actual instances of inappropriate behaviour/corruption - but have nowhere safe to take their concerns. They either bury the head in the sand or leave the organisation- this shouldn't be happening.

For some reason - and we have alluded to a couple of possibilities - the AFP and Federal Law Enforcement generally (ATO, Customs, Immigration, Centrelink, AFMA, TGA etc all have investigative capacities) have not had access to an independent external oversight body with a legislative platform until 2006 with the creation of ACLEI. The ACLEI site actually has copies of the relevant legislation - if anyone is interested in reading it. I have read these - they are straight forward and powerful. Perhaps we could all do our bit to raise the ACLEI profile and lobby for an appropriately sized budget for its' operation.
Posted by I love my country, Thursday, 28 February 2008 3:47:14 PM
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Good idea ILMC. How do you suggest we lobby?
Bruce Haigh
Posted by Bruce Haigh, Thursday, 28 February 2008 11:01:09 PM
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