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The Forum > Article Comments > The importance of being discreet and charming > Comments

The importance of being discreet and charming : Comments

By Greg Craven, published 18/3/2008

The vice-regal office is at a low ebb after years of being shoved aside by a spotlight-seeking John Howard.

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the gg has a duty to the people: when the pollies are about to do something crooked or stupid, he can make them go to the people and get a specific mandate, or get out of office.

if ozzies had any sense, they would welcome being consulted about work choices or going to war, for two easy examples.

the gg isn't elected? right: elect him. call him 'president'. or better: call him 'tribune', for he is the protector of the people.
Posted by DEMOS, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 12:19:04 PM
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I am all for appointing a woman to the job - if we can find a competent one to take the job on. Unfortunately Lowitja would divide the nation....Fiona is well trusted but I doubt she would want the job...Gaby might but Kevin would need to be prepared to spend a lot more on well targetted aid and the welfare system.
Just a word of warning though Kevin may not want a woman. They can (if my partner is any example) be tough and feisty and give you good advice, especially when you would rather not have it.
What we do need though is GG - none of this nonsense about a "President" please - under Kevin's regime they would be rendered impotent and we are already a one party state. It would be the end of what little democracy we have left in Australia.
Now, having hopefully stirred the pot a little, I'll leave you for the day!
Posted by Communicat, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 3:01:39 PM
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The only thing that was reprehensible in 1975 was the incompetent and corrupt government of Gough Whitlam. Fraser's two terms of government thereafter were wasted opportunities but Whitlam had to be removed from office, virtually no matter what the cost. Governor General John Kerr's action in dismissing Whitlam was absolutely essential to return the nation to a period of stability and relative honesty in government.

Greg Craven appears to be wanting to rewrite history. Can I suggest that he reads a bit more from the non-Labor side of what really happened in 1972 to 1975: Rex Connow wanting to buy back the farm, Jim Cairns and Junie Morosie, the Khemlani loans affair, and so it goes on.
Posted by Bernie Masters, Tuesday, 25 March 2008 10:22:58 AM
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