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Libs must recapture home ground : Comments
By Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, published 27/12/2007Let's not forget that millions of Australians voted for the conservative side of politics.
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Posted by Ho Hum, Thursday, 27 December 2007 9:26:41 AM
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That should have been;
If you are not appalled, you havent been paying attention. Posted by Ho Hum, Thursday, 27 December 2007 9:55:26 AM
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The article is simply a continuation of the Liberal government myth/spin that it left the country "prouder, stronger and more prosperous than when it took office in 1996".
The reason Howard was voted out was that he had gradually been exposed as a prevaricating, dissembling bumbler with the moral code of a confidence trickster and the breadth of vision of a laboratory rat. It is clear in hindsight that he and his cohorts - Downer, Costello, Vanstone etc. - were only in politics for what monetary gain they could squeeze out of it. As soon as the gravy train slowed down, they jumped off as quickly as they could. Serving the Australian public? Pah! The ground that the Liberals need to recapture is that which contains honesty, openness and a sense that they are in the service of the population as opposed to the world owing them a cushy living, plus perks. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 27 December 2007 9:58:00 AM
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Was this published as a serious op ed piece or is it a tongue in cheek dead parrot sketch about the Liberal party?
________________________________________________________ Customer: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint. (The owner does not respond.) C: 'Ello, Miss? Owner: What do you mean "miss"? C: I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint! O: We're closin' for lunch. C: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique. O: Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it? C: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it! O: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting. Posted by Rainier, Thursday, 27 December 2007 10:19:12 AM
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Lets face it -- this election is a portent of - or at least should be - of a move to genuine political convergence.
While it may be anathema to some - a great deal of government business can and indeed should be managed by the public service under an expanded strategic plan developed under consensual democracy. In a minor form it exists anyway -- the processes are just muddied by political interference - thats where the lies and deception come in. Me too ism is a banner of convenience the brain dead commentariat use for want of a real controversy between the parties. And the parties use it as they know that at their core they agree on most things... as in fact does the nation. Like it or not we are in consensus n most matters - health education defence - the differences are miniscule - and always have been. There is nothing for any one to re capture - the problem with out system is theparties do not want to govern - they just want the power. Posted by INKEEMAGEE2, Thursday, 27 December 2007 10:25:23 AM
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“Let's not forget that millions of Australians voted for the conservative side of politics.”
Um yeah, about 99.9% of the voting public! Why? Because there WASN’T ANY CHOICE! Concetta, I think you are fundamentally wrong in thinking that the brand of conservatism practiced by the Libs should continue to serve as their philosophical base….or any conservatism for that matter. Dump the ‘conservative’ tag and embrace the ‘progressive’ tag, or some other term that indicates a new and dynamic approach. Conservatism is old, staid and very much out-dated. Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 27 December 2007 10:51:23 AM
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For mine, the Liberals lost because John Howard didn’t know when to go, and because he took the party too far to the left. How this writer can still believe that the Liberals are ‘conservative’ is beyond comprehension. They need to do what their supporters and ex-supporters have always expected of them. A name change would be a good start. Anywhere else in the world, liberal – big or small ‘l’ - means left-wing, and during their last period in office, the Howard Government did its best to practise socialism and displayed a sickening devotion to multiculturalism and inappropriate immigration. Howard lied when he led us to believe that multiculturalism would be phased out. It became stronger than ever during under the Coalition. Paradoxically, it was the Chinese vote that lost the old fool his own seat.
Already, Brendan Nelson has got off on the wrong foot by calling for a ‘fair-go’ for homosexuals; hardly conservative, and utterly offensives and sickening to conservatives. The loser for the leadership grab bleated about saying ‘sorry’ to the so-called stolen generation. What a shower of wets they are going to try to regain government with! The Liberal party is a total mess. Tony Abbott might have made a go of strong leadership, but he is too straight forward and PC for the lily-livers remaining. What we need now is a group like the Australia First Party to respond the total lack of conservatism in Australian politics. In the meantime, the dumb Australians have got what they deserve Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 27 December 2007 11:51:16 AM
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Dear oh! Dear leigh. The only thing missing out of your piece was "Zeig Heil"
Posted by Kipp, Thursday, 27 December 2007 12:15:29 PM
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Whatever the commentariat might say, Australia has lost a successful government and a great prime minister. Many Australians are pleased about this, as is their democratic right. But the saddest thing of all is the abusive and offensive language used by the Howard Government's critics to express their pleasure at this outcome. They really have debased the currency of political debate and comment in this country, and we all are the poorer for that.
Posted by DIS, Thursday, 27 December 2007 1:04:09 PM
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"...conservative ideology of just reward for effort, of enterprise and hard work, of aspiration and achievement and of a hand up, rather than a handout"
What on earth makes this a "conservative" ideology? Almost all progressives I know (including myself) would agree with it entirely - indeed my main beef about the status quo is that it often excessively rewards people who have not particularly worked all that hard or achieved all that much, whereas others who have toiled incessantly and dutifully there entire lives have received little reward for it. And for what it's worth I would tend to place myself in the former category: I've never had difficulty finding well paid jobs, but while I'm prepared to work hard when the situation calls for it, I would be dishonest to claim that I was a naturally dedicated hard worker. Posted by wizofaus, Thursday, 27 December 2007 1:50:35 PM
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No, we shouldn't let history be rewritten. Rewriting the history of the Liberal Party in power might hide all the lies and immoral behaviours.
As for politicians going to church, while it makes me very nervous, I can stomach it (just!!). But when politicians, particularly those in power, have secret meetings with the leader of the Exclusive Brethren, the reek of extremism is unmissable. Me too? Not on this issue. If I recall correctly, Rudd declined a meeting with Bruce Hales. Posted by Rasputin Eyes, Thursday, 27 December 2007 1:58:02 PM
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Hey, HOWARD told us himself why he lost.- He said "Loath me or love me" and more of us loathed him, than his Lovers, who had been riding on his coat-tails for 10 years and telling us we had never been so well off.I could have voted for the local Liberal,but NOT for his leader!
Posted by TINMAN, Thursday, 27 December 2007 5:51:10 PM
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"Many of these policies are founded on the mainstream conservative ideology of just reward for effort, of enterprise and hard work, of aspiration and achievement and of a hand up, rather than a handout: Work for the Dole, for example.
Since its introduction in 1997, almost 600,000 unemployed Australians were afforded valuable work experience by participating in almost 35,000 activities nationally to help them re-enter the workforce. The most important security for working families or for any individual is the dignity of a job." Where is the evidence that work for the dole actually created any jobs or help these people re-enter the workforce? Its my belief that the improvement in the economy led to these people finding work. What study or independent assessment has been done of these schemes. Posted by Flo, Thursday, 27 December 2007 7:33:32 PM
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In the previous elections many people did not vote for Howard or that Norman Lindsay caricature, Vale. Howard gave no consideration whatsoever for them. Why should Labor not meet their promises because some people voted Liberal?
Successful governmnent? 1. Health - stuffed 2. Education - stuffed 3. GST imposed against wishes of majority 4. Australians sold out in Free Trade Agreement with US (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme only survives at the whim of US drug companies, US beef allowed into Australia but Aussie beef not into US for 18 years, FTA started to help banana growers but Aussie taxpayer now must pay compensation to Aussie banana growers because they were sold out by Howard/Vale, etc, etc) 5. National asset Telstra sold off against wishes of 70% of Australians 6. Workers protections destroyed because Howard wanted to look after the minority of raw materials exporters - work choices has teenagers having to negotiate individual contracts with large corporations and it is s criminal offdence for them to discuss their negotiations with any other teenager in the same boat 7. national dental scheme destroyed 8. Dragged us into an illegal war against wishes of 70% of population 9. Continually lied to Australia 10 And so on and so on And as for this pernicious nonsense about "me-tooism"- That can only be spouted by people who really have no concept of the world - if one party has a good policy which will help the people, why is it wrong that the other party agrees to the same policy? Get real! The election is over but obvioulsy the propaganda survives in what appear to be otherwise empty spaces. And, because of his overarching vanity Howard left the Liberal Party with no plan of succession so they have become a shambles. In doing so he has betrayed the rest of us because there will be no effective opposition party to keep Labor honest. Thanks John! Yours is a name that will live in ignominy. And regardless of what excuses your apologists come up with, your electorate got it right. Successful government? Get real! Posted by Plaza-Toro, Thursday, 27 December 2007 7:51:51 PM
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Ludwig"Conservatives are old and out dated,why not assume the progressive tag?"Since when is evolution out dated?The tag "progressives" is just another name for the whimsical chaotic left.
Conservatives are evolutionists,they keep what is proven and functional and slowly assimilate things that pass the test of the forge. The Libs don't have to recapture anything.Labor are just wearing the ill fitting conservative clothes to stay in power.It won't be long before Kevin is deposed and their true colours will shine. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 27 December 2007 7:54:00 PM
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Evolutionist conservatives seems like a contradiction in terms. An association of ‘progressive’ with the “chaotic left” also seems entirely foreign to me. But I guess it depends on how you interpret the meaning of these ill-defined terms. What you would call evolutionist I would call progressive. If the Libs can now show themselves to be evolutionist, in a progressive manner that takes them towards an understanding of sustainability and a denouncement of unending continuous population and economic expansionism, then great! Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 27 December 2007 8:23:29 PM
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Leigh! - gee whiz - "dumb Australians got the government they deserve".
Looks like all Australians got the same one - dumb or other wise. Conservatives are a minority - there is still hope as you guys always bang on about governments favoring minority groups - your time will come! I tell you what - I doubt that the new government has had a chance to cure the cancer in DIMIA or remove the influence of the black hand of Vanstone and Andrews - so you have a choice -- hang around the streets and pretend you have limited English and suffer with a disability ( mental goes down well) it is highly likely you will be apprehended, incarcerated and deported - may be to a tropical paradise like Christmas Island - free at last from the cluthches of this terrrrrible government. It is worth a try - for all our sakes. Posted by INKEEMAGEE2, Thursday, 27 December 2007 10:47:45 PM
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Unfortunately, Australian society is faced with two very similar parties. Both follow a neoliberalist or Free market philosophy where the objective is to maximise business profits and not the welfare of citizens.
The LCP blotted its copy book with voters when it introduced Workchoice legislation which was plainly designed to reduce choices of workers and lower their conditions and wages. Kevin Rudd was viewed by voters as the lesser of two evils. I have great doubts that the LCP will change. However, it probably only has to wait. We are overdue for a major recession. Interest rates will rise, conditions and salaries will fall and employment rates will soar. The LCP will then get another chance to pursue the interests of business. What Australia needs is an alternative party with a political and economic philosphy which is not free market and which has as its objective the welfare of voters rather than big business. Until we get this, it really matters which party serves as our government! Posted by Pres, Thursday, 27 December 2007 11:36:25 PM
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I'm with Pres. If labour manages to stay in for more than 2 terms, the libs will become (have already become) redundant.
The RSPCA has for many years been accused of being undermined by branchstacking for years; battery hen farmers and sheep farmers who practice mulesing joining up to practice their democratic rights, and change RSPCA policies. It seems the same thing has happened in politics. We have the libs, basically a bunch of lawyers who want to fight the workers, and keep them in their place, and we have the labs, basically another bunch of lawyers who want to control the workers, and keep them in their place. Only Hawke and Keating could start the privatisation process -Commonwealth bank, Telstra, Qantas- without being automatically voted out. (The other party was even worse). Hawke and Keating perfected the "economic ratiopnalism" spin, Howard just continued it. We need another alternative. Posted by Grim, Friday, 28 December 2007 4:05:52 AM
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Pres, yes agree on the need for a third party that de-centres the centrist ideological vortex that now exists.
In this last election there was a quiet /unstructured coalition of protest voting against the Howard government on key issues. The swing against Howard cannot be claimed by this coalition but it did discover a few levers that helped tilt the Rudder. Whether members of this coalition will unite and build a new-party is for me unlikely. What can happen is that those issues of social justice that united the grassroots action need to be placed back on the table again. Some will be reluctant to do this as their allegiance to Labor is incestuous and this would appear to be an act of ungratefulness. I can think of at least 10 issues that would unite and sustain people a level of accountability of the Rudd government for the next three year - remember Rudd / Labor is very focused on winning another term rather than reforming the mess that Howard left behind. They have declared that they are not ideologically bound to traditional Labor dogma but this does not mean they are not ideological. For Labor progressive = fanatical centrism Anything Left of this is considered radical Left and out of touch. A new party of any kind will need to declare its opposition not to the Right but to this new 'Left'. Posted by Rainier, Friday, 28 December 2007 5:05:26 PM
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If we have to follow the popular vogue to label things, then this will go down as a the “me-too” election.
Krudd worked the rationalism of me-too whilst making sure the ribbon, fluff and packaging seemed different. The short and medium term actions of the labor party will identify whether Krudd is just another “liberal” wearing a red tie or an unmitigated liar who declared one thing and then presented another. As for all the leftie inspired declarations to a “lying rodent” etc… I would recall, by this time after the election in 1996, the clandestine copulations of the labor foreign minister (Evans) and the leader of the democrats (Curnow) was public knowledge and Keating’s wife had moved out. The fiscal corruption of Richardson with certain Swiss bank accounts is still to come. So as far as “lying rodents”, the left need to ensure labor party fumigates and lays down some “rat-sacks” in the trade hall building to avoid the accusation of hypocrisy. For my money, I have always voted for who I believe is the government most likely to leave me to make my own mistakes, since I am smarter and better motivated and thus likely to make fewer of them than some faceless bureaucrat acting “for the common good” (whatever that is). Let us see how the coming year of two pan out. I reckon Krudd will preside over a recession. He is caught between doing the right thing and what he needs to do. This will become the opportunity for conservatives to rally when that small margin of floating voters realize the emotional drivel of the socialists does not preserve either their jobs nor superfunds and the grandiose extravagance of public works programmes, bereft of public benefit and demanding higher taxes cripples the future for their children. And Krudd will also be identified with the coming “Carbon Tax”, which Howard so determinedly resisted. For myself, I am planning for the worst. But, at the moment too many people have forgotten how everything becomes so hopeless under socialists and need a colonic reminder. Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 29 December 2007 11:40:38 AM
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The King is dead, long live the King.
It took a few flushes but the rodent and his lackeys finally went down that S-bend into political oblivion. However, many are right about there being no choice to the left of centre - especially since that centre was dragged so far to the right. Who was to the right of the Libs anyway? It was to the stage that any criticism of Howard was the work of "leftists" or "elites". Now that we can all direct our collective bile to the new management, what will the new catch-phrase be? Posted by wobbles, Sunday, 30 December 2007 7:17:51 PM
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Let's give the new guy a chance at least.
Those crazy Libs - so magnanimous in victory, so gracious in defeat! Posted by rache, Sunday, 30 December 2007 7:21:58 PM
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'conservative' doesn't equal traditional. it is merely a subset. True conservatism means to hold onto what is true and good in terms of true Catholic beleifs and practice both liturgically and in family, neighbourhood, job, social, politics and the world generally.
It is not a monopoly of Liberal Party voters. So to be a true conservative ( which is to be a traditional Catholic) one must support : re-regulation of the banking and fiannce sectors re-regulation of the Australian currency re-nationalisation of Telstra, CBA, Qantas restoration of union members rights to strike without communist type penalties, restoration of 2 X RDOs per month, rejection of casualisation of workforces and so on. The alleged Liberal Party 'conservatives' is un-patriotic, un-traditional religiously( Sunday is a day of rest according to Catholic teaching).. Also Hillsong and Protestant 'evangelical' pro big business rorts are anti Catholic and hence anti-Christian. Posted by Webby, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 4:59:49 PM
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Webby, you are delightful. Amidst a collection of pompous, sententious, and pretentious set of comments (including my earlier comment) your sense of the ridiculous is so refreshing! Yours is the best post so far because it is written in the best Australian tongue-in-cheek humorous style.
Posted by Plaza-Toro, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 7:00:37 PM
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Dear Plaza-Toro, I actually do hold to the pro Labor views of old. but based on ALP Industrial Catholic Group[er and DLP ideas of the unyuppy kind.
I am serious. 110% so. I grew up in Botany/Pagewood/Mascot and cannot stand the North Shore or Vaucluse Liberal nerds and their pompus ways. They to me, are unpatriotic and economic traitors. Neo Liberal economic policies begun in 1983 under the ALP and continued on with the Libs- all are evil. It is pretty sick how SOME older Aussies vote Liberal and fail to ask their kids and grandkids about the impact of Libeal supporting emploers who are anti union and who deny proper pay increases and who deny or rmeove rostered days off and treat their kids and grandkids like sweatshop Chinamen. I personally consider that terrorists within Australia are not the only traitors. We also have economic traitors in those oldies who support Liberal Govts, and voted for them, which means that their kids enjoy LESS pay, less time off,a nd casualised hourly work UNLIKE THEMSELVES BEFORE THEY WENT CURIOUSLY FORGETFULL IN THEIR SELFIST AND SELFISH OLD AGE. In much of manufcaturing( or what now remains of it in Australia) employers have got trades assistants and machine techicians to take up tools and do the work of fitters and turners. The ALP govts of Hawke and Keating began this process; and then JOhn Howard's Government continued it. This de-classification of work under the euphemism of 'multi-skilling' resulted in untrained and often partially trades or no trade certificated workers doing the work of tradesmen. This resulted in pharmaceutical and other manufcaturing industries retrencing tens of thousands of tradesmen, particularly fitters and turners. Some companies even tried ot get people to take up electical jobs !! This is even worse in that electrocutions occured. Thankfully the Electrical Trades Union ( ETU) have good and decent vigilant union officials well supported by sparkies on the job who stopped work and even striked to stop this nonsense. What would a Bertus or a Cardinal Pell ever say about genuine bread and butter issues like this? Posted by Webby, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 8:12:17 PM
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The industrial groups were not Catholic, but anti-communist Labor groups which welcomed people of all faiths and none. As for the Liberals, you would probably appreciate the words of Frank Knopfelmacher, who said, "As you marked your second preference with your right hand, you held your nose with your left." All governments need strong oppositions, so I hope that the Liberals do rebuild themselves, but I think they will find the task very difficult because there are no fundamental principles that bind them together. Posted by Chris C, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 9:48:16 PM
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I'd say, let's not try to set Concetta Fierravanti-Wells straight. Let her continue believing what she wants to believe.
The longer the Liberals stay out of touch, the longer they stay out of power. Should be several terms, at least. :D Posted by ex_liberal_voter, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 11:07:51 PM
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Shh people. Let Senator Wells get back to matters of the utmost, importance, like nitpicking incidents of bias at the ABC. Those evil pinkos must be stopped right?
Laughed like a loon when one poster said Howard was turfed because Howard went too far to the left. Pray tell, in a world where all things are relative, aside from the cockup that is the Bush administration, which governments are the more 'right wing' ones than Howard? This article was most amusing. I hope Ms Wells understands how the name 'Liberal' was first applied to the party, and how the social conservatism is a reasonably recent phenomenon. It's a good omen though. As long as those clowns continue to actually believe things like this, they're going to be out in the cold for a very long time. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 4 January 2008 2:57:27 PM
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Chris C is spot on!
we do need a strong opposition party, so what are the Webby's of the world to do? The ALP has sold them down the drain - just look at what Iemma's post-election announcement and what it will do for all those ETU members who placed the ubiquitous 'Your rights at work' posters on sundry power poles with employer provided equipment and no Council approvals. Perhaps the signs should have read "Your right(wing)at work!" Nevermind, these Unionists will still vote ALP even if via the Greens backdoor etc. So what to do? Who will represent conservative Australia? A revitalised Liberal Party without Workchoice right wingers and social lefties like Nelson, Georgio,that Qld Doctor and their ilk? Liberal or Libertine? Is the Liberal 'Church' that broad? Or will conservative voters be faced with a dogmatic choice like the Anglican Church and Dr Jensen. What are the basics that all conservatives can subscribe too? Posted by Reality Check, Friday, 4 January 2008 3:57:35 PM
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'conservative' is a word, like many others as ideoligical tags; words are changed to mean what media and pollies and ideologues want them to mean sadly.
I think people that you should step back from the misappropriated words and get back to original meanings. Now 'conservative' from 'conserve'is to hold onto/keep what is good and of value. Lbor and Liberal/Nats people can be conservagive in the non-political religious and cultural sense of holding onto the holy and the good and the useful eg Holy Mass, the sacraments on one level, national sovereignity eg re-regulating the currency, retaining govt utilities in public ownership and not selling to either local Aussie economic traitor merchant bankers, private equity 'players' ( now anyone who is a 'player' is automatically to be treated with healthy suspicion). 'conservagive' is a mere subset of TRADITION, ie Sacred Tradition as described by St Paul in relation to truths being passed on/handed down; the corollary of this is natural law principles and also customs and culture of deep meaning eg no Sunday trading for non essential services as one example and the very very public GOOD( yes Good !!) of censorship and re-criminalisation of pornography on the Net, on TV, movies, books; also crimal sanction against abortion which kills predominately white Aussie kids at 100,000 per annum. Sadly, people are telling lies via Australia's 'leading' companies on alleged global warming and preaching to us; same with he Media. Many love this but get upset with Sacred Tradition and how it used to rule in many nations. Posted by Webby, Friday, 4 January 2008 9:17:12 PM
If you are appalled, you havent been paying attention.
It summarises the lying rodent and his wall to wall lies, evasions, and buck-passing quite well.
And anyone with a heart has long been exiled from the RANK(ness) and file of the right thinking true believers. Petro Georgiou was/is an exception. And the benighted ghouls tried to get rid of him too. But his electorate (praise to them) knew better.
So too with the commentaries and opinion pieces in the OZ---the self styled "heart" of the nation which systematically misinforms everyone most of the time.
Even the Tim Man from the Wizard of Oz could have written better stuff.
To be fair the OZ does have some good writing occasionally----but the good stuff gets drowned in the deluge of toxic sludge.