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Fortress Europe and begging Africa : Comments

By Bashir Goth, published 14/12/2007

The seas separating Europe from Africa are being turned into a mass grave for the 'unidentified immigrants'.

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“with the population explosion and subsequent dwindling of resources,”

There is no end in sight while insufficient attention is given to the above, which is the source of the human flood towards Europe.

Without support for the emancipation and education of women, and their right to be able to limit their own fertility in those source countries, the flood will not be stopped by present “finger in the dyke” attitudes.

This was recognized thirteen years ago, and agreement made on the necessary action. If that had been adhered to, what a lot of misery would have been avoided. More misery can be minimized if statesmanship rather than shallow opportunism comes into existence in the halls of power
Posted by colinsett, Saturday, 15 December 2007 11:38:13 AM
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That the colonising powers in Africa could have done better there is no doubt, however, there is also no doubt that the countries were left in a far better state at the end of colonial rule than they are presently.

The african leaders almost without exception have pillaged their countries, driven away foreign investors and skilled talent, muzzled any dissent, and committed human rights abuses of magnitudes not seen since Hitler.

Then looking enviously at the developed countries, try to blame their woes on the colonists then point at the poverty they have created and cry for aid that they will almost certainly ship into their own off shore bank accounts. They are like the parents in India found to be deliberately crippling their children so that they could be more effective beggars.

The article which is the root of this thread is an ill informed apology for the african despots.

Europe might seem inhumane for rejecting the desperate refugees, but if they allowed them in, Europe would quickly be flooded with tens of millions of illiterate refugees, far beyond what it could cope with.

The answer is to rid africa of its despots and corruption. How? I don't know.
Posted by Democritus, Sunday, 16 December 2007 8:16:26 AM
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Perhaps Africa should start to see that women on that continent
have access to family planning, as a start to dealing with poverty.

There is no need to move millions of people to Europe from
Africa. A number of industries could in fact be based in
Africa and export to Europe, if corruption etc and despotic
leaders were dealt with.

Zimbabwe was actually in reasonable shape, until Mugabe
got hold of it. How many African leaders have supported
calls for Mugabe to go?

So why should companies invest in Africa, when they see
such blatant misuse of power and no effort by African
leaders to resolve their own problems?

The sad thing is that those who care least about poverty,
misery and human rights, are Africans themselves, who
are screwing their own people. Why bother to solve
things, when dangling a couple of starving babies in front
of Western tv cameras means that hey presto, boatloads of
food will turn up on the horizon.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 16 December 2007 12:57:10 PM
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Colonialization came in on top of existing tribal wars. The rule of colonial law, temporarily suspended those tribal wars except where it was convenient to the colonizing authorities to stoke them up for purposes of 'divide and conquer'.. enhancing colonial rule.

The end of colonial rule simply took the lid off the pressure cooker of tribal animosity which never dissappeared. The african leaders who store away mega millions of dollars are doing so to fund WARS.. and to use it to opposes rival tribes who would not see democracy as the best answer to their felt needs. (of a bigger slice of the economic/resources cake)

RE-COLONIZATION is the answer. But not colonization by particular countries, a UN based solution would be preferable.. but then.. *sigh* the UN is comprised of 'member states' which all have the same 'tribal' competitive interests at African tribal leaders_cum_politicians.

CONCLUSION. The UN will never have teeth, or bite. AFrican leaders will continue to stockpile money and weapons from aid money, Starvation and over population will continue to drive the wars and illegal immigration to Europe, which will do nothing because of the fear of being seen to be 'racist' by PC constituencies or.. more likely by PC politicians in the EU 'glamor club'.

And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns,...
The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. 4Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 16 December 2007 2:27:04 PM
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Boaz, I know that any topic will do when it comes to interjecting some down-home religion, but do you think you have chosen particularly wisely to drop some of your more frothy-mouthed proselytising into this one?

>>I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True<<

There are many, many Christian missions to Africa...

The amount of good these folk are doing would appear to be infinitesimal, wouldn't you agree? Especially when it results in specific, physical damage to the people.

"Findings suggest that popular religious interpretations of HIV risk pose real dangers, leading many [young adult rural-urban] migrants to imagine themselves as at little or no risk, and contributing to inconsistent protective practices"

This, incidentally, is a finding taken from a study of young people from south-eastern Nigeria who...

"...almost uniformly identify themselves as Christian; and they commonly situate their understanding and explain their behaviours in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in terms of religion"

I know that you can't help yourself, and that you firmly believe that the answer is (your version of) God, irrespective of the question. But do you really want to associate yourself with the promotion of what can only be described as a fatally flawed, and ultimately unsuccessful, African experiment with an alien religion?
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 17 December 2007 8:37:57 AM
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"There are many, many Christian missions to Africa..."

To counter the Christianity effect, the West could preach to the Africans the gospel according to Pope Richard Dawkins, the religion of Evolution. Dawkins asserted that 300 million years ago you could have seen the common ancestor of fish and human evolve. Since Dawkins imply that he is 300 million years old, he must be very wise and Evolution must be true.

Although Richard Dawkins is yet to show how he or the Dawkinites can evolve into superior beings, Adolf Hitler put Dawkinism into practical use when the evolving ‘ Aryan’ race put to death 6 million Jews. Some Dawkinites in this forum , not surprisingly and consistent with their hypothesis, support the persecution of non-Muslims in Muslim-majority countries. This, they claim, is social Dawkinism at work before their very eyes

However, the faith the Dawkinites put in their high priest of Evolution is both blind and irrational. True science has to do with knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, especially as obtained and TESTED THROUGH SCIENTIFIC METHOD and concerned with the physical world.

The poor state of many countries in Africa is due to corruption, mentality of denial of their predicament, spin doctors who don’t address the real issues to tackle poverty and corruption. Many of them blamed Western colonialism, but this is not true because many are in a poorer state than when they gained independence.

For Somali and many other North African countries, they might have gained independence from their Western masters but they are mentally colonised by the Arabs through Islam. They do well to remove the shackles from Islam and heed the warning of a Muslim from Malaysia,

“ Over the coming years and possibly decades we are going to see the Islamic countries just falling apart and breaking into backwardness, foolishness, hate and violence.” (Syed Akbar Ali, ‘The Collaspe of Islamic Countries’ )
Posted by Philip Tang, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 12:01:15 PM
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Philip Tang, wipe your chin.

And ponder the saying "to a hammer, everything looks like a nail"

>>To counter the Christianity effect, the West could preach to the Africans the gospel according to Pope Richard Dawkins...<<

The problem was caused by preaching in the first place, there is absolutely no point in repeating the error.

Far smarter, I would think, to leave religious dogma out of the equation entirely, and concentrate on practical issues such as good governance, technology transfer and the advantages of trade.

No need to bring either God or Dawkins into the equation.

Let's face it, if religion didn't create so much fuss, there wouldn't be a need for a Dawkins at all. And the world would be an immeasurably better place for it.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 20 December 2007 2:46:04 AM
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