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Is Rudd another Scullin? : Comments
By James Cumes, published 23/11/2007In 1929 the Scullin Labor Government won a landslide victory and took office just two days before the New York Stock-Exchange crash.
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Those with long memories may recall that in 1984, when Longe was elected, NZ was, as usual, up to its ears in debt. Longe then decided to play silly buggers about nuclear powered US warships going into New Zealand ports. The yanks in retailiation, kicked NZ out of ANZUS, and then Wall Street decided that it would be a great occasion to call in the NZ foreign debt. I can't remember exactly, but I believe that NZ housing interest rates went up to 26%, and many thousands lost their homes.
Let us assume that Labor sweep the board, winning a large majority in the Reps and even one in the Senate. In our case the outcome could be even more interesting.
In the new year Rudd proceeds to withdraw our troops from Iraq, despite American protests that it constitutes desertion in the face of the enemy.
Wall Street then decides to remind Australia of the golden rule of capitalism, and calls in our foreign debt.
(For those who do not know, the golden rule of capitalism is that the guy that has the gold makes the rules.)
Housing interest rates go through the roof, the economy collapses, and there are mass mortgage defaults.
Then, in March, at the height of the crisis, the Senate refuses supply, forcing Rudd to a House of Reps election, which puts Labor out of power for a generation.
(For those who don't realise it, the new senators do not take their place until 1/7/08.)