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The new pink vote : Comments
By Rodney Croome, published 15/11/20072007 will be the first federal election in which Australia's gay demographic shift will have an impact.
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Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 16 November 2007 10:17:20 AM
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R0bert, your first post articulated exactly my sentiments.
Leigh, for 'an old fart' you haven't mellowed much over the years. Have you lived much? Gay rights are long overdue to be changed to human rights. The simple legal acknowledgment alone of a 'marriage' between same sex couples would eliminate a whole barrage of painful injustices. Personal spiritual beliefs as with personal sexual beliefs should remain in the realm of the personal. It is not for any other to determine what is morally 'right' spiritually or sexually for another adult. Posted by yvonne, Friday, 16 November 2007 11:01:40 AM
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VK3AUU, syphilis and gonorrhoea are not “caused by "same sex" contact”. They are caused by bacteria which are transmitted sexually.
Every disease has characteristics which enable it to spread more easily in particular populations. We don’t discriminate against overweight people because they are more susceptible to Type 2 diabetes Similarly we don’t discriminate against left-handed people because they are more accident prone. Why single out one group? If you’re going to blame same-sex-attracted people because they are disproportionately affected by some conditions, you should also be blaming overweight people for their diabetes, smokers for their poor circulation and left-handed people for their accident rates. Just as left-handers are more prone to accident because they “live in a world where things are set up to favour right handers,” it’s difficult to target homosexuals with health education messages because they are embedded in a heterosexual world. It’s not their fault, and it’s spectacularly uncompassionate for you to blame them for this. Merry, one of the principles of democracy is that majorities aren’t allowed to ride roughshod over minorities. It is absolutely correct to protect the rights of a 2.04% minority, in the same way we protect the rights of the 10 - 15% who are left-handed, and the 21% who are obese The claim that children are “raised best in a secure environment with one mother and one father” requires more support than your focus on the family link provides, especially in the face of the mounting evidence that same-sex parenting is just as good as opposite-sex parenting If you’ve got some real evidence, by all means provide it, but please spare us FOTF’s anti-gay polemic. Wonderful post, Robert Posted by jpw2040, Saturday, 17 November 2007 1:28:02 PM
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In Wenworth we have a choice between Malcolm Turnbull: Liberal and George Newhouse: ALP. While Turnbull has literally been grovelling to the pink vote, making sure that he has been in the gay media for most of the year. Advertising expensive adds in gay media. And articles parroting that he has always been pro gay, would always support gay marriage and all pro gay anti discrimination including in the Church. Many of his campaign managers including Shane Mallard, a Gay Liberal member of the Sydney City Council insist that the Liberals are more gay than the ALP. I have interviews on my saintfletcher YouTube channel which shows this quite clearly.
Meanwhile, George Newhouse is being criticized for not groveling to the gay vote enough. He stutters in claiming that we can assume his support for his gay voters and takes a general policy view on issues. He does confess that he would follow Tanya Plibersek on whatever she does but not on his own initiative. Newhouse is spending most time and money on the Jewish Russian vote in the Seat of Wentworth. Many hours and money are spent on cinema advertising and we assume, MySpace or YouTube spoken in Russian. This has still not been released or uploaded. Even Bob Hawke had to speak Russian. Who is conservative? This is in, supposedly, the pink triangle of the gay vote in Australia. On YouTube, The Greens candidate: Susan, Jarmerson, invests her whole argument that if we don't vote for her, the wedge tail eagles in Tasmania will die. So "they can't wait" for your vote. Seriously. Posted by saintfletcher, Sunday, 18 November 2007 12:03:49 AM
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The author of this article claims that homosexual couples are moving into the "mortgage belt", finding acceptance, and are leading pretty normal lives.
The claim that they are becoming suburbanites could be true, for all I know. But my critical analysis and skepticism circuit is sounding a warning bell, and I prefer to wait for more data on that one. However, in Sydney the suburb of Darlighurst is a noted poofta area which also boasts Australia's highest rate of cocaine arrests. It was also the electorate with then highest proportion of voters agreeing with the concept that Australia should become a republic. As for acceptance, that is probably true. Homosexual people are noted for their high levels of creative intelligence and they are especially prominent in the arts and media. Smart people tend to be successful people, and in our society, succesful people have money. Therefore, the "acceptance" that homosexuals are claiming where pubs are flying "rainbow flags" is simply a product of the fact that business people like people with money to spend. Politically, pooftas tend to be overwhelmingly left wing, probably because they see themselves as a persecuted minority, so they will always go into bat for any other "persecuted" minority, as well as always attacking the socially accepted conventions of "straight" society. What is interesting about the "gay vote", is that in Europe, the poofs are turning more right wing. However much pooftas despise white European society, they have come to realise that the importation of homosexual hating Muslims is not in their interests, for two reasons. The first, is that none of them relish being stoned to death. The second, is that creative people tend to demand intellectual freedom and also demand that all censorship be abolished, as they consider censorship to be a threat to their livelihood. That Muslim people do not believe in such concepts was highlighted by the Salmon Rushdie affair, and the Danish cartoons lampooning Islam. Posted by redneck, Sunday, 18 November 2007 4:31:50 AM
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Redneck, you are such a silly poofter. You know that Liberal Party: William Street headquarters in Sydney is run by poofters and fag hags. Ask anyone who works there. Liberal Sydney gay Councilor, Shane Mallard jokes about this. Also, the snorting sessions in the toilets, where the cacaine helps giving them energy. That is well known. The toilet near former State opposition leader: John Brogden, sometimes had bags of cocaine carelessly left there in the toilets from where they forgot to collect the surplus.
Silly poofters. Look at John Howard with his silly poofter track suit when he walks in the morning. His silly poofter comments which are so lame. Then there is Alexander downer, the evil queen of silly pooftery in the Liberal party. I bet she has a good time in Asian conferences. We all know that former Deputy PM Doug Anthony did. You don't catch HepB from fried rice, you get it from kissing the wrong end of young Asian boys. So it is all not what it seems, is it? Bloody poofters! They already run the country, and you are worried about the ALP? Posted by saintfletcher, Sunday, 18 November 2007 10:40:08 AM
-Stating that posters who say they're not gay must be homophobes: 22 words.
-Claiming old white conservatives (who run the world) are the real victims: 46 words.
-Launching a bitter empty spray against posting nicknames: 7 words.
-Saying you look forward to the rise of fundamentalist christianity or Islam, simply for the sake of revenge against liberals (now that's some hardcore bitterness): 50 words.
Making a fool of yourself by saying nothing relevant to the topic at hand?: Priceless.
R0bert said it very well. It's not about promoting homosexuality, this appears to be the bit the diehard conservatives find hard to accept. It's about letting them be and realising it's their business, not yours.
And Merry, don't worry - if fundamentalist Christians are so worried about alleged health problems associated with a homosexual or promiscuous lifestyle, then surely the chaste no-sex-before-marriage christians will be spared and it's just those rascally heathens who will be affected, so really, you should be encouraging it.