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Postmodern humans or robotic automatons? : Comments

By Jose Zepeda, published 9/11/2007

There are global forces trying to establish a monoculture, making us part of the 'sameness', rendering us automatons.

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“Why is it that the life of a United States citizen, when it comes to health or safety, is considered more valuable than the lives of those who live in rural, remote or poor regions of the planet? Why are many invisible and irrelevant?”

What a daft question! Of course the life of a US citizen is more important than someone that citizen doesn’t know. This author seems to be suggesting that people who live in other places other than the U.S. spend a lot of time worrying about what goes on in the U.S., and how its’ citizens are faring.

It’s the same old: ‘rich” white man bad, black poor man good syndrome we are used to getting from these do-gooders, which, of course, always leads to apologies and rationalising on behalf of terrorists.

Political leaders in small nations are not ‘becoming irrelevant’, and it is extremist, scare-mongering to suggest otherwise. So too is the nonsense of the author’s claim of: “….forces trying to establish the domination of a monoculture, in order for us to be part of the "sameness", automatons in service of those few who think they are mini gods.”

The pushers of a multicultural society are the real villains, as are meddling religionists like this Catholic. Catholics seem to be trying to outdo Islam these days in their ignorant belief that their religion – and not secularism - can combat Islam.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 9 November 2007 9:31:24 AM
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Speaking of the imposition of mono-culture, and via the barrel of a gun or the point of a sword, wasnt the catholic church the original progenitor of global mono-culture with its only one way/"truth"/revelation for all of humankind.

Such being the inevitable result when the church was coopted by the Roman state and thus became an integral part of the western imperial project and its drive to total power and control.

And lets keep in mind that there are a significant number of mainly right wing christians, both catholic and protestant, who are acting on the world stage with the intention of converting every human being on the planet to the "one true faith"--- "christianising" the entire planet.

That chap in Rome,the one that wears the funny hats and likes dressing up, is on record, both implicitly and explicitly as supporting this MONOCULTURAL endeavour---as was his predecessor--- via the declaration that the roman church is the only source of "truth". All other ways being inherently false and full of "relativistic" errors.

Wasnt his installation, and the funeral of his predecessor a celebration of western imperial power? It was certainly promoted as such by influential right wing catholics.

And you dont really think that "jesus" would have been invited or even welcome at such an obscene celebration of imperial power. Or that he would have been found anywhere such an event.
Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 9 November 2007 9:35:42 AM
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Putting the religious aspect to this article to the side, the monoculture is with us and will become even more mono.

All cultures throughout the world are moving towards sameness. Americans have been protesting about Wal-marts, McDonalds and Starbucks bringing sameness to the towns. We have it here. Westfields dominate the CBDs of suburbs and they all look the same. The shopping mall has become a place for people to walk around and feel the ambiance as much as to shop.

The media is even a bigger force for sameness. We are conditioned to have the same likes. Without the media, a sporting event would be limited to players and their friends rather than most of nation becoming involved in the game. The lives of celebrities we do not know and the daily newscasts of events which have no relevance to our lives occupies a lot of the average person’s mind-space.

No point in complaining. That is the way it is.
Posted by healthwatcher, Friday, 9 November 2007 10:12:00 AM
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Leigh - I challenge you to read your post and tell me that attitude is capable of improving the world.

In fact, it can only make the situation static or worse, so even if you're right you've got nothing to offer, so I'd rather accept anything but that.

You say that of course the life of the US citizen is more important than someone that person doesn't know.
The thing is here Leigh, Americans don't know every other American, but when something happens to any American - even if they don't know them - it's seen as more important.
What the author is getting at, is that it's so easy to turn a blind eye to what happens to people on another side of the planet.

You say: "Political leaders in small nations are not ‘becoming irrelevant’, and it is extremist, scare-mongering to suggest otherwise."

No, this is foolish and it's not scare mongering.
Of course they are. Can you seriously tell me, that with the rise of globalisation and an intertwined economy, the leader of some pacific island nation has as much influence on the direction if his country, as trade conditions are increasingly governed by international agreements for which they haven't been a party?

"The pushers of a multicultural society are the real villains"

No again. The real villains are the ones who pretend its okay to ignore the plight of your fellow man just because they're far away or different.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 9 November 2007 10:22:04 AM
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HoHum doesn't know what he/she is talking about. What's that about sacrcasm being the lowest form of wit! Historically, the Catholic church is made up of many cultures.....they're called "rites"......if the Catholic Church was truly monocultural it would only consist of one rite, the Latin Rite, but it doesn't. It is, in fact, multicultural.
Posted by Francis, Friday, 9 November 2007 11:30:38 AM
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there was a time I would have sided with the protectors of the 'American way of life' and accused you of blaming the victim for the actions of the terrorists on 9/11.

However the last few years has seen a change in thinking. While never condoning the terrorists and actually believing they individually acted solely out of hated for our western values I have come to believe the problem of mid eastern terrorism has, in our modern world, a much broader cause than mere religious fanatism or material envy.

Yep I have come to similar conclusions to yourself but we diverge in our practicality. You point to our shortcomings in applying or fostering 'peace, harmony, love, respect, difference and diversity'. While I agree to some degree, I've sat back and asked what prevents the vast majority of mid eastern people from applying the same and in many cases why is there such an acceptance and widespread support for terror against the west?

I've come to conclusion the vast majority of mid eastern people take there view of the west from the provocative actions of the state of Israel.

I have asked the same questions as you and have found my answer.

I now actively promote peace and justice in the question of a secure Palestinian state and a secure Israel. I have received much criticism and outright abuse for suggesting both the Israeli's and the Palestinians promote the values you champion. I might add I've never received any abuse from any Palestinian nor Arab...only from Christians and pro Israeli elements.

There too you might find an answer. Dare to promote your values positively and suggest just answers in that particular region and you will soon come to undestand why the west is scorned for it's inequity and hyprocrisy and why there isn't widespread support for the positive application, toward for the west, of the values you espouse.
Posted by keith, Saturday, 10 November 2007 5:02:47 PM
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Finally...HO-HUM 'gets it' :)



THIS: >>Such being the inevitable result when the church was coopted by the Roman state and thus became an integral part of the western imperial project and its drive to total power and control.<<

At last HoHum recognizes that the corruption of the Church was caused by...THE STATE......

Now all you have to do old son, is look to the period PRIOR to Constantine, 300 or so years..and ask "How was the Church different then?" and then you might ask, "On what foundation did it rely?" and of course, you would discover 'Christ and the Gospel' is the answer.

At this point.... you are so close to the kingdom it isn't funny, because you have already recognized the falsehood of a major barrier to belief.. "the corrupt church" (cause by the state) and now.. you can see clearly the truth of the Gospels.

POSTMODERN AUTOMATONS will fade and die because they have no spiritual substance. Suddenly one day they will wake up and realize "we have nothing" of an enduring nature. Postmodernism is just a synonym for the collapse of Western civilization.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 10 November 2007 8:05:43 PM
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