The Forum > Article Comments > Latin America: Pilger goes Latino > Comments
Latin America: Pilger goes Latino : Comments
By Rodrigo Acuña, published 1/10/2007In 'The War on Democracy' journalist John Pilger aims to expose Washington's foreign policy in Latin America, and does not pull any punches.
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Posted by Jacks, Monday, 1 October 2007 10:04:26 PM
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"The nations of Hispanic America refuse birth control, overpopulate and expect the US to accept the surplus as illegal immigrants."
Err hang on! Thats the good old Italian, European, Catholic Church in action, doing its damdest politically to deny them even the use of condoms. You won't get a ticket to heaven if you use modern birth control, according to them. Only last week a Catholic archbishop in Africa was spreading the rumour that condoms are in fact laced with HIV, to decrease the population. The West has alot to answer for, this is just yet another one. Even George Bush can't get his mind around modern family planning, despite the fact that his hundreds of millions of $ of preaching abstinence have been a dismal failure. Posted by Yabby, Monday, 1 October 2007 10:57:25 PM
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Please see miacats post on Fiona Armstrongs article; "Only fundamental reform can save our health system" elsewhere on OLO forum.
Candoo Development Corporation Ltd is a tiny non-government community policy driven organisation that operates with a ‘can do’ spirit out of Cooktown Cape York. Candoo’s role is to stimulate policy areas in community development and to host, partner, participate and or support projects that encourage community, business and government network groups working together, at regional community levels. We pay for our corporation fees.. Given “accountability” in public is a critical issue, we have reframed from dealing with a financial framework until the resources and criteria necessary to receive investments meets the criteria of our own capacity and goals. Our reasons for this approach is about practical issues that hinder the development of NGO’s in isolated, spatial rural areas. Candoo’s focus is to high light a local agenda on issues of socio-economic civic community need. Presently ASIC is trying to deregister Candoo (NGO) because we can not afford to pay for a corporate audit that would cost an estimated $1000. After threats of court and dialogue, Candoo almost submitted to ASIC’s request to deregister as a corporation. ASIC claims are that without a corporation audit, we have failed out obligation to remain viable as a corporation. Please see - The audit ASIC wants however does not apply to Candoo’s present circumstance. An audit is unnecessary because Candoo, due to environmental socio-economic circumstances, operates on a zero revenue budget. All work done by Candoo is micro-enterprise based, and concentrates on the value of human inputs for which there is no immediate fee or charge. I.e., local media letters and notices, helping people in difficulties and advocating for Crime Prevention and Mental Health as well as other intangible socio-economic tasks. We would like to be better integrated with the government’s financial system. We have found government over the years difficult to do business with. We have made ample costly attempts to communicate but have been nullified by the lack of formal response, or opportunity to engage productively our inter-government-departments. . Posted by miacat, Monday, 1 October 2007 11:03:25 PM
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Boazy: "If Pilger said 'And now.. I call on these parties to REPENT... and obey the Law of God Almighty'..."
...then we'd all know that he'd completely lost his marbles and no longer had anything rational to say. Fortunately, however, he continues to produce polemical books and documentaries that alert us to the excesses of the neocons. His style is a bit boringly tendentious for me, but he performs a useful function in bringing to light some of the appalling and covert acts perpetrated by latter-day Western imperialists to extend and reinforce their world hegemony. We need more Pilgers and less preachers, I reckon. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 8:11:17 AM
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CJ.. my major problem with PILGER is that he ONLY attacks the West and NeoCons.. it would appear.. I lost interest in his book (the one I started reading) when it became apparent that this was the case.
He had NOTHING negative to say about Socialist Totalitarian regimes that I can recall.. but I might be wrong there... If he did.. he would have connected it SOMEhow to the Neocons and ended up blaming them :) Here endeth the lesson. No..if Pilger called on ALL people to 'repent' he would at last have some credibility and balance. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 10:49:00 AM
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It's interesting that when people disagree with commentators such as Pilger, they spend most of their time attacking their personal background or motives and seem to overlook the substance of what has actually been said.
If you want to discredit his opinion, the best way would be to identify some specific factual errors. Like the strategy used by politicians and shock-jocks says - "if you don't have the facts on your side, argue the Law. If you don't have the Law, argue the facts. If you don't have the facts or the Law on your side, call the other person names". So true. Perhaps a darker shade of rose-coloured glasses to look at history through will fix most of the critics. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 10:57:49 AM
In terms of improving the life expectancy and decreasing the infant mortality rate of its citizens, guess which country has shown most improvement over the last 50 years? Chile. Did John Pilger tell everyone that?
Jack Sturgess