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The Enlightenment? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 1/10/2007We need deconstruction of the Enlightenment narrative to reveal what it is: a consistent polemic against the Church.
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I must say that you writing is sort of growing on me. I still disagree with some of your basic assumptions (and the conclusions you draw from them), but your work makes me think about and question my own assumptions – and what more could I ask, really?
Now, I’m certainly not qualified in theology, philosophy, or history (although I’m an enthusiastic amateur in all three areas), so I feel a bit out of depth in this discussion. However, I thought I might mention a book I’ve just finished reading, which I think relates to your piece about the enlightenment and secularisation. Its called “The death of Christian Britain” by Callum Brown. The book suggests that contrary to the common idea that religion has been in steady decline since the Enlightenment, in fact public religiosity remained remarkably strong right through to the 1950s. It was sometime in the 1960s that religion went into a sudden decline in Britain (and he mentions in passing that similar trends are evident in other nations such as Australia).
Brown deploys an impressive array of evidence to support his hypothesis (at least it impressed the hell out of this bumbling amateur), and although I found the book heavy going, there’s some good stuff buried amongst the “cultural studies” jargon.
I just thought that if you haven’t come across this book already, you might find it interesting.