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Same-sex equality a basic Liberal ideal : Comments

By Tim Wilson, published 24/9/2007

Prime Minister John Howard has opposed any reforms to remove discrimination against same-sex couples.

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ruawake: "Equal treatment under our laws. Another reason why religious nutters should not impact on our legislation."

Boazy: "'Same Sex Couples' has just as much 'dignity' as a man in love with and sexually gratifying himself with a dog or a sheep.

Call me any name you like, but don't call me a man without conviction."

I'll just call you a religious nutter, and a hateful one at that. Just as well you're only an anonymous goose that nobody with any sense takes seriously. Your "conviction" might be worthy of some small respect if it wasn't so completely eclipsed by your moral cowardice.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 6:45:04 AM
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CJ.... In a democracy, I totally welcome your description.. but it's rather "hateful".

It never ceases to amaze me how those decrying 'hateful' in others.. manifest it themselves..and with a degree of refinement which would qualify them as a master of rhetoric.

You COULD have said "Strongly disagree with" which is the democratic method..and also the ONLY acceptable 'tone'...

But no.. you have to go this far:


i.e.. you turned an issue of social concern into a personal attack on me... :) but it's ok.. keep it up if you like.. by the way.. seeing as you have all those thousands of posts of mine printed out and pasted all over the walls of the 'little room' that only 'you' get access to there at your place.. (with the good bits highlighted of course) you might like to remind me of any personal attack I've made on YOU... (no.. the BB one is not admissable..that was in response to his own malicious attack on another person)

Why does 'disagree' always have to translate to 'hate' in the mind of folks like you ? man.. glad ur not in power... I'm rather feeling the hot and heavy breathing of a large male lion with a rather fixated gaze at my head... at the MCG... where blessed friendly people such as your kind self have just thrown the 'disagreers' for the pleasure of a public spectacle.

At least in my case.. I can say "This is how the Almighty feels about the issue". You can say "Hmm.. I think its a good idea"......I wonder what 'tomorrows' idea will be..... age of consent?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 12:22:20 PM
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Boazy, I think that when you equate same sex relationships with bestiality, any reasonable person would regard that as a hateful statement. When you claim to base your extreme homophobia on your knowledge of "how the Almighty feels about the issue", then that places you firmly in the religious nutter camp, I'm afraid.

As for printing any of your drivel out, I can assure you that reading it online is bad enough, without wasting ink and paper on it.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 1:45:26 PM
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Boaz. "Same Sex couples has just as much 'dignity' as a man in love with and sexually gratifying himself with a dog or a sheep".

Now that is a hateful comment.

Your social ignorance and contemptible attitude towards fellow humanbeings, indicates your own lack of morality!
Posted by Kipp, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 1:55:52 PM
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A physician writes
'The list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse is alarming:

Anal Cancer,Chlamydia trachomatis.Cryptosporidium.Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus Human immunodeficiency virus,Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli. Microsporidia Gonorrhea, Viral hepatitis types B & C

I wonder who really are those who 'hate' the family unit. They are prepared to hold to their dogmas and lusts despite the compelling evidence of damage caused by the promotion of this unnatural practice.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 2:45:58 PM
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Ok it seems to me that there are two groups, both of whom are unlikely to be persuaded by the opposite's opinion.

Some of the language on these postings is disappointing. For those complaining about "hate", perhaps not posting with hate first place is a good way to avoid it coming back at you.

Suggesting that same-sex couples have the comporable dignity of a man or woman gratifying themselves with a dog or a sheep is just silly. Such comments do not warrant a response. I am quite sure any reasonable person on either side of this debate would look at such statements and give them no due consideration. In fact opponents of Governments recognising same-sex relationships should be the ones standing up and pointing out the stupidity of such statements. Failure to do so ensures that they are tarred with the statements of the same brush if they don't.

The suggestion that legalising same-sex relationships opens the door for legalising adult-child relations also lacks any credibility. There is a clear difference - it is based on consent and a recognition of a consensual decision made by a mature mind that understands the consequences of the action. It is ridiculous to suggest a child has the mental maturity to make a decision to have sexual relations with an adult. It bears no comparison to people in same-sex relationships. Two men, or two women, in a relationship of up to a lifetime has a much better understanding of the consequences of their consensual relationship. I recognise that some people disagree because they are not recognising the religious consequences, but that comes down to personal values. There is also the possibilty that they do understand it, but don't care. Again, a personal decision.

I don't sympathise at all with a lot of the postings on this site for those who oppose same-sex relationships, but those individuals are entitled to their view. Even if I really, really don't like their view.

We live in a free society and means freedom for everyone.

Play nice.

Tim Wilson
Research Fellow
Institute of Public Affairs
Posted by Tim Wilson, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 2:55:23 PM
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