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The Forum > Article Comments > As the world meets in Sydney will it remember Tibet? > Comments

As the world meets in Sydney will it remember Tibet? : Comments

By Lara Damiani, published 6/9/2007

Tibet today continues to be an oppressed nation with no freedom of speech and massive environmental devastation.

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How much and where do i sign?
Posted by Realist, Thursday, 6 September 2007 2:31:34 PM
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Unless you plan on defeating China militarily..... don't hold out too much hope for Tibet.

While the world consummmmmmmes cheap and nasty and often poisonous Chinese mass produced consumer goods..... and feeds it's military industrial complex.. and fuels its 'one party' government.......

Tibet has about as much chance as a snowflake in the hottest part of hell.

We are witnessing in Tibet, what WE are sadly the beneficiaries of in Australia..the disposession of an indigenous people and the exploitation of the resources once theirs.

There might be another way to bring China to it's knees though.. more 'they are poisoning us' campaigns against their toys and consumer goods... that might have some impact.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 6 September 2007 4:40:26 PM
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I would tend to agree - the world is hyped up about interest rates and building booms and security lock downs to be overtly concerned with a far away place of little significance.

Having said that I did hear George Bush mention that he will be bring up the matter of HHDL with the Chinese Premier at OPEC. Well, its something.

I have a feeling that somehow the whole Tibetan issue will come back at some stage to haunt the Chinese. It is interesting to note how the Chinese are attacking Japan for their 'war time atrocities' and demanding apologies and that the Japanese PM not visit certain shrines. Perhaps the Chinese should also be reminded of their inglorious history.

If I can help with the doco I will but being a pensioner, sorry, no have money.
Posted by wayseer, Thursday, 6 September 2007 6:24:00 PM
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Don't always agree with you Boaz, but certainly do on this one.

It was the father of Laizess-faire, Adam Smith who remarked, that though trade amd competition are good for the Wealth of Nations, it is so unfortunate that they are complicated by human greed.

Neither has free market globalisation brought us any closer to our so-called dinkum Christian values, indeed just this morning when a bearded youth asked Alexander Downer would there be any questions asked of the Chinese President concerning the present plight of the Tibetans?

As the bearded youth was obviously one of the Looney Left who will probably later get arrested, it should leave us hypocritally in a pretty pickle?
Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 6 September 2007 7:07:48 PM
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Thanx Bushbred...

Wayseer... further to your comment.. ('s apec too not opec :)..what we see in the Chinese attacking Japan that way is what I describe as 'carpark politics'... people always percieve others in terms of their own world view. Its ok for US to downtread those we seek to exploit or repress but NO WAY is it ok for others to do the same to us! seems to be the view of most nation states.

If we look at most human conflict we can see this kind of psychology at work. It is most revealed at present in the Israeli/Palestinian squabble. Each looks at history from a different point in order to gain the most credibility for their case. The Jews.. look to AD70 when the Romans exiled them... the Palestinians look to 1948 when the Jews proclaimed the state of Israel. Those Arabs don't think much though of them being the beneficiries of Muslim/Arab conquests of Israel over the Romans in the 7th century.. nope.. that was 'ok' for them.. and now that they are on the receiving end.. "OOOOOh no..its NOT ok now...because now WE are getting what our ancestors 'gave' to the Jews"

One might say "Woe is us"... but I prefer to say "The Kingdom of God is not 'of' this world" :) and in the midst of all this, those who know Christ will be in good fellowship one with another by and large and living in transcendence of the actual conflict.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 7 September 2007 8:52:00 AM
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if the world can't notice iraq, palestine, darfur, or, well- it's an endless list. at least the han are less ruthless, less brutal, than the idf or the usmc.
Posted by DEMOS, Friday, 7 September 2007 9:38:19 AM
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Thanks fellow OLO's for your understanding, but as my sentiments did really come from what I have learnt in the Humanities during my retirement from the farm, an important part of which more recently has been The Changing Global Political Economy, do feel that as Adam Smith warned about progress and the human greed that goes with competition.

In today,s corporate cultural light, little people's like the Tibetans are being less protected than ever, as today's fast darkly closed modern cars can leave people in trouble well behind on the roadsides.

Regards - BB, WA.
Posted by bushbred, Friday, 7 September 2007 12:12:41 PM
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