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Legitimising white supremacy : Comments

By Irene Watson, published 28/8/2007

The belief in European supremacy legitimised the violent theft of all things Aboriginal.

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"Aboriginals didn't need "warrior Classes""

So, you're admitting they didn't have them.
If so, that means they didn't have "territory".

Every other people in the history of the world that has believed in territory has had warriors.

The "more familiar old world mould" applied to the Sambal, Dani, Sioux, Marathas, Mongols, Scythians, Zulu, Aztecs, Chekavar, Nihang, Haida, Vikings, Samurai, Celts, Spartans, Maasai, Cossacks, Yanomami, Caribs, Tuareg, Rajputs, Pashtuns, Maori, Goths, Kshatriya, Jurchen, you name it.

Not old world.
*All* world.

Territory, tick.
Warriors to protect it, tick.

Did none of these peoples live in harmony with their environment?
Did none of them trade or intermarry with neighbours?

Of course they did, but they also fought wars.
With warriors.

The Kalkadoon?

Yes, trot out the *one and only* example of a warlike Aboriginal tribe.

Guess what happened at Battle Mountain?
They *lost*!

If a tribe loses the war defending their territory, guess what?
It's *no longer* their territory.
It's the victor's.

"Native title" absurdly states that despite the Kalkadoon losing the war, apparently the territory is *still theirs*!!

No people in the history of the world would accept this absurdity.
You lose the war, you lose your territory.
Full stop.

Conan the Barbarian would commit hari-kari before accepting native title.

"I spit on your native title" says Conan, as his sword slices through his belly.
"I die with honour!"
Posted by Shockadelic, Saturday, 10 November 2007 6:35:58 AM
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"Native title" absurdly states that despite the Kalkadoon losing the war, apparently the territory is *still theirs*!!

No people in the history of the world would accept this absurdity.” – absurdity?

It is a logic of still existing British feudal mentality well sustaining so-called “democratic independent jurisdiction” in Australia.
Posted by MichaelK., Saturday, 10 November 2007 3:01:18 PM
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michael k,
Unless there's a Treaty like the Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand ,[mid 1800's] ,it's still Aboriginal land , never conceded !!. .

Its not rocket science .

Your unfortunate attitude [for Australia ] is typical ignorant, white supremacist .
Posted by kartiya jim, Thursday, 15 November 2007 9:17:53 PM
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Was Genghis Khan a white supremacist?
Shaka Zulu?

Territorial ownership by conquest isn't a "white" concept.

Treaties were common in European colonies.
Why didn't this happen in Australia?

Because it was *impossible*.

There was no *central authority*, just hundreds of scattered nomadic tribes with different languages.
Even today, we couldn't get a consensus.

A treaty is law.
You create laws to create outcomes.
You don't create laws just to make people *feel better*.

The truth hurts.
I'm a bitch.
Tough luck.

A treaty will not alter the fact it's the *colonial* culture which controls the government, economy, law, etc.

A treaty won't change events that have already occurred, or affect people already deceased.

What do you want?

Reserved seats in parliament?
A little against the egalitarian grain, eh?

Within the same geographical territory or separate?

A separate nation could just be invaded *again*!
(By Indonesia)

A nation within a nation would create confusion, not clarification, over *whose* laws apply to *which* Aboriginals.

We've already seen the fiasco of ATSIC.
Do you really think *hundreds* of tribes could sustain a functional government that would provide a *better outcome* (not feel good symbolism) than the existing system?

Reparations and compensation?
For events that happened hundreds of years before you were born?

How *much* money is enough?
A billion? A trillion?

A billion trillion zillion?

*Who* gets paid, how is it *distributed*?

Is it a singular payment, or continuous like a royalty (no pun intended)?

If singular, then only Aboriginals alive *today* will benefit, not those living 50, 500 or 5000 years from now.

If continuous, *how long* must it go on?
200 years? 1000? 40,000? Forever?

It's easy to just shout "treaty", but the devil is in the detail.
And I don't think *everybody* is ever going to agree on "the detail".

If you want education, healthcare, jobs, etc, then argue for *that*, not some magic piece of paper.

If you want to maintain traditions, this is a liberal society.
You don't need a treaty to have a corroboree or play a didgeridoo.
You can do that *right now*!
Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 16 November 2007 9:52:25 AM
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Corroboree tonight! 7pm.
BYO didgeridoo!
No treaties required!
Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 16 November 2007 11:49:50 AM
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It is impossible to legitimise white suprememacy nobody can defend the indefenceable those of you who try are merely bigoted racists.
Posted by SHONGA, Friday, 16 November 2007 11:55:13 AM
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