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Intervention spinning out of control : Comments
By Graham Ring, published 6/8/2007Indigenous communities' anxiety about the 'intervention' could be dispelled by the provision of clear, detailed information.
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Posted by Dan Fitzpatrick, Monday, 6 August 2007 11:38:01 AM
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The NT Government has been as bad as the federal government on this issue. However I'm interested in your reaction to the closure of the CDEP. A move which seems to have been made with the express purpose of moving people onto welfare in order for the government to control their income at the expense of the success such as Ross River. Posted by James Purser, Monday, 6 August 2007 11:54:09 AM
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Federal Abuse dims Hopefulness towards any real Liberal change.
We achieve a shock per day from Howards top down economic antic's based on exclusiveness. (Seeds for more displacement, disposition, social alienation, invisibility and inconspicuous degrees of social drift.) To move forward, Australians Need to Start Working together. Our Life Quality and Basic Needs have become a heartless election competition. Our citizenship is being sabbataged by a transparent dysfunctional grab to retain one persons statesmanhood and power. A 17th Century power that is as archaic as the outmoded administration and crumbling infrastructure it seeks to control. What divides Australians today is the two leaderships of our main Federal parties. (This gloves crossed, could be GOOD!) I find Broughs dauntless proposals unthoughtfully rash, heroic and utterly neglectful. His apparent or perhaps genuine personal concern is lost in a river of unwholesome spin which smutters the causal truth behind problems of POOR GROUND RESOURCE INFRUSTRCUTURE Indigenous Communities are left without proper community service provisions (Alma Ata Descripter 1 + 3) education, housing, opportunity which include (micro-market) new-skills enterprise trainng. Left without adequate support Indigenous families suffer from unemployment and poverty as do other populations up against this sort of chaos in Africa. In this developed country it is a Structural and Social Abuse. . Posted by miacat, Monday, 6 August 2007 1:40:39 PM
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So Dan, what is your claim to fame other than being a rent boy for the Labor party?
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 6 August 2007 9:39:13 PM
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Thanks for your on the ground reporting. At least Mal has John Howard'd "ten's of millions" up to 500 million dollars for the first year . Interestingly the new legislation evidently has any new improvements in Communities owned by the Federal Government - what does this mean ? Few people have seen or will see what is in the the Legislation - this is not good for Democracy in Australia and NO Senate scrutiny allowed ! Howard and his Indigenous Policies bureaucrats have an incredible capacity to put so many moderate Australians offside with their thoughtless and insensitive implimentation of policy - good or bad . What would the NT Government have produced for it's Indigenous Population if it had been given this level of support to put into practice the Recomendations of the official Report on Child abuse. The Authors of the Report are very upset and angry with Howard's kneejerk politically driven response.[ABC TV -7.30 Report, 6-8-07]. Posted by kartiya jim, Monday, 6 August 2007 10:30:23 PM
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It includes froth such as the glib statement “the quality and effectiveness of policing is much more important than increased numbers of police on the ground".
This sentiment might appeal to Ringy, who lives in the over-staffed Alice police precinct.
More convincing would be Ringy's acknowledgement that before Brough's intervention only 12% of remote communities had any resident sworn police.
You don't get much policing effectiveness if police aren't present.
Presumably even Ringy would concede that, were it to occur to him.
Since Brough's intervention the number of communities with police has doubled, and pressure on the NTG to maintain the presence has strengthened.
Perhaps Ring should critique the NTG's performance, rather than reiterating the NTCAO's banalities.
But no. Mr Ring continues his established habit of sucking up to influential Aboriginal bureaucrats such as Pat Turner at every opportunity by dubbing their product as 'thoughtful', no matter what its mediocrity and policy deficiencies might be.
Ringy also excels at grand patronising complimentary gestures, best exemplified here by the ingratiating homily 'Aboriginal people are not stupid. They never have been.'
To help Graham along, he could consider these fairly obvious answers to his questions:
Q: How will community councils operate alongside government business managers?
A: In much the same way that community councils relate to the managers of Commonwealth Departments in the past; only now they will have much easier access.
Q: What is the process for deciding that a town camp is in breach of its lease and who will make this decision?
A: The public servants who check compliance with lease covenants could do their normal work, and make recommendations through the normal channels.
Q: Who will decide whether a given absence from school constitutes one of the “three strikes” which will see a parent's welfare payments further quarantined?
A: The public servants designated under legislation or via administrative arrangements would do their jobs here as well.
There, that wasn't so difficult for you to understand was it Ringy?