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Sexism in politics, or just politics? : Comments

By Jocelynne Scutt, published 29/5/2007

Heffernan, then Hockey and now Rudd and Rein: is it simply just politics, with sexism being a great big fat red herring?

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Feminism is sexism, by it's very definition. Women have long since reached their goal of equality. Now there is little left for feminists to do but assail masculinity to validate their careers and selves. I can think of one or two areas where women are not equal, but it does not favour the feminist cause to be on equal ground to men, so you will never hear about it and certainly no feminists cry for equality there, that I have seen.

As for the coverage in the media and so on, that's symptomatic of having a media that acts as entertainer. What motive is there for the media when people buy into this? If Australians are more interested in stuff like Big Brother, then they will have an absolute allergy to the "boring" politicians. I long since stopped paying money to newspapers, but seeing as most Australians don't care, it won't change. You can't put trust into editorial leadership because they may have their own agenda (for example, aid the distraction of Heffernan), and/or have a motive to sell newspapers at the expense of actual news. Regardless, I doubt whether the distraction was positive for the government. Comments like that are unprofessional and offend people, so extra coverage may have hurt them more.
Posted by Steel, Tuesday, 29 May 2007 10:56:47 PM
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Something nothing. When i saw the author on a tv quiz show she confirmed that she is a real twit.When i first started reading history i thought that Lenin and Stalin were aberrations but i see tendencies and show trials amongst particularly lefties, particularly lesbian feminists that indicate the two go together. At least you can trust greed, predict greed, but who wants to vote for Howard?
Posted by citizen, Tuesday, 29 May 2007 11:34:49 PM
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Frankgol writes 'But it’s not OK to criticize Mr Howard because he is short or of a certain age'

I take it you disapprove of the 7.30 report and certain cartoonist who depict Mr Howard's appearance in a negative light. Or is it only when your own favourite pollies are attacked that it matters. You are living dreamland if you can't see that men are often stereo typed by woman politicians. It is all part of the game. No amount of legislation will stop this thing happening. I was wondering if you agree with the Victorian Governments decision to allow male homosexuals rights to exclude all others including lesbians from a bar in Melbourne? I would see this as sexism at its worse by your own standards.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 12:05:27 AM
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I’m not aware that the 7.30 Report criticised Mr Howard’s appearance. If they did, that’s unacceptable. They should be focusing on his politics. You’ll have to tell me more.

As for cartoonists, the medium constrains the artist to pick a physical feature that is immediately recognisable to readers – short stature, long nose, obesity, etc - otherwise they’d need to use photos. I agree that cartoons often appear cruel, but I focus on the caption and the underlying concept more than the drawing. In my experience, the majority of cartoons have a shot at the government in power. Keating, Hawke, Whitlam and Fraser were mercilessly lampooned just as Howard is now.

You say that “that men are often stereo typed by woman politicians”. I’m racking my brain to remember some examples. Perhaps you can provide some?

I’m comfortable with VCAT’s (not the Government’s) decision granting an exemption to a hotel in Collingwood because I understand the rationale and know that due process was followed.

All States and the Commonwealth have equal opportunity laws that allow ‘special measures’ rulings. Special measures are based on the principle that equality and non-discrimination don’t require identical treatment or the rejection of difference. To treat all people, regardless of differences, in exactly the same way can simply serve to continue the systemic discrimination faced by some groups e.g. female students in engineering courses.

Exceptions sometimes relate to public health and risk to others. In the Collinwood case, the ruling gives the hotel the right to refuse entry to people considered a threat to the safety and comfort of its homosexual patrons. VCAT took into account the object of the legislation - to improve equal opportunity which includes homosexual men’s right to relax without threat and actual violence.

At the Federal level HREOC allowed a 'special measure' to the Curtain Springs Roadhouse (NT) to restrict sales of alcohol to some Aboriginal people. This was after the Pitjantjajara Council approached HREOC to seek assistance in dealing with the escalating problem of alcohol abuse within its community. Discrimination was allowed in the interests of a greater good.
Posted by FrankGol, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 2:03:00 PM
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Gender feminism was always a joke and it comes as no surprise that hacks are well represented among women journalists too.

But wait, was it all a plot by patriarchical editors to let feminist journos have their heads and embarrass themselves, thereby sealing the eventual doom of feminism?

The political 'isms' like feminism have become jaded by time and by the excesses and silliness of some of the adherents.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 10:43:04 PM
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Do you include anti-feminism on your list of 'isms' that, as you say, 'have become jaded by time and by the excesses and silliness of some of the adherents'?

And conservatism? Would that be another on your list? And male chauvinism?
Posted by FrankGol, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 11:18:22 PM
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