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Turning a blind eye - hypocrisy over Sudan : Comments

By Manny Waks, published 16/5/2007

Why do human rights activists invest their precious time prosecuting the only democracy in the Middle East while ignoring the horrors of Darfur?

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Somehow I don't think the US and its allies invasion of Iraq is a particularly good model for liberation. The destruction of the Ba'athist regime there has given free rein to Islamic extremists who hate each other and the occupying forces. And by removing Saddam Hussein, the occupiers of Iraq also removed one of fundamentalist Iran's greatest enemies. Way to go.

I think non-Arab Muslims would find the idea of their religion being described as "spiritual hegemony" quite offensive. Are non-Italian Catholics suffering from "spiritual hegemony"? Are Pacific Islanders subject to "Christian hegemony"? The reason Islam took off in places like the sub-continent was because the new adherents found it more attractive than their old religion.

As for Darfur, it might be more productive to take on China as it has economic connections with the Sudanese regime.
Posted by DavidJS, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 7:32:22 AM
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Interesting discussion on Islam. My impression of the Islamic history I have read is that many converts became Moslems after being invaded. Maybe they found it more attractive because when they were non-Muslims they lost. Not saying Islam is the only religion to progress in this way- but it is a very effective way of building a religion- Many an army has gone out with a cross on its standard.


The US and UK did seek approval from the UN to invade Iraq. They had been negotiating for months to get a resolution through the UNSC, but realised that they wouldn’t have the numbers to get it through, let alone get past the veto of France and Russia, which had financial interests in keeping the Baathists in power.

Interestingly, the US administration has tried to argue that previous UN resolutions did give them the right to invade Iraq, but I find this argument 50/50, and the support among legal experts is about the same. And again, the US doesn’t have much in reserve to spare. Maybe the rest of the world should get off its collective backside for once. The US is one of the only countries in the UN actually making a fuss about Darfur.

If the US doesn’t go in, it doesn’t care. If the US does go in, it’s being heavy handed. It just goes on and on.


Good point on China- we should be having very serious discussions with them.
Posted by dozer, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 5:47:08 PM
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Manny Waks is up to his usual tricks finishing his article by claiming Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Yes Israel has elections but many former residents (Palestinians) and property owners who have had there homes stolen can't vote in Israel but Jews who live overseas can vote in Israeli election - This is hardly kosher (democratic) Mr Waks.

There are also a number of democratic countries in the Middle East like Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt (close to the Middle East) who have proper elections while even Iran has some democratic voting which is no better or worst than what happens in Israel.

Manny Waks claims to fight against defamation but from what I have observed his primary role is to promote Israel and the right wing political movement called "Zionism" in Australia.
Posted by Adrian Jackson of Middle Park Vic, Thursday, 24 May 2007 1:42:47 AM
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