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Peter Costello is just like Santa on steroids : Comments
By Peter Saunders, published 11/5/2007None of the Treasurer's budget handouts makes any economic sense.
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Posted by ruawake, Friday, 11 May 2007 4:57:01 PM
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Tuesday Peter is throwing money around like a drunken sailor on worthy causes, Thurdsay Kev sets the most important priorities, Friday the lying rodent is out playing wedge politics again, what's different about this week, not much.
The Liberals don't seem to realise that we won't have an economy if we don't have a planet, politics as normal. Posted by SHONGA, Friday, 11 May 2007 5:23:16 PM
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As an ecumenical Christian, one feels more and more distressed about the hate that is splitting Christianity and Islam in the Middle East.
As one who in his long retirement has gained Honours in the Social Sciences, majoring in International Relations, have become particularly perturbed over a report that if the Howard government stays in power after the next election, it has plans to downsize the importance of the Schools of Humanities in our universities. Of course, this could very much lower the importance of historical knowledge generally, to which many of our contributors might agree, already calling such knowledge Old Pap Stuff. From experience most of our universities have an unwritten law both ecumenical and cosmopolitan owing to the hundreds of overseas students now attending. Furthermore, the weakening of the Schools of Humanities throughout the Western world will be a recipe for much more discontent not only in the Middle East, but the world over. One could recommend that if the Howard government does get in a position to push through the change, that older students stick to what they have already learnt, not changing into what some are already calling the ways and wiles of the New Academia. Posted by bushbred, Friday, 11 May 2007 6:26:32 PM
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Rudd is right to say he has the future of family households at heart. Rudds fundamental goals and practical fresh approach is refreshing. Rudd reeks with Common Sense. Rudds policies are citizen polices. Rudds policies will demand participation, and by design, create the business enterprising infrastructure to do it. There is a Get Involved - premise - Have a Go, - You Can Do IT - ALL! More to the point, there is a difference between economics and pure money, as it is understood through straight finance. Yes I mean it! In Queensland this is where many Local Councils go wrong. Like the Liberal Federal government, they appear to under-perform because they do not counter-act credits against future debt dependence... which arise in the decline of an exhausted - broken-deadbeat servicing infrastructure. Things break-down when the system is overloaded and runs too fast for the sake of capital gain alone. Progress has to be solid. No vision - no control through purely financial equations. Buy Buy Buy - Dogs eat more dogs.- It is unsustainable. In Federal terms I highlight regional health, education, housing and household debts and the cost this will have on human capital as the “whole system” squeaks from the lack of being maintained. As with my ID Boom approach (see www, I emphasis that this is what we have done with Australia’s WATER situation above ground! Leakage counts! In the case of Local Council’s those in trouble are often the ones who restrict their focus to above the ID BOOM. Everything else gets lost this way. It is like running a car out bush with no spare tire, a crook motor and a faulty stereo. Static - No jack can help if ya blow ya tire, and no motor can rev… regardless of the spin! You cannot get blood out of a stone forever.... The Howard Budget is unfortunately trying to COPY_CAT Rudds political theory but lacks the depth. Yes it is over-blown, clever for Howard, but not liberal as I see it! Posted by miacat, Saturday, 12 May 2007 3:08:56 AM
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Rudds economic policies are AUTHENTIC NATION BUILDING policies.
If the Market is to play its role freely, then the government ought to support the functional traits a country requires, by foreseeing there is at least some even distribution of it's utilities... for ALL. This is called back-up! Rudds policies tend to conserve citizenship by the way they preserve ALL capital in ways that build a fabric that will stimulate a renewal of national-capital in economic and financial terms; by lifting the bottom up at the same time as utilising the auxiliary - 2025 and 2050 vision. This is a balance that will utilise innovative investment focus on the problem solving aspects of the research sciences, business, social, economic, ecological, bio-sciences. Vocational Inclusiveness at all levels of the economy. Australia is put to GOOD WORK through Rudds economic plan. It is the budget for - inter-generational change- as it puts something REAL back into capital works. This is what is meant by Reform. Our public itself system is dying. Howard has merely replaced some of what he took 10 years ago. His system at the core is smoking. It cannot pump services if it is overloaded with archaic wiring.... which is the reason for the public dissatisfaction and overload. Rudds budget is prudent and thrifty. It is manageable but not wasteful or extravagant. A respectful challenge. By design, it is intended to save money, by efficient operation and foreseeing the elimination of unnecessary features - by reducing the barriers and off-loading the baggage. If Howard's employment satistics are to be half-way believed then this is almost where we were back in the mide to late 197Os - before the begining of those awful recessions. Australians were thinking then about the capital works infrastructure and considering manufacturing - design and future sources appropriate for the payment of new industries and the public expenses needed to build. Moreso this Rudd Budget is a budget that is aimed to inspire and support the value of our Australian people. This is economic! Clean Up Australia, as we have complex times ahead. Posted by miacat, Saturday, 12 May 2007 3:50:15 AM
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Runner. Do check your facts.
Listen to Howard if you must. He and Costelloe both stated they had the lowest unemployment since....1974. Guess who was PM then mate? Whitlam had many failings but unemployment was at record lows so don't go trying to change facts. Interest rates were at record levels too but unemplyoment? Wrong Runner, wrong. Well said Ruawake. Runner isn't. Awake that is. Country Gal. Wrong again. The changes mooted by the ATO were actually around during their modernisation project, of which I was a part. Happened in 1986 - 1990. Again, guess who was in government? Not Coalition. Do try reading before you blurt dear. What is the Budget about? Don't be silly. Buyong votes. Where are the NoWorkChoices changes for the future? Surely they aren't going to stay still. What have they got they won't talk about, unless they win. Rudd's no different by the way. Even Howard can't find much to attack as he is right. Rudd has simply done a Hawke. Take Lib's ex policies and force Howard off to the right of... well the far right. Move over Attilla. Posted by RobbyH, Saturday, 12 May 2007 5:42:04 AM
The thing with US universities is that research carried out is the intellectual property of the researcher not the university.
In australia universities have private companies to look after their intellectual property. Like ANU Enterprise Pty Ltd .
Given that any money from this Govt. slush fund will need to be matched by the Uni only the sandstone unis will benefit.
I bet the University of Sydney gets the bulk of it.