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Freedom of speech v protection of values : Comments
By Manny Waks, published 8/5/2007Outright censorship is a blunt weapon to be used rarely and with caution, however, society has a right to protect important values.
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Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 9 May 2007 6:31:27 AM
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Look 'closely' at this:,20867,21554201-601,00.html Sheikh Swaiti of the Canberra Mosque "God grant victory to the mujaheddin in his name in all places," he called out twice in ARABIC over a microphone at Abu Bakr mosque in Yarralumla in front of about 500 worshippers. "God grant victory to mujaheddin in Palestine, and Chechnya and Kashmir and Afghanistan and Iraq." Although Sheik Swaiti translated his sermon into English for non-Arabic-speaking audience members, the imam of Canberra's only mosque OMITTED the praise for Islamic jihadists in the English version. NOW.. note the 'rationalization'. "After the 20-minute sermon, the Palestinian-born cleric, who works at the tax office in Canberra, denied he was referring to Muslim holy fighters when he praised mujaheddin. He said Islamic jihad referred not only to fighting but also to self-discipline." IN this, we see the 2 faces of Islam. 1/ The "oh..Islam is peace, its about overcoming bad habits" version. 2/ The TRUE version which is about violent military Jihad. The same is in the Quran "No Compulsion in Religion" Then "MAY ALLAY DESTROY THEM" (Christians and Jews)9:30 2 Faces. One religion THE CONVERT and the 'PEACEFUL' JIHADISTS. Kurt Kennedy a Muslim convert of "Lets form an Islamic Political Party" 'fame', was attacked by the 'Jihadis' ..Sheikh Swaitis supporters including his son, 9 men. So, Sheikh "Jihad is all about personal struggle" Swaiti now morphs into 'The Terminator' seeking to beat the living daylights out of Kennedy. KURT.. word from the street mate. "Join a violent religion, don't be shocked when it BITES you in the bum" Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 9 May 2007 7:42:59 AM
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The playing of scenes of naked muslims at Guntunamo Bay receiving nothing but a bit of humiliation the way I see it, repeated over and over by the Western media caused the rioting of muslims that resulted in the deaths of innocent Westerners in some countries.
The Western media however did not choose to balance this with scenes of the Arabs cutting their prisoners throats on national television nor have they said much about the torturing of prisoners with electric drills until dead by the Arabs but they have gone on and on about the supposed mistreatment of prisoners by America. This supposed freedom of speech by the Western media was directly responsible for the killing of some of their own people as the Arabs took out their anger on them. We have laws in this country against sedition. It would seem to me that this DVD contravenes this law. It should be censored on the grounds of sedition. The Western media needs to put the safety of their own people before its so called (biased) freedom of speech. The long term safety of our society and whether we stand or fall may depend on the medias willingness to not jeprodise our security by inflaming our enemies and to not continually hamper our armies ability to fight by demanding the impossible of them in a war situation. Posted by sharkfin, Wednesday, 9 May 2007 8:04:14 PM
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Quite frankly, I'm against banning DVDs such as this for a number of reasons.
1) Freedom of speech isn't really a sliding thing. You have it or you don't. I suppose you can put caveats on things such as urging acts of violence, but go much further and you run into some pretty significant risks. 2) From a practical standpoint: if we ban these, the people behind them stop making them, or they go underground. Either way, we no longer know who precisely is making these messages. Isn't that riskier? 3) The author speaks about permissible discussions, such as do we want to go down the road of discussing the merits of ethnic cleansing and so forth. My answer there is quite simple - that's up to us. If someone was to do such a thing, they would be hounded and their views would not be accepted. This is as it should be - the alternative is somebody deciding the rules beforehand. I don't like that idea at all. I'd rather these issues were decided by consensus, which is pretty much what you have in a society of free speech. 4) As I understand it, the film in question doesn't actually describe how to undertake a terrorist act. I'm not convinced something like a stupid DVD would radicalise anyone that isn't already in an environment where such an influence can take hold. In relation to it being likely to instigate terrorism, I think that's pretty damn unlikely when weighed up against the implications of limiting free speech. Somebody could just as easily watch an action movie and decide to replicate the villains. For more on the risk of terrorism for videos such as this, see point (2). Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 10 May 2007 4:53:24 PM
watching Christians being torn to pieces by wild animals was once considered 'MA15+' at the local footy ground, but that was a long time ago. Faiz would have us return to that kind of 'sport'?
This is not an issue of "supressing truth" so we can send Muslims to the Colossaeum, it is about illuminating some truth which would otherise be getting our 'infidel' throats cut by Muslim children.
TALIBAN, YVONNE RIDLEY and why I campaign so hard.
For those with a desire for truth, please view this link/video, and you will see why I was present at the Islamic conference in Melbourne recently, (intending to 'protest' but ended up simply chatting on this occasion)
Ridley was 'captured' by the Taliban, was amazed at their 'kindness' to her, went back, read the Quran and became a Muslim, now promotes Islam to the world.
Here is the Taliban which captured Ridley
(Video posted by former Muslim of 18yrs who's cousins were beheaded in Iran without blinking an eye for having a 'Bible' under their beds.)
Before anyone suggests this is 'misrepresenting' Islam or its prophet, they should read this link from Islamic Hadith. scroll to number 4131 and read.
"Teach them this,” he says in one of the series, referring to the children of viewers: “There is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid (holy warrior). Put in their soft, tender hearts the zeal of jihad and a love of martyrdom."
Faiz... teach them? by showing a 12 yr old Taliban boy how to carve the head off a grown fully conscious man.
CHALLENGE. The main problem is not so much the proliferation of such DVD's and ideas as Manny says, but our OWN lack of alternative proclamation.
If anyone feels passionately about their atheism, or their Buddhism, or Hindusim -by all means preach it, but proclaim your own faith independantly, just as I would.
UNITED FRONT. The one thing which can bind us all together, is the exposure of the truth about Islam.