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The Forum > Article Comments > When poverty means not having enough to eat > Comments

When poverty means not having enough to eat : Comments

By Sally Babbington, Sue King and Christine Ratnasingham, published 30/4/2007

The debate about poverty definitions and measurement needs to be grounded in the actual experiences of people who are going without.

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Social Inclusion is CIVIC business.

10 Points (meinmuk!) to (ALL) those who are trying to understand the dynamic's of 'Mitigating poverty' and the importance of civic wellbeing.

Here's to to YOU Ms Gilard, I hear every word you say!

and to South Australia for some well timed innovative inspiration.

I vote on Work and Family... which is the most practical way to value children as we work to solve the “crisis” in childcare, help connect communities, and return to a 'quality way of life'.



The long-term cost savings on Health alone will be plus for our whole national community.

It is GOOD POLICIES like this that will help inspirit the difference.
Posted by miacat, Thursday, 19 July 2007 11:42:55 PM
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I left my job 2 months ago due to poor wages and NO chance of a "raise" ever - was getting 400$ a week as a Juinor Cinema Technition but was Designing, Building, installing and servicing Very Very High End Computer Systems for over 30 cinemas to screen the movies you see today, in addition i had to purchace a new laptop to do my job. so natually as at least half of my WPA was being "neglected" by management i left. They paied me the 4-6 weeks they owed me. and that was that I thoght. so i applied for Newstart so With my New experiance and stacks of IT certificates to my name i thought it would be an easy task.

After paying many bills with the money i got though my (own) redundency i applied for newstart with no money left and only the goverment for help.
I was rejected twice for no good reason.
i was told that leaving work due to WPA's not beeing met by enployer is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
so now after endless meetings with centerlink I now have Newstart. BUT..
I will not start to recive it untill the 1st week in september which is 6 weeks away.
I have lived for the last 2 months on selling all my posessions (Bar my laptop).
so i have 6 weeks thats 600$ rent, and god knows how many other bills to pay with nohthing. I asked centerlink what i sould do with this (4 Months) of no payment. they said the 2 grand i got from my employer should cover it. which i used 1 and a half months ago to pay back rent with.
So my question is this. Im 33 soon to be homeless. WHAT DO I DO?>
Do i turn to Crime ( an idea ive been seriosly thinking about)

so if this seems a bit hard to understand I havent eaten for 3 days . im sorry.
and so should centerlink when i *go*
Posted by Ade, Wednesday, 25 July 2007 8:38:07 PM
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There are a number of charitable organisations that can assist you for the next six weeks. My advise to you is to try to avoid crime as getting caught will only make your situation worse.
Posted by vivy, Thursday, 26 July 2007 2:25:27 AM
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