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Urban outcasts : Comments
By Stephen Hagan, published 8/5/2007The Australian Government would not be brave enough to tell non-Indigenous people what they can or can not drink.
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This is bad news. I thought it illegal. Metaphorically, giving one "race" greater opportunities based on that "race", is no different than saying, where one can sit on the bus. The Deep South in the Middle North? Disadvantaged folk deserve help. but, it must be non-discriminatory. Access to a level assistance should be based lvel of need and level of personal responsibility, not race. Else, one risks a racism industry, as in the US, with the Revered So n' So, deriding his country, while driving a Lincoln and wearing a Rolex.
In NSW jobs are sometimes advertised, except from anti-discrimination provisions. One can understand this provision for social workers or interpreters, buy clerical positions?
Moreover, building-on my earlier comment of assimilation, and, aboriginal Australia regarding the rest of us as an out-group. What possible connection is there between a second genartion Vietnamese Aussies and the treatment of Aborigines by the British Crown in 1820?
Stephen suggests govenment loans made to communities. Micro-loans have worked in African countries. Australia is wealthy, it can give even larger loans. But, if money is lent, the borrower needs to accept responsibility for the debt, and, devise a workable business plan, and, act entrpreneurally. Even outside of govenment, there are venture capitalists and development banks, that will lend on good ideas and sound business plans, in return for equity, where the proposer is not well-financed. Recipients must realise wealth doesn't rain from the sky, it is cultivated from the soil [ Trust the metaphor is not lost on the Guardians of the Good Earth.].