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Hiding behind a mask of respectability : Comments

By Barbara Biggs, published 24/11/2006

Plans for a national Royal Commission into child sexual abuse keep getting quashed.

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Haamlet and JamesH.
You won't get any argument from me about it. I can't get a decent picture from SBS tonight unfortunately, but I think I have seen a forum on thesubject some time ago. Some of the old nuns at the convents weren't exactly lilywhites either, but no one ever seems to publicly mention them.
Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 30 November 2006 8:10:38 PM
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Get off your collective, self righteous , high horses.

The real reason that there will never be any royal commission is that then YOU! will be jailed.

And YOU too

And you and you.

When DNA testing convicted it's first rapist women round the world rejoiced.

The jubilaiton turned sour fast when the same testing cleared thouandss of men, who had been jailed, for over twenty years, for rapes that they had never committed.

And these men ended up in a collective too hard basket. You were talking compensation cases worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

The same thing will happen with child molesting but a thouand times worse. Every last teen runaway will claim that a relative or parent had molestied them as toddlers. The police and governments are already all too aware of how far this mass hysteria will go.

You are talking something that would make the German Holocaust and the Roman Inquisition look like a picnic. No government is prepared to tolerate that scandal.
Posted by sparticusss, Sunday, 3 December 2006 4:06:50 PM
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I cannot let the last poster's glib remark about feminists regretting the release of men wrongly convicted of rape pass without comment.
Why would any woman - whether identifying as feminist or not - want the wrong man jailed for rape? Apart from the simple injustice of any innocent person being convicted, it would not make a single woman safer and it would mean the real perpetrator went unpunished - and who then could go on to rape again. As a feminist myself, I am nothing but pleased when the wrongly convicted - of any crime - are released. Most feminists, contrary to the propaganda pushed by many posters on this site, are neither anti-men nor men haters. There seems to be a view that you cannot be pro-women without being anti-men ( which may reveal something rather sad about the holders of such a view and the kinds of combative lives they live). Most feminists simply want to present the female perspective on any given situation, to make clear to the world the different way things effect and impact on women than they do on men, and get that view heard. Is that so terrible?
Posted by ena, Wednesday, 6 December 2006 9:32:46 AM
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"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." - Catherine Comins

"Why would any woman - whether identifying as feminist or not - want the wrong man jailed for rape?"

The only answer I can give at present is "because they want to hurt him!"

There is a politically incorrect study published ages ago which explored the issue of why would (some) women lie about rape. If I recall correctly it surveyed the responses of women.

I Know it is politically incorrect to even hint that it is possible that a woman would possibly lie about rape.

Unfortunately there are some people who are not very nice and do not care much about who they hurt or the damage that they inflict onto other innocent decent people.
Posted by JamesH, Wednesday, 6 December 2006 4:48:52 PM
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You know, James, this may come as a surprise to you, but there are rotten people in all sorts of groups and cohorts. There are even lots of nasty people who are called James. However, just because some nasty people have the same name as you, would never mean that I would say that because some James's are horrible all James's are horrible. Well, the same logic holds true for Feminists, or Catholics or Calathumpians or divorced fathers or even (shock, horror) divorced mothers.
Yes, there are stupid, rotten, angry feminists, just like there are stupid, rotten, angry James's. It doesn't mean all feminists are stupid, rotten, angry or unjust, just as it doesn't mean all James's are.
Stop trying to paint all of any group with the same brush. You lot are very quick to - in some cases justifiably - object to men being characterised as all or nothing, well, you know what, feminists aren't all one thing either. They are just as diverse as Rotarians, or Christians or Liberals or Conservatives or Catholics or Jews or Socialists or Parliamentarians or Hindus.
Posted by ena, Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:27:55 AM
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Barbara. I was visiting a friend at a mental instituition recently. You are not alone as far as horror stories go. One lad told of sexual abuse in a Catholic Church and how he spent his youth going around Catholic Schools spray painting "Kid f#@kers" all over the place. He ended on heroin which really screwed him up.

Another women started having anxiety/panic attacks at 60 years of age. Apparently she had suppressed some childhood events like how her father would hold a shotgun to her mum's head.

Our mental health wards are full of tragic accounts like this. I makes me very angry.

JamesH. You are obssessive in your apparent quest to prove women more evil then abusive men. Get help.
Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 8 December 2006 11:51:10 AM
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