The Forum > Article Comments > Climate change? No drought! > Comments
Climate change? No drought! : Comments
By Louise Staley, published 6/11/2006It is unacceptable to suggest all farmers in drought, whether receiving assistance or not, are unviable.
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Yes climate change means more rain in the sub polar regions and a narrow slice of sub equatorial regions. The anti cyclonic tracks are moving toward the poles which mean sub tropical – warm temperate regions are becoming dryer. Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne will have a climate akin to Alice Springs. In the last 5 years that is not so hard to envisage.
The article is anti Australian farmer because the farmers are on the front line of climate change and using the battle field analogy they are being massacred. Farmers are the climate change version of the Anzacs at Gallipoli. In essence they are so because of the leadership that created it.
One question that is not addressed by climate change is if Howard will take personal responsibility for his incompetence over the past decade, he truly has no excuse for his ignoring the problem. Will farmers now do to Howard what asbestos victims tried to do to James Hardy? What smokers did to the cigarette companies?
In Howard’s defence he has never been up to the job. A glaring example is his pathetic and misleading use of climate change as an excuse to waste money on Nuclear energy, a resource which like oil has already peaked long ago and faces a declining future. Howard seduced too easily by nuclear physicists looking for dwindling work. The other is his ridiculous magic filter concept. Whatever happens Staley’s article is about fifteen years outdated.