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A bitter sweet harvest : Comments

By James Hickey, published 17/10/2006

Women, many indoctrinated in Marxism and feminism in the sixties and seventies, are now in positions of power.

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Now listen ere tao

Are you serious?

Here are some facts which replicate your last and second last post.

I am an underclass peasant (Note: I am using language familiar to you). I have been for the past five years a person who has been living on the lowest income available in Australia; yes, well below the poverty line.

I am bush bred, with farm skills which i cherish. Heritage, white anglo free-settler, which i cherish. A man individual, which i cherish.

I am as far removed from society as one can get.

I have been attacked by the thugs of your ilk, Dh's who attempted industrial manslaughter because of a pathetic, childish, and empty attitude which destroys the essence of Australia. A beleif system which you swallow hook line and sinker.

These gutless weirdos persist to this day, beleive it or not.

As you rightly point out, revolutions can come from both sides of the fence. I reside On that fence.

I am not part of this BS which you spout. Your snide crap which you spew about me is less about decent humanity, and more about resident hate which you and yours harbour. Do you even know why you are full of it? Dont expect for a minute that you and your comrades are dragging a reluctant and otherwise pre-occupied person into some kind of human relations adjustment. If thats what you think is happenning you are, and will be, sorely mistaken. And dont think that your actions are on my behalf; or for that matter even against -they are neither.

Your whining self-interest about everything communist is your own personal battle, to be fought out in your own head. And it is there that it should stay. It is not for the pathetic Left of this country to judge how i, or anybody else, should think or not.

And as far as im concerned, any so-an-so who thinks they can foist commy thought adjustment upon me, can get stuffed.

And, as i said, i agree with you about the commy-capitalists.
Posted by Gadget, Wednesday, 8 November 2006 8:31:06 PM
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Oooh Gadget, you ARE angry, and quite rightly so, if indeed you are an “underclass peasant” as you suggest. However it is not a socialist system you live in which has rendered you such, but a capitalist one. And it is the capitalist one you should be angry at. Many of your type are in the same situation as you, and will walk off, or be pushed off, the land. Your land will be bought up by your neighbours, unless you buy them out first, and eventually, by large capitalists who have probably never set foot on it, unless somehow you manage to stave it off.

I don’t know where you live, but my partner comes from Kaniva, near Nhill, half way between Melbourne and Adelaide. We go there reasonably frequently to visit the family that are still left there. His family have farmed there for five generations, but the farm was only big enough for one son, the other two were sent to the city to get their “tickets”, and became proletariat. The farm is now being passed to the next son, but probably won’t be big enough for him even. I am amazed that trains pass through there on the way from Adelaide to Melbourne and back, and NONE stop.

You talk about beliefs being foisted on others. I am forced to live under a system with which I disagree wholeheartedly, with its lies being shoved down my throat daily, and am silenced even by my own family. Do you agree with a system in which in a generation or so, your family will be forced off the land?

You blame the ‘left’, but it is still a capitalist system. Country people blame city people, but it is still a capitalist system, over which neither have any real control. The division is not between country and city, it is between rich and poor. Everything else is a diversion.

Posted by tao, Wednesday, 8 November 2006 10:14:16 PM
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You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. You believe you are entitled to deride what I write, then I am entitled to criticise what you write. You are entitled to ignore what I say, but one day, you, or your children, or children’s children will be forced off the land – they will become proletarianised, just as we in the city already have been.
Posted by tao, Wednesday, 8 November 2006 10:16:45 PM
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