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Changed climate will cook elderly people : Comments
By Kate Mannix, published 27/9/2006The 2003 heatwaves were a warning: we need to be prepared to adapt to global warming or elderly and frail people will be the first to suffer.
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We also must remember that these frail, elderly people are kept alive artificially, anyway – hence the moaning and growing about the problem of an ageing population – and the numbers of most of them would have been well and truly up. Many of the poor souls would probably have been happy to have gone quickly, rather than linger on per favour of state medicine.
As a scare mongering exercise, this one should have little effect.
Heating and cooling costs have undoubtedly increased in aged-care centres, as claimed, but it is not all that long ago that there was no artificial cooling (as there was no artificial preserving of human vegetables). Old people, including my grandmother, lived and worked hard lives in the searing South Australian heat and dropped dead from natural causes without giving a thought to the weather. Aged-care centres are another burden resulting form scientific interference with nature. Just how long do we have to endure a life no longer worth living?
As usual, global warming (they are trying to get off the hook now by calling it ‘climate change’) propagandists go for the easy ‘proof’, the lowest common denominator. But, we are not all wimps, and we can adapt.
Global warming/climate change is by no means a done deal. We should ensure that we don’t allow ourselves to become as paranoid as these people who seem to enjoy dealing out doom and gloom are. Even if they are right, there is very little we can do about it anyway