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The Forum > Article Comments > Where the UN is winning > Comments

Where the UN is winning : Comments

By Gareth Evans, published 31/10/2005

Gareth Evans argues despite its tarnished image, the United Nations is still playing a vital role in reducing global conflict.

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The United Nations is winning in reducing conflict only in the developed world, with a strong exposure to Western influences, in areas such as Europe, the Americas and East Asia. The nations in these areas have relatively strong, western notions of civics and citizenship, law, government and economics. The governing elites of these nations have been educated in the prominent higher education institutions of the first world, including those in the USA, Europe, and Australia. Their populations are largely educated
to secondary school level, and have access to Information and Communication Technologies, education, modern agribusiness and medicine.
Those nations in the Middle East and Africa, where notions of Civics and citizenship, law and government are non western,
ill formed and unstable, whose governing elites are uneducated in the Western liberal tradition at prominent first world institutions
of higher education, whose populations lack modern education, agribusiness, medicine and ICT, are the nations where the United Nations are ineffective. Locations such as the Sudan, Rwanda,The Palestinian Authority, Iran and Iraq are where
the UN is not fully effective.
Posted by KnowAllKnowWhat, Wednesday, 2 November 2005 2:32:05 PM
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So the more Western influence-the more effective UN.

Do Kosovo and the Balkans examplify this notion?
Posted by MichaelK., Thursday, 3 November 2005 11:58:58 AM
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