The Forum > Article Comments > Uranium mining - Faustian bargain or economic bonanza? > Comments
Uranium mining - Faustian bargain or economic bonanza? : Comments
By Chris Harries, published 7/8/2006The lure of a financial bonanza may seem worth it, but nuclear energy as a non-renewable resource will only serve to entrench our addiction to high-energy consumption.
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Rupert wants to own all the media
The new media monopoly laws aren't enough.
Costello and Howard are Out Of Touch. To them Australians are just in the wrong place at the wrong time like this Cabbie
While they engineer a meaner more violent Australia (in their own image) through cheapskating on monopolies, unjustified immigration, State Labor/ Federal Liberal unification and workplace Draconia we the people are being drowned in NEGLECT and pissante tax cuts.
Now, with PEAK oil upon us we need new leadership that puts Australians first. A leader who will say OK we are short on skills? Lets immigrate Teachers and train Australians to hold the keys to their own destiny rather that handing it to a bunch of skilled immigrant heavies. We need the equivalent of 15% of today's GDP in R&D for new energy sources as well to make this country energy independent.
Now such aspirations cost money and that is where Value-added-Uranium sales MUST play a part in our economic portfolio for some 40 years.
If we still need Uranium exports after 40years we have failed! However as I have pointed out on OLO numerous times, Australia COULD afford an umanned space program for ET solar power, a wetland program to control climate, Dry Rock Geothermal power stations and 1% of new jobs going to Nanotech R&D for new fuels, fuel cells and other nanotech-innovations.
As for cutting back human per capita energy usage? It can't be done. The Nature of the human mind is always to want either MORE or WAR. That is the indelible message of our history. Therefore we have just one option. Uranium will help us acheive it.
And lets at least think about closing Canberra. Its the epitomy of "out-of-touch' and it ain't workin'