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Democracy versus leadership in Poowoomba : Comments

By Jennifer Marohasy, published 31/7/2006

The 'Big Question' is: why did John Howard insist Toowoomba vote on the issue of waste water recycling?

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Drink Water!!

Do you people know what fish do in it!?
Posted by Narcissist, Monday, 31 July 2006 11:13:13 AM
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I am constantly amazed at the level of blindness exhibited by our leaders. Here is a PERFECT example of our society overspending our allotted pocket money. We have a limited amount of water but they still trot out the same old Mantra of "growth, growth and more growth" no matter what the consequences. The idiotic former city fathers brought this situation on the comunity by rampant development with no or little control and now they do not want to face up to the results of their actions.

When are we going to learn to vote for a set of leaders who will grasp the nettle and set in motion a controlled reduction in population to take the pressure off "the environment" before we end up like Ethiopia
Posted by Guy V, Monday, 31 July 2006 11:41:31 AM
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Narcissist threw a line in to pooh pooh the idea.
"Do you people know what fish do in it!?"
I will bite just what in the rod and real world do fish do it in?
Do they scrunch or fold when they fin ish near the tail end?
Let's all just swallow and gulp his line down.
Water is odorless, tasteless and colourless.
Is that what sewage-filtered water is, is it?
The sewage is filtered and then it is subjected to radiation to kill any other microbes.
Just because those microbes are dead it does not mean they disappear.
They do disappear when you drink it.
Why is the sewage-filtered water added to rainwater 25percent to 75 percent?
Only 25percent means it is not safe, otherwise People would drink 100 percent sewage-filtered water and save the rain water in our dams for the garden.
Posted by GlenWriter, Monday, 31 July 2006 12:09:54 PM
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So the "NO" case won the day. What now - the people of Toowomba still don't have any extra water.The council should do nothing, let Berghoffer and crew say what they will do to provide water for the people of Toowoomba. Run a referendum again in a couple of years and see if they still would rather go dry than drink perfectly safe recycled water.

My mother in law lives in Bendigo and is adamant she wouldn't drink recycled water. But she has been to London many times - no-one has told her that she drank recycled water there and didn't even know!
Posted by rossco, Monday, 31 July 2006 1:06:22 PM
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The water recycling issue is a very good example of three issues
and the physical world.

All three issues (hopefully in the case of democracy and the real world) will be around for some time.

As people within these three we have to find out how to get to a solution. There is no perfect way.

The people of Toowoomba have been forced (by the politics)to adopt one approach to discovering the way forward.

I am sure once the economics of the physical world make their influence felt (maybe even by pricing water rights)other paths will be developed.

One must sympathise with the local council for being hung out to dry by the State and Federal Governments; of course that happens when you are not recognised by the Constitution.
Posted by 58, Monday, 31 July 2006 1:16:17 PM
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Another brilliant bit of John Howard mean and tricky, he knows plebecites or referenda are almost never passed unless support comes from all sides. (Previous form with the Republic Referendum)

The Toowoomba council put forward various "solutions" but the Federal Govt. would only fund the recycling option. Suddenly the politics kick in and Howard did not want to be "blamed" for making people drink sewage so lets have the unwinnable vote and then everyone else gets their knickers in a knot.

Water is an odourless, colourless, TASTELESS liquid. So if you can taste the water you drink, do you know what is in it?
Posted by Steve Madden, Monday, 31 July 2006 1:46:35 PM
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