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Truth, lies and Walletgate : Comments

By Kim Jameson, published 27/7/2006

A majority believe Costello to be telling the truth but prefer Howard as PM anyway.

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Yes Costello is telling the truth, however the public seems to have a masocistic streak, core and non-core promises, the never, ever G.S.T, children overboard, AWB, "I can't recall" but however can recall a conversation with Costello in 1994. There is an old saying "you get the government you deserve" apparently Australian's think they deserve pathologigal liars.
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 27 July 2006 1:49:12 PM
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If ever you've wondered why Howard polarises the electorate look no further than this article.

He's a liar, yet we prefer him - 'we' being those happy to be lied to.
Posted by bennie, Thursday, 27 July 2006 3:14:35 PM
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Seldom are lies clear-cut in politics. They are pretty well always a matter of interpretation.

I cannot recall any clear-cut lies from Howard, but there is one that is being continually repeated by Costello – that Australia’s population will go into decline if we don’t boost our fertility rate.

There is so much more to it than a perceived lie or a bit of truth-stretching.

I mean, even Uncle Bob’s blind dog can tell that Costello is an extraordinarily inappropriate person to become our next PM. He is not well versed on many subjects and is not particularly articulate, he projects arrogance and insolence through smirking and funny head postures (Costello that is, not the blind dog). In fact, for someone who has spent his life in politics, he seems to have failed dismally with some the most basic requirements.

The comparison between him and Howard is extreme, in so many ways. And it is doing Howard a lot of good in keeping Costello on as treasurer rather than a back-bencher, where that comparison can be driven home to the public across the country on an almost daily basis
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 27 July 2006 4:39:55 PM
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To editors, sub editors and authors - I implore you all stop tacking "gate" on the end headlines or words within articles involving political skull duggery! I know it has become a popular practice but really it has past its used by date - it's kind of an "in" joke that stopped being funny 20 years ago - at the risk of sounding jingoistic it is Un Australian

Its time we came up with something new and fresh - maybe we could tie in something to do with Ex GG Kerr or Khemlani - there was more political intrigue going doqn in Queensland than you could point a stick at when Joh was in power try something clever with that - anything - but give the gate thing a rest - -

As for Costello and Howard - we all know we get the politicians we deserve -
Posted by sneekeepete, Friday, 28 July 2006 9:18:56 AM
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John Howard has mastered the art of lying and still retaining political credibility. Australians have learnt to believe this to be a virtuous and electable quality. Costello has no understanding about either phenomena. Case closed.
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 28 July 2006 6:56:49 PM
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Smirky Pete has had all the time the world to learn the ‘art’ of public appeal from Howard, and many years before that to learn the basics of how to walk the walk and talk the talk.

He has no understanding alright.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 28 July 2006 7:37:45 PM
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So Howard is staying on to fight the next election.

Good. That puts the awful prospect of Costello becoming PM right back (but not entirely out).

Now maybe Labor will see fit to set themselves up as a distinctly different party to the Libs, so that they might have a chance of winning. Heaven knows they won’t win while they remain a mirror image of the Libs. (They would have been in with a real chance if Costello had become PM).

Comeon Beazley, get your party to concentrate on peak oil and other enormous sustainability issues, and present yourself as a real alternative to Howard.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 9:29:23 PM
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Agreed, except I doubt if Beazley can do that, Labor needs a new leader, Julia Gillard would make a terrific contrast, progressive young intellegent woman, up against a tired old hasbeen of 68, new policies up against tired old policies from a tired old government.
Posted by SHONGA, Wednesday, 2 August 2006 9:59:58 AM
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