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Men prey on customary law : Comments
By Jodeen Carney, published 25/7/2006The Law Council ignores the culture of violence that is destroying many Aboriginal communities.
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I sat in the NT Parliament public gallery on the day (for the entire day, late evening, & early morning) that you crossed the floor and voted with Clare's government on the lowering of the Age of Consent for males. I also took my two sons (11 & 13 yrs old at the time) into this travesty so they could see the 'faces' who affect their futures.
Not one of those present at this event bothered to attend the New Matilda launch of an "Australian" Human Rights Bill at the MAGNT last Friday.
Single issue perspective agenda's will never win! Human 'rights' are not just for the lavender mafia's sole preserve Jodeen.
When the 'bigger picture' of fundamental human rights actually sinks into those politically myopic skulls in 'Fort Fumbles'we may have some progress.
Yes the skewed and biased methodologies will always show men - aboriginal or other culturally identified 'males', as being perpetrators. Yes it is a problem, this conflict of kartiya and customary laws. The bigger problem is the purposefully hidden statistics on wimmin who assault men. Never mentioned though.
Disenfranchisement by proxy, reduction of ownership (of the issues) and the Crown government status quo of 'divide and conquer'.
Excuse my ignorance, but wasn't it your own boss, Jay 'Dubblya' who said:
I am one of those...Australians who is resolutely opposed to a Bill of Rights..." ? (Address at the Centenary of the High Court, 2003)