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Are you a maximiser or a satisficer? : Comments

By Jeremy Ballenger, published 14/7/2006

It’s not surprising we feel disoriented in this world of expanding choice.

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I agree. We have become enslaved by choice.

Shopping now consumes so much of our time as we check out the vast array of options available to us and endeavour to make the best choices. Not only are we faced with a bewildering range of products but we are assailed by a barage of advertising to persuade us in those choices.

The amount of stuff we are consuming and the wastage and environmental pillage it entails is fast reaching obscene levels.

I choose to be a satisficer and hope it is a trend that really catches on.
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 14 July 2006 6:06:33 PM
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I am a satisficer through and through. Always have been. I have never had much time for those who seem to be always competing with their neighbours, or with people in society that they don’t know from a bar of soap.

What a crackers mentality. Anyone who suffers from the so-called ‘curse of social comparison’ is a wank.r as far as I am concerned.

Let’s relish the magnificent choice that our type of society offers, but for goodness sake not get stressed out over it.

I particularly enjoy the huge variety of good healthy foods, along with a spattering of less healthy stuff. But the choice in material goods just leaves me cold. I just get what I need, end of story.

I knock around in minimalist clothing, barefoot most of the time, in the wonderful north Queensland winter, and smile wryly at those who look at my bare feet and turn up their noses.

Crikey, the maintenance of good health and good principles is what counts, not material wealth.

Anyway, this level of choice is about to be drastically reduced, as fuel prices rise and the peak oil scenario sets in.

Unfortunately, the choice that we really need doesn’t exist – the choice of voting for a government that will actually protect our future.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 15 July 2006 10:13:51 AM
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Ludwig, mate I agree with uou about choice. but shouldn't our choice right now as thinkers be on the new flare-up in the ME?

Point of view coming up:

A recent cartoon in our ‘West Australian’ speaks reams concerning today’s political truth in the Middle East as one Lebanese says to the other as a long column of tanks cross their border, guns blazing, warplanes above.

“We’re lucky!”

“What do you mean ‘lucky’?” says the other.

“Imagine what they’d do if we’d captured more than two Israelies?”

The above pretty well says it, the Israelies are being pestered by the Palestiners, but not much different than frustrated natives fighting for their rights in colonial times, like the redskins gaining a few rifles and still trying to attack military patrols - and as beknown of history still able to capture one or two white soldiers.

But we never read or hear about an oversize military force moving in. The big problem is of course that modern technological means of retaliation can be so severe - in fact as aptly shown in the cartoon to the point of stupendous ridiculousness. Already for the taking of two of their soldiers, the Israelies have rendered the main Lebanese airport unuseable, as well as most other
military establishments.

Like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut as the old saying goes, but it remains the same. As also has been the same ever since the US has protected Israel as a tiny country or group of special people that had to be protected at all costs. But overdone, so very overdone in the Middle East where both the US and Britain have more mercenary interests, hegemon, and contraband in the shape of oil, especially in Iraq and Iran who possess the world’s best quality oil snd easiest to recover.
Posted by bushbred, Sunday, 16 July 2006 12:36:17 PM
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Bushbred Part Two

Historians and social scientists know all about it, as do journalists, but as reported in last week’s Guardian, US neo-cons have been given free reign in the media to whitewash the crimes of empire, and as what is happening in the Middle East today is only the carrying on of the crimes of empire, a situation that has not changed, but only got worse, hidden either by immoral craftiness or by very careless management by our leaders pertaining to the true meanings of freedom and liberty.

The Israelis whom we were so passionate about giving a go in the Middle East after their genocidalisation in Nazi Germany, have now spoilt themselves in the Middle East with their US-backed arrogance, pepped up not only with US supplied planes and tanks as shown in the cartoon but also with two hundred nuclear-capped missiles all ready to go.

Why this was all allowed by America, with the Arabs pretty well unarmed, and a meek United Nations standing by, will certainly have future historians in a huddle.

Graphic descriptions will be all part of the play, a depiction of desperate Jewish families not so loved by Britain who foresaw future trouble in the Middle East between Jews and Arabs, but America and most Australians ready to agree to settling the long wandering Jewish families back into Israel, their long Promised Land. Certainly the Arabs proved resentful, as the British predicted, starting to drive the new Israelis out. But not for long the Israelies already prepared with planes and artillery flown in, and after two short wars, the Arabs were beaten both by lack of modern weaponry and Israeli determination.

Unfortunately, for future Middle East peace, the strong power position of a US-backed Israel, has now placed her in a position from an Arabic point of view like a red-backed spider with her nuclear sting able to protect herself against all comers. It is no wonder that Iran. desires nuclear artillery
Posted by bushbred, Sunday, 16 July 2006 12:49:45 PM
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On you Ludwig,

Also interesting to see how much storage space there is in old houses. Just a linnen cupboard. Antique wardrobes don't hold many clothes and no walk in wardrobe to be seen.
Posted by gusi, Sunday, 16 July 2006 8:54:25 PM
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