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The Forum > Article Comments > A predictable income - it's all workers want > Comments

A predictable income - it's all workers want : Comments

By Graeme Haycroft, published 5/7/2006

The real reason Kim Beazley dislikes AWAs - no union monopoly, no union fees, equals no contributions to the ALP.

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Graeme, the ALP are righttly concerned at the prospect of a decrease in their funding level. We could also argue that this is the sole motivating factor for their introduction rather than the economic nirvana promised by Howard and Andrews. The corner shop certainly does not have the bargaining power of Woolies and unless it becomes Corner shop Pty Ltd it won't have access to these new laws anyway. If Howard really wants to level the playing field because he thinks workers have a strong position, lets make the corporate tax rate the same as workers and put the shareholder's assets up for grabs in the event of liquidation.
Posted by crocodile, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 12:45:14 PM
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I am an elected Councillor. This morning, unaware of this post at the time, I was informed that in the 4 weeks since the Council adopted a policy to enter into AWA agreements with existing staff there has been a rush of employees, both internal and external, who want to negotiate their own AWA.

The union involved with the external staff has been implacibly opposed to staff going onto AWA's, but is effectively being given the "saulute" by the workers.

The HR manager informed me that the prime reason for the interest is flexibility in working arrangements that AWA's provide.

If labourers, plant operators and clerical staff can see the benefits in the flexibility AWA's offer, despite the campaign against them, it does not bode well for the ALP to maintain their present stand against AWA's.

The unions could become even more irrelevant.
Posted by wd, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 1:01:17 PM
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More info please, your experience is not common.

Workers at Onkaparinga Council in South Australia have staged a protest outside tonight's council meeting over a stand-off about a new workplace agreement (AWA).

The Australian Services Union (ASU) claims that about 100 employees are affected by the dispute.

Branch secretary of the ASU, Andy Dennard, says the workers are worried they will lose conditions and put their jobs at risk if they sign the agreement council has put forward.

"They want to stay under their existing collective agreement," he said.

"And they don't want to make a new collective agreement under the new industrial relations laws because of the problems associated with that, and it will disadvantage them in the short and long term."

What magic formula has your council found to make people clamour for there AWAs ?

I am glad you are being informed about this but without credable facts anecdotal evidence is not good enough.

Which council, how many employees, how are they employed before AWA, are you affiliated with a political party?

I doubt you are correct but I am willing to stand corrected. Facts please.
Posted by Steve Madden, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 1:28:09 PM
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Finally, the Tories have created a poisoned chalice for themselves and the fallout from this will haunt them for a very long time.

Their arrogance in believing that the majority will swallow and celebrate this regressive concept is breathtaking.

By the time of the next election, I'm sure everybody will be touched by this in some way - directly or indirectly - and not in a good way.

Until then, it will be the slow "death of a thousand cuts" with new examples of employer abuse emerging every week.

The government has left itself with no way of backing out of this legislation either, unless they try to absolve themselves by shifting the blame onto the employers and penalising them in some way. Not a good look for a conservative government.

The old saying that "we live in a society, not an economy" has never been more profound.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 2:04:15 PM
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When the NSW ALP government, with a stroke of the pen, closed the Orange Grove retail district a reported 400 retail jobs were lost. You couldn't find one union heavy. Even the union heavy with the broad UK accent was nowhere to be found. About 400 people tossed on the scrap-heap and the unions didn't want to know.

Here we are today with the unions parading Helen Hard-done-by up and down the country 'cause she can't drive mine machinery.

Don't you love this country and its drama queens.
Posted by Sage, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 3:43:46 PM
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I am surprised by all of this. Individuals will still be able to collectively bargain if they wish. It is illegal to fire someone for refusing an AWA, and of course there will be a small number of employers who break the rules. They used to do it before, and they will continue to do it in the future. Why would anyone wish to work for such a dishonest organisation anyway? Ultimately, if an employee wishes to have someone else make their employment decisions, they can stick with the union, or remain on an award (they will still exist), if, like many rational people, they wish to be involved in their own employment future, and take some responsibility, they can negotiate their own employment conditions. I know I would prefer to be in control of my future, rather than an anonymous union official with vested interests. If you were an employer, would you fire a competent employee for no reason?
Posted by Alex, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 4:19:36 PM
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