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The politics of 'empowerment' : Comments
By Corin McCarthy, published 7/7/2006The best tax policy is aimed at giving those with highest effective marginal tax rates an incentive to work.
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I note Corin expresses no opinion to “reward for commercial risk”.
I note Corin makes no mention of personal choice.
I ask should a fair pay commission consider the capacity of an organization to pay what the commission would deem "fair pay" and then would that same commission underwrite to likelihood not only of business closures but also businesses which would have started and did not because of an onerous environment.
As for Tax systems -
No tax system is perfect but what is certain is a complex one will be less perfect that a simple one.
“Income tax” is a very "blunt instrument" to pretend to shape "equality" with.
I would, personally, prefer to see the differential tax bands removed completely and everything reduced to a single tax rate, a bit like GST presents a single tax rate, replacing a plethora of differential sales tax rates.
Recognising such a "radical" strategy might appear to significantly benefit the high earners versus the low earners, the tax-free threshold could be raised to ameliorate such an outcome and spread the average tax burden closer to how it is levied at present.
Adam Smith had the right answers 200 years ago, I see no merit in this socialist pap and drivel, which is designed to ensure mediocrity will prevail and we will all be forced down and into a state of equal impoverishment.
Oh Corin, good of you to have the courage to actually admit you advise Red Ken. Most would not show such courage, or maybe it is just foolhardy.