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Executive power : Comments
By Sharon Beder, published 9/6/2006Corporations position themselves to drive the global agenda.
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Posted by wobbles, Monday, 12 June 2006 11:51:46 PM
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NSW and federal Govts are aiding-and-abetting corporations at the-expense-of-citizens.
* Syd airports - making passengers walk shop loops before departing. Airports are not THAT Privately owned that Howard shouldn't step in to regulate nuicance policy that affects airport efficiency and our world standing. Howard not taking action is abetting MacAirport. At any rate Howard abetted in selling the aiport knowing this sort of corruption would happen. * Snowy sale, Howard was forced to introduce foreign-ownership limits in-the-prospectus AFTER a-public-outcry. He's not incompetent. He was always aware that the-Snowy-sale would mean AUST farmers become unfairly dependent on foreigners for life's basic needs and did nothing -> aiding-and-abetting. * The Tunnel funnel. The secrecy surrounding the sacked RTA boss's payout and its relation to the suspicion he was a scapefgoat for Government complicity shows IEMMA has the machinery to cover up Government aiding and abetting of corporations. Sacked men on big payouts tell no stories. This ugly situation plus the fact that our stale political systems don't change enough and need overhauling means that state and federal governments are now dictatorships. * The Old Sydney brewery high-rise scandal. Sartor and Iemma are backing developers over people. Their version of this development WILL aid and abet the developer corporation. Residents will be affected by pollution, congestion and crime from overdevelopment. I don't need to go on. The INTENT is clear. The aid and abet is OBVIOUS. One personal motivation is post ministerial jobs and favours which at this time are legally protected from public scrutiny. We can only guess what surrounds Carr's exit. It is the biggest escape mystery since Houdini. What's worse, most are too afraid to ask. What corporations want most and what Howard and Iemma in particular are abetting is more immigration: bigger markets, more profits. Only dopey Public servants (we know who you are) would not want to see the trend change because Iemma or Howard are their bosses and sign-their-fat-paychecks. What do they call it Munchaussen's-syndrome? Continuing .. Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 7:18:11 AM
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Continued ..
BUT this poll-on-satisfaction-with-immigration shows more-corruption-still: * "The results show we are probably about in the middle of the pack compared to other countries, but THEY-ARE-QUITE-ENCOURAGING," said Randall Pearce, the general manager of Ipsos Mackay, the group that conducted the study. Hello! The guy in charge of the study expressing-personal-BIAS? The study was evenly polled over the whole country when 100,000 of the 140,000 yearly-migrant-intake goes to Sydney to cause riots, gridlocks and water shortages. The study is BIASED. Its PROPAGANDA. Further Iemma is illogical. To say WE need to use less water so he can accomodate 100,000 extra people each year is like sharing a lolly by breaking it unevenly and then eating the uneven bit so-the-share-LOOKS-fair. Only someone high on greed would be so brazen. If Iemma and Howard use the immigration poll (and they will) to justify continuing yearly 140,00 immigrant increments where 100,000 people go to Sydney, it is corrupt. It is simply aiding and abetting corporations who find it easier to profit in overcrowded and uptight cities. As I have said before, Howard's problem is that he is turning from the autocratic King John into a senile King Lear, abdicating responsibilites to corporations that are now too demanding. Perhaps he and his cabinet should enrol in the British Shakespeare and Modern Politics course to get a better appreciation of community service in government: Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 7:20:08 AM
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Kaep, You mentioned post-privatisation foreign ownership limits.
As I recall, OPTUS were granted their license on the basis they were majority Australian owned. A couple of years later they were majority “Australian Company Owned”. Now they are owned by SingTel – a Singapore Government Enterprise (and they have the contract for communications in Parliament House). SingTel also own the Queen Victoria Building and Strand Arcade in Sydney plus a host of other commercial properties in Queensland. Funny how a foreign government is willing to invest in Australia when our own governments aren’t. Corporations are all too willing to get their hands on public assetts. If activities in the WTO are any sort of guide, watch out for the increasing trend in pressure for all governments to privatise public water supplies. This is a very interesting global event and is more frequent than most people realise. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 9:43:41 AM
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If you dont like corporations do something about it!
Dont buy their products. Dont buy their shares. Thusly, Next time you need antibiotics just tuff it out instead of buying from the evil drug companies. Take all your retirement savings out of your super fund which is likely to be heavily invested in evil money mills like, er, corporations and dont leave it in a cash account with a bank afterall they are companies. Instead buy gold, oops that was attained be exploitation and degredation. OK just put the wad of cash under the bed where it will figuratively rot away on the back of beloved governments inflationary policies (inflation steals from the future). Dont pick up a phone, use electricity, throw the PC away and dont use the internet. All created by, sponsored and maintained by evil corporations. Dont borrow money from evil banks. Cut up the credit cards, sell that mortgage financed house and go live under a tree. Quit your job at the evil corporation. Go work for the public service but dont accept any tax dollars from the evil companies nor the workers who are the machinery of those companies. Lets not look at anything good that free enterprise yeilds. Only the bad stuff. Sure they have their faults. Dont the harpies who write articles for this forum ever tire of complaint? Dont they ever write positive, action oriented articles? Posted by trade215, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 11:14:09 AM
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Get a grip. A criticism of corporations is not a denial of capitalism. Just an abhorrence of extremism - whether it be corporate, political or religious. The divine right of kings has been replaced with the divine right of the market place. As with the monarchy, total rule by corporations only benefits a minority at the expense of us all. A healthier market place would see more small businesses and far less monopolies. True competition cannot exist beween huge corporations - just look at the banks. This is another reason why essential services should not be privatised. Posted by Scout, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 11:42:14 AM
The only social system that guarantees mutual survival is the basic family unit.
The next step up is the tribe, where everyone has a function to perform and recognises that the survival of the tribe is in their own personal interest.
Both these systems appear to have socialist ideals, yet when the tribe gets too big it all just falls apart.Too many people living off the labour of too few.
Corporatism, like free-market Capitalism, is what happens when the non-producers get organised. Again, more benefits for those who don't physically produce anything than for those who do.
They both work well for a while but both eventually lead to a dead end when the market is full or the resources run out. During their lifespan, they produce innovation and varying degrees of benefits for those involved. Enjoy them while you can because when they fail, its always in a big way.
Oh, and Corporations aren't aided and abetted by governments - it'e more the other way around.