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Working girls : Comments

By Alison Wolf, published 22/5/2006

The adage 'the rich get richer and the poor have children' has never been more true, particularly for women.

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Kate and RC.
I dont know why you think you know what we do up here but spending time with single mums is certainly not going to do anything to change my mind as I already do.

Just yesterday I actually pointed out to a young lady who simply loves to come around here that as shes not working maybe she should spend at least one day a week with her three children instead of putting them into child care.
She pointed out that at least she has them weekends which is more than the other single mother I mentioned did.
Reality is that we the tax payers pay a fortune to support these bludgers and to top it off we pay again for them to put these kids in child care.
Thats right these women dont work and also get child care leaving no places for the ones who do want to work.
By average women using themeslves as breeding machines for financial support come from the uneducated. Most times those kids are the ones who grown up to steal the cars and follow a life of crime so I think its you that need to get real.
Those kids are no help to soceity and the circle continues .
Oh and by the way Suz we run a international laungage colledge and work on many progects to assist lots of people in many ways.
The overall is something that you sound like you would not even begin to understand. Australia has the highest numbers of unmarried mothers and most having several kids to several dads. That is nothing to be proud of and its the poor little kids who start out with these examples in life who suffer. This forum is for comments not personal attacks which is an insight to your own background. It all goes back to how we were raised which was my point in the first place.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Wednesday, 24 May 2006 4:34:45 AM
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Why dont you look to the female dominated vocations and analytically deconstruct. Like nursing, child caring and teaching. Early child care and teaching are almost exclusively female. In that context, females are responsible en masse for the socialisation of human beings in the most formative part of life. Drawing the typically long bow that these silly artices do... women socialise human beings, therefore they are responsible for the shape that society takes.

The self obsessed are so adept at making everything about them, spinning any and everything to self validate. Like the stats regarding male to female engineers (140 males to 20 females). An equally self serving way to spin do 7 times as much work as females (140/20), men get chastised for it, women complain about how unfair it is. Silly propoganda infused interpretation huh? Purely for effect... when in rome...

How do womens rights advocates keep a straight face advocating for alleged equality of opportunity and access and never speak out against say womens only gyms. Why do they never qualify the statistcs used re equal pay for equal work, like the longer hours men work and how we scrifice family and life balance, working ourselves into early graves (about 7yrs earlier than women) to pay for a bigger house and new SUV every 4 yrs?

Why dont they ever speak out about the fact that over 90% of workplace deaths and injuries are sustained by men? That over 90% of prisoners are men. That prostate and breast cancers effect same number of men and women but breast cancer gets twice the funding?

If it were women, there would be a massive outcry that there is some underlying sociological disadvantage and oppression that criminalises and incarcerates women.

Why is there all the media hoopla about military bastardisation in the navy when a woman experiences it and nary a murmour over the centuries that men have endured greasy broom sticks up the clacker and feaces smeared over their backs on some ship deck on the high seas?

Hmmm... could it be gender bias? Surely not.
Posted by trade215, Saturday, 3 June 2006 5:07:00 PM
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Great article Alison. Stories of how harem mothers plotted to have their son made heir suggest that the notion of female solidarity might be more romance than fact.
We have just completed a 30 year experiment where women have controlled their fertility thus enabling them to compete in high status careers with men. An unintended side effect has been that career women find they have to choose between career and single motherhood. In Australia in the 1920s middle class women did not work or were not paid for work. In the 1940's when 1 in 7 Australians were mobilised, at war's end women gave up their jobs so the demobbed men could work. Marriage was a 1945 career option taken by many.
Its interesting to note that in Australia engineering and IT jobs are reserved for men, India and Iran have far higher proportions of women engineers.
Posted by billie, Monday, 5 June 2006 2:51:00 PM
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Well The main
thing unmarried mums seem to do is say they are studing a home course.

Today I spent all day with another mother of four to several Dads.
She comes here at 7.30 am and goes home at 4.45 in time to pick up her latest lover[live in ]

Her 6 months old and her two year old and her three year old go six days a week to care.
She explains she has to say she is studying otherwise it would cost her over five hundred dollars a week for the three.
The other ones been palmed off on her mother who is an alcolic in nZ
She doesnt really want the seven year old but wants the welfare money and lerks and perks.

So thats three single mums who come here regually
Anymore information you would like
Get real
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 5 June 2006 6:18:15 PM
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Working the system gives new meaning to the idea of work.
Posted by trade215, Tuesday, 6 June 2006 8:29:10 PM
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Yes it does trade . This idea about unmarried or single mothers dont plan to be the way they are is crap.

Sure anybody can make one mistake but these are caree breeders.

Now if you think about it she gets paid for having them[ Hense the 6 months old] Then she gets the support money and child allowence AND even after we the tax payer pay her to stay at home to look after HERE [pre martiual affairs she runs up another 600.00 dollars a week! of your funds declaying she needs a break. There There diddims. There are laughing all the way to the bank dropping off kids at 6am and collecting them at 6pm 6 days a week and you ladies and gentlemen PAY for it.

Why is it even non welfare person somebody else! should mind their! dam kids.
Surley you would consider its your reasonsibily if you want kids to dam well bring them up.
AND if you cant afford to have them then dont expect others to pay1
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Wednesday, 7 June 2006 1:04:10 AM
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