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Honest sleaze or bigoted shock jock? : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 19/5/2006

Rex Hunt has shown himself to be a 'sleaze' and a 'hypocrite' but at least he is honest about his sexual peccadilloes.

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Onya, BD. Again. We'll make an agnostic of you yet. (Friendly joke).
Posted by anomie, Monday, 22 May 2006 9:21:43 PM
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"Oh," says our heavenly guide, "We don't judge people acccording to their professed belief but on how they act." "

This is sort of off the topic, but I thought that was a really interesting line. As an 18 year old girl who grew up predominately in inner city Melbourne, I have been (and continue to be) exposed to many philosophical and religious beliefs. One of the things that really strikes me about Christianity is how it deals with sin.

From the above quote, one might ask, how have you acted in your life? Do you deserve to go to heaven? Why or why not?

Many people believe if they outweigh the good stuff with bad stuff it'll make them good enough to get in. Some religions teach maybe God will have mercy, maybe he won't (and there's no way you can really know one way or the other... good luck!). Still other beliefs teach there's no such thing as heaven and perhaps not even morality.

But Christianity says "no, I have not acted well enough, I don't deserve to get into heaven". Then comes the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ, which in such a theologically profound way absolves the repentent sinner of their sin. Not by denying it or trying to justifying it, but by bringing its implications onto God Himself, who loved us too much to watch us suffer from it. Sin is dealt with, and the forgiven sinner can spend forever in heaven, with God, in peace, happiness, love, joy, etc.

Thus my favourite passage in the Bible is:
"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. " (Ro. 5:8)
Posted by YngNLuvnIt, Monday, 22 May 2006 11:16:26 PM
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Ifran Yusuf:

Funny that you should begin your article with references to ' sleaze-bag' Reginal Hunt, who did the 'dirty' on his bi-polar wife, and adding insult to injury professed he 'loved' her from day one, and will continue too...until the day he expires ? " the lady doth protest too much, methinks ". Skakespeare.

Were it not for his ex-lover's threatening to go 'public' with revealations, ex-footy hero would never have entertained airing his 'soiled linen' over the air waves. That, 2GB broadcasted a B grade soapy-commercial, albeit devoid of 'bed-room' sensationalism speaks volumes. Palpably, if it wasn't for the dignity and unflinching devotion wife Lynne displayed throughout the sordid expose, viewer's reaction might have been less forgiving ! " the devil can site scripture for his purpose " (Act1.ScII) Merchant of Venice.

What is it about our sporting celebrities - that when sprung in compromising situations, make their dearly 'beloved-ones' so distressed ? Is it the 'macho' image or is it some psychological genie that keeps emerging from the bottle ? Or perhaps, a 'frankenstein' personality craving to ursurp physical ownership over a normally, likable larrikin ? Better still, is it some phantom deviant lurking in the wings ? Whatever, the culprits - one and all possess a deep seated compulsion to keep their sexual affairs under wraps. Why wouldn't you ?

The tabloids and plethora of Women's pictorial's are awash with breathtaking ' confession's" from our sporting legend's Who's who, and their suffering betrayed partner's. Ironically, it's always the 'cad' who is ultimately absolved of his 'indiscretion', and the blameless partner and off-springs left to 'soldier-on' regardless.As is often the case, taking the blame simply because she 'lacked' his voracious sex-drive or 'suffered' depression, or 'lost her looks' after tree kids, or couldn't compete against the 'stunning' creature 'next door', or his best mate's wife ??

Some might ask what kind of a moral vacuum we live in ? If we choose to condone their licentious behaviour as a bit of 'larrikinism'; that men must 'sow their seed' etc then as Humanoid's we have
Posted by dalma, Tuesday, 23 May 2006 11:30:18 AM
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abrogated basic rights and might just as well return to the Law of the Jungle ! HELP..Tarzan.

The Shane Warne's, Dave Carey's, Wendel Sailor's, David Hookes, Reg Hunt's, Eric Mathew's, George Best's, Maridona's etc. the champion's of Sport; the idol's of countless children; exemplary role model's; the images that adorn thousand's of adoring fan's bedrooms, have this in common:

* Mommy's boy
* Not particularly bright
* Inflated ego
* Great at what they do
* No character
* Serial offender
* Compulsive liar and cheat
* Always somebody else's fault
* Incapable of responsibility
* Sexually dysfunctional

Unless and until, these stalwarts accept their sexuality and seek professional help, there is no forseeable future for their families, their siblings and those they love most - but heartache, despair, loneliness and prolonged frustration. " if you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle us, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die, and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge ?" (Act 1.ScIII) Shakespeare.

Really, these guy's have a problem !

Posted by dalma, Tuesday, 23 May 2006 11:47:13 AM
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YngNLuvnIt Nice post. Not necessarily the way I see things. I guess I am process orientated, I jus' put me head and get stuck in. Jus' do the best I can. Teachings are as good a guide as any other for dummies like me.

I think the commandments are the centre while the rest is just God's wicked sense of humour coming into play to keep the theologians from driving taxis and boring the bejeeesas out of us, or perhaps it is God's way of flushing out those that would turn the wider text against the central rules. For instance: homosexuality is regarded as wrong by some Christians. Some far-right Christians use other parts of the Bible to say gays must die. I was once told I would die because I argued against someones interpretation of the text. I forget the passage-it was sent to me in my private snail mail about 15 years ago. To kill people is a direct sin against the Ten Commandments. Bible says so.

In the case with R.H. The moral outrage stems from the hypocrisy. Another way of looking at it is this. We have two selves our public self and our private self. The further apart they are the less authentic we are. Too far, especially on moral issues, we are hypocrites. A lot of the old stories about Knight's errant interogate this public /private aspect. (Mum's scones)
Posted by rancitas, Wednesday, 24 May 2006 5:03:53 PM
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Media people would be saying that R.H.'s behaviour is just damage control. Time will tell. But here is the thing that Yunganluvin seems to be saying. God Only Knows. My mum, dad and oldies in my mob always say these three words when she is stumpted. I even asked my son something the other day and he responded with those words. I guess that is what got me tremembering. God Only Knows. For instance: Just this morning someone ran down a border collie near our home. I came upon it and had to remove it from the road. The person responsible must have just driven off and other cars just drove around. I was angry as all hell. Can I please swear GY. Anyway rang me Mum and I told her. "God only knows why someone would do be so callous."

Dad used to always say it too. "God only knows why you'd pick a fight with a petrol pump."

God only knows who are serious about being the best they can - making amends - or repenting as the Christians say.

If I end up in hell, that is that. If I end up in heaven, I'd be damned if I know how that happened. I tell you true, if I do go to hell, I want to be a big black dog with teeth like a razor back cause I got some scores to settle on behalf of little mate tis morning.
Posted by rancitas, Wednesday, 24 May 2006 5:09:08 PM
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