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Privatising the Sunshine State : Comments
By Des Moore, published 26/5/2006The GST bonanza appears to be over, so expect increased state taxes or more private service provision.
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Posted by KAEP, Wednesday, 31 May 2006 6:53:45 AM
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The most significant topic for discussion in Australia today is the sale of the Snowy. The fact that this forum neglects to have a specific discussion on the Snowy sale is highly suspicious and smacks of Federal Government censorship. It is regrettable that in a world where most public fora allow posters to choose their own topics, this forum is tethered to topics and opinions that kowtow to the worst aspects of global capitalism. The Snowy sale is WRONG. The westpoint debacle shows that legislation cannot guarantee absence of foreign ownership or fairplay in a timely or effective manner. The Cross City Funnel Tunnel and Macquarie Airports jerk-off show that government private partnerships are nothing more than GPDs (Government Private Dictatorships). It does not take an Einstein to see where this Snowy sale will lead. Perhaps it will take an Einstein however to realise that it can happen to YOU and that John Howard will care less in a wealthy retirement. Posted by KAEP, Friday, 2 June 2006 2:27:45 AM
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Yes KAEP selling the Snowy IS wrong as is the privatisation of any essential resource or service to the public.
However, beg to differ on your opinion of OLO. Believe it WAS only a matter of time for debate on Snowy. However, the PM has done a backflip on sale - the only decent thing he has done since gun control. Read it here at "Mr Howard earlier said: "The commonwealth has decided to withdraw from the sale of the Snowy Hydro." "We will no longer have our 13 per cent share on offer," he told reporters. The federal government initially decided to sell its 13 per cent interest in the Snowy scheme after the NSW and Victorian governments announced they would sell their larger stakes." Of course the only reason for the PM's rescinding of sale is he realised that the political fall-out on this one would just be too great. Once again the rodent wriggles free. Posted by Scout, Friday, 2 June 2006 10:21:49 AM
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That's right KAEP, we're so biased that we've allowed numerous posts from you on the subject! The reason that there is nothing on the Snowy sale is that no-one's sent us in any articles. OLO operates like a blog - the comment boxes are reserved for comments on articles/posts.
We may well run an open forum in the future where anyone can start a thread, but my observation of most of that type of forum is that they don't run particularly well. I'm always impressed by the standard of comments on OLO and I suspect that this has something to do with the fact that they relate to an article which by definition will be well-researched, even if a lot of the posters won't agree with the article one way or the other. Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 2 June 2006 1:17:31 PM
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Well said Graham. Your modesty is most refreshing. That bugger KAEP is just being a malcontent. Your articles are the bestest bestest in the world.
When u finnaly get a well researched scholarly piece on the Snowy sale KAEP will apolagise profusely to you all at OLO. Least i hope he will. Posted by hedgehog, Friday, 2 June 2006 1:33:01 PM
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The snowy sale was always a mistake just like work choices.
This country is turning bad and Howard voters it's your fault. Posted by Sly, Friday, 2 June 2006 1:43:55 PM
1. They think we don't know. They think that reducing quality of life for ordinary Sydney siders by stacking us in like sardines-in-a-can AND making us pay for it with $6 fees to cross privatised 'GPD funnel whatevers', will make us BELIEVE it is all for our own good.
They have GOT to be kidding, right? Most of us will be lucky to get $6 per week after new labour laws begin to bite. It's like the water thing: the only reason we a are short of water is because of a Sydney population explosion from excessive G-PD development. NSW Labor wants to fix it by immigrating more foreigners into the city? Come on, we KNOW!
2. The planet's population continues to explode: from 1 billion
in 1820, to 2 billion in 1930, 3 billion in 1960, 4 billion in 1974,
5 billion in 1988, and 6 billion in 2000. For the 21st century,
the continued exponential growth in science and technology
raises both hopes (e.g., advances in medicine) and fears
(e.g., development of subdued, subservient populations by ever more pernicious Government-Private Dictatorships and the inevitable REVOLT that must ensue)
3. Australia is a desert continent without the fresh water and air flows, the two prerequisites for New-York/Tokyo/London style grand populations.
Sydney is not suited to a large metropolis plan. If NSW labour and their developer backers want to indulge in this INSANE MEGALOMANIA then they should look to New Zealand. NZ has the water and air flows to eventually support a population of 60 million people and stack of mindless political MEGALOMANIACS