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Peace and prosperity for Indigenous Australians : Comments

By Noel Pearson, published 28/10/2005

Noel Pearson argues Indigenous Australians need a reform agenda across a wide range of prerequisites for economic and social development.

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Dear Noel
I'd like to hear some of your thoughts about the actual creation of jobs/employment opportunities in Cape York, fill us in on what you think might be viable.

Aboriginal Art ?
Tourism ?
Beef raising ?

Noel, do you know anything about the Yir Yoront of Cape York ? I read a very sad anthropological study about them and the cultural destruction ensuing from the introduction of Steel Axes.

There is a very interesting model village in Kuching, Sarawak called (in English) 'Culture village" where the various tribal house styles and culture is daily open, and they also have traditional dancing a couple of times a day, its well done and might be worth looking at for Aboriginals also.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 29 October 2005 1:06:37 PM
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Noel bit too vague.

All this while industry and enterprises in populated areas are so mismanaged that they can’t afford to pay a living wage - populated areas where industry and enterprise are closing down.

Noel you provide no specifics. No - for instances. I would have liked to have seen some for intances such as: For instance: We could bottle our rain water and sell it on. Or, for instance, we could market the areas cultural significance somehow. No suggestions as to who will pay for the set up. Government subsidy? Bank loan? That is all we need an indebted Indigenous community in their own homeland. Also, I hope the traditonal owners are not being set up for some space-launching-world-arms-type venture.
Gadfly: The ridiculous right no doubt have the solution - let's start by going on about the "loony left". Better still. Bring back the likes of Pauline Hanson to stir up a little racial hatred or old Joh to knock up a few more dams in his own voter catchment (not the rainfall one). Then you could top it off by throwing the guilt trip onto Indigenous folk for not finding “work” in their tradional lands (especially Cape York). Better still let's get into some ridiculous-right Boltism: the-left-hate- me-cry-baby Boltism, the-greenies-are-nazi-punks- and-they-hate-everyone-and-everything Boltism, scientists-are- out-to-trick-us-into-thinking-dumb-thoughts Boltism, blacks-hate-white-because-they-want-some-recognition-for-the injustice Boltism, artists-are-not-real-people-but-aliens-on-a-mission-to-take-all-our-money-back-to-Venafaxinet (whose population Bolt envies so much) -third-rock-from-Solian Boltism, Bob Brown- hates-me-cause-he-dresses-better-and-speaks-better-sense-than-me Boltism. It seems that the right has their “useful idiots” as well.
If it weren’t for caring and genuinely compassionate people, some of whom are seen as leftist, the Indigenous folk would still be having their kids taken away . They’d still be stuck in missions (true paternalism) being smacked across the back of the heads if they didn’t say the Lord’s prayer with enough enthusiasm.
I think the left have done more for the Indigenous causes than Gadfly and his right-wing clan can ever allow their left-hating selves to graciously admit. Best wishes to you Noel
Posted by rancitas, Sunday, 30 October 2005 6:06:30 AM
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Your beginning statement appear defeatist. You seem to be arguing that, because a proportion of of urban dwelling Aussies of non indiginous descent may be subject to your proposition that industry "can't afford to pay a living wage", that there is no point in being educated or to stive for greater aspirations. Nonsense.

Further you say sarcastically "the ridiculous right no doubt have the solution". Reread what I wrote. Where do I say that the "right" have "the solution" ? I do not beleive that either the political left or right have a solution - at least not until people like Noel Pearson are listened to.

Indeed, in defence of Noel Pearson, who surely knows more about real world of the aboriginal people than you or me, I most strongly object to the patronising manner in which others in this thread have spoken of him.

I spoke of "paternalism" with criticism inter alia of "welfare".
With the introduction of welfare, aboriginal people (understandably) could not see the logic of 'working' when they could get paid for not working. So they drifted back to their humpies or worse still the State provided slums.
When they did so they, of course, took their chidren with them -- thus depriving those children of education; education being provided by the school of the air or, often, by the employer's wife or other employees.

In the 1960's the School Of The Air in Longreach (now the School Of Distance Learning) had an enrolment which included some 20% aboriginal children.
Today, not a single aboriginal child.

Further, regarding paternalism, was the creation by the political left of a subculture of aboriginal/anglo/celtic elitists who opportunisticaly grasped onto the largesse of governments to power and wealth while paying only lip service to the needs of the real aboriginal people who they purportedly represented.

Where you say "the left has done more for the indigenous causes than Gadfly and his right wing clan" you are wrong on two counts.
The political left has much to answer for.
( I could have written more than 350 words)
Posted by Gadfly, Sunday, 30 October 2005 11:58:02 AM
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I think you must be related to the screen writer of 'Kingdom of Heaven' in which the only 'Christian' bishop was portrayed as a scheming low life who drooled at the thought of more Sarasin blood being spilt... your comment about 'If they didn't say the Lords Prayer enthusiasticlly enough earning them cuff over the back of the head' had better be grounded in actual verifiable evidence and personal testimony, (which indeed it may be) or you have made a grossly irresponsible charge against 'The Church' and missions which I don't take too kindly too, seeing as I served 8 yrs + with a mission to Borneo where it would boggle the mind for such a thing to even remotely happen. Sounds like something out of Dickens. Perhaps you just saw it on 'TV'. Very close to 'vilification' to me.

So, back it up with (to use your phrase) "specifics" or please refrain from such things. In any case, how the heck does such a comment help this debate ?

Having said that, I am in agreement with the 'responsible' part of your post (before you degenerated into a mindless anti 'right' tirade) about Noel being more specific and giving some 'for instances'.
Yes, that is very necessary.

More needed though, is an outline of the framework in real, comprehensible acheivable terms where all this can take place.
I think you will do the cause of reconciliation and Indigenous progress much more service by trying to help rather than throw mud.

Gadfly, a hearty 'amen' to what you said.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 30 October 2005 2:00:45 PM
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It is necessary to take a long view into the future with this difficult theme. And you have two choices,
1. Let it alone, leave the people to get on with it and do not interfere.
2.Make sure every child receives an education even if it means forcing the parents to ensure the child gets to school.
The first option will leave the community where it will not prosper, it will stagnate and rot.
The second option, if rigidly enforced, will see the children receive training in ways to help their community, perhaps by becoming teachers, doctors,nurses, anything but nothing.
There are whole generations of Aborigines wasted by doing nothing, learning nothing, they deserve better than that.
Posted by mickijo, Sunday, 30 October 2005 2:41:17 PM
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Noel, for a well educated fellow with some impressive long-ranged visions you can also be incredibly short-sighted and short on words with regards to the real reasons why.

i was flabergasted at reading your account of cape yorkers who've only ever experienced the life of income support. i think you need claify your statement with some time lines. my reckoning is something like this, up until 1967 everyones wages were withheld and doled out in bits and pieces with the remainder being held in trust to eventually become what we know today as the Stolen Wages. that scenario then set the scene for what was to come after 1967, your income support era - about 30 years worth, about 1 or 2 generations worth.

im heartened to see that others realise that all that glimmers is not gold.

finally, because in essence i can see where and what the reform agenda is getting at, i have two words -

kibbutz community.

i too am interested to see our communities and people thrive. my interests have led me to look further into kibbutz communities and whether that type of model is more appropriate to our communities. take a look noel, im hoping you might surprise yourself.
Posted by kalalli, Monday, 31 October 2005 6:20:17 AM
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