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Kafkaesque nightmares : Comments

By Adam Ferguson, published 17/2/2006

Looking at the world with Kafka’s eye for the absurd, and for injustice, could help inoculate us against the Kafkaesque becoming reality.

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The whole apparatus of the state is moving towards more secrecy and less accountability. There is the concept of 'plausible deniability'. The Howard government's survival and longevity are built around 'the Ministers were not informed'. The Departments have been given coded instructions when to inform and when not. They also get a wink about when to bend the rules and pervert process. If a Department makes a big stuff up eg Immigration deporting Australian citizens, no-one is to blame. Big business is looked after, and media moguls repay the favour by placing commentators that deride the government's critics. It goes on at state level too, but not with the same polish. If a government wants to introduce an unjust policy, it has at its disposal oceans of taxpayers funds with which to blanket advertise with a misleading message. There is the appearance of democracy, but the methods of subverting it are more sophisticated than ever.
Posted by PK, Friday, 17 February 2006 9:46:57 AM
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An excellent and accurate article.
For an addition to your nightmare try talking to the E.P.A.
No major polluter may operate without a license from the E.P.A. so they know who the major polluters are.
The E.P.A. is not allowed to tell the public who holds such licenses or where they operate.
Posted by Bull, Friday, 17 February 2006 12:51:09 PM
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Relating this to Nick Gruen's article on "churning", one of the worst aspects of churning is the size of the bureaucracy needed for it. Bureaucrats have strong incentives for self-perpetuation, empire-building and seeking promotion through building the edifice and supporting the edifice-builders rather than through dedicated attention to the public interest. This leads to Kafkaesque behaviour as regards sharing information, monitoring impacts, etc, heading off any action which could lead to pruning of deadwood and superfluous activities, supported by covert action against those who don't play these self-interested games. This is worse in my experience at the State level than at the Federal one, although I don't have recent Commonwealth experience.
Posted by Faustino, Friday, 17 February 2006 6:48:04 PM
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Sometimes I feel alone out here watching our world head into what feels like a medieval time when the common person hasn't a chance for real justice. Where those in power take our money from us but don't return an equal value. The castle walls are lined with boiling oil and may the Lord help anyone who dares to attempt a breach. Our only chance is to resist, even if our fates are sealed, and our ultimate death would only favor the State.
Thank you once again for this article. It's good to know I'm not alone.
Posted by Patty Jr. Satanic Feminist, Saturday, 18 February 2006 8:01:48 AM
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What planet do you live on, Miss Satanic Feminist?

Things are fine here on earth.
Posted by DFXK, Saturday, 18 February 2006 3:29:25 PM
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The most "Kafkaesque" absurdity about the new anti teror laws Mr Adam Ferguson, is that had Australia kept out of our country people from troublesome religious and ethnic groups, they would never have been necessary in the first place.

I love the way people like you think. You create an intractable problem by your insistence upon the observance of a moral absolute, then you complain about the inevitable social consequences that arise because of it. To add insult to injury, you then try to blame the people who opposed your viewpoint all along, and then criticise them for thinking up practical solutions to the social problems you and your ilk created.

Naturally. your criticism is couched in an artistic way in order to display your presumed social, intellectual and moral superiority. Got news for ya bub. Modern Art is so bad that the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney had to make entry to it's hallowed halls free because nobody ever went in the wretched place. If it was not for government "Arts Grants", most of the so called "artists" of today would have to have a real job.

I would love to see your MRI brainscan image, it probably resembles something by Jackson Pollack
Posted by redneck, Sunday, 19 February 2006 5:11:20 AM
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A well written and timely article. What purpose in protecting our way of life if we destroy it in the process?

At what point in time should we have stopped immigration of peoples from “troublesome religious and ethnic groups”, perhaps 1788?
The tone of your post is simple minded, offensive and avoids responding to the basic message of the article – that increased power and secrecy in authority is a threat to a just society.
Posted by pancho, Monday, 20 February 2006 2:27:50 AM
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Buenos Dias, Pancho.

Future historians will mark the downfall of Australia as a fit place to live with the abolition of the White Australia Policy under Whitlam. The subsequent importation of several troublesome ethnic groups has been a social disaster for this country. The result of importing people from backward societies and medieval religions is there for all to see. Spiralling crime rates directly related to ethnicity, a very serious drug problem where once again, certain ethnicities are predominant, the ethnic ghettoization of Australian suburbs with high rates of criminality and welfare dependency, teachers in NSW refusing to teach in notorious ethnic dominated schools noted for their violence towards teachers. The existence of Muslim race hate rape pack targeting Australian girls, white flight, terrorism and now, serious reductions in our once dearly held civil liberties to counter the terrorism and crime.

If you want a link to the seriousness of ethnic related crime, here is one right here.

Had Australia maintained the White Australia Policy there would now be a very real reduction in our annual $32 billion dollar crime bill and the reductions in our civil liberties would not have been necessary. We would not be spending $1Billion dollars every year keeping track of a few hundred “Australians” who want to mass murder us and once again, we would not have had to grudgingly submit to even more reductions in our civil liberties.

[Last par deleted for flaming]
Posted by redneck, Monday, 20 February 2006 5:25:17 AM
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An interesting way to bait someone is to use denial. The question was asked of me, "what planet do I live on?" Let's see, I live on a planet where the human population seems to be using it's resources at an alarming rate. Where we are like rats in an overcrowded maze, killing each other for those resources. You know what they are-oil, water, food. I live on a planet in the midst of changing weather patterns which will make the fight for food even more intense. The same atmospheric changes make it difficult to prevent some diseases, like skin cancer. I live on a planet where more and more governments are adopting draconian attitudes, that hurt the people who are not creating problems, yet seem to assist the ones who are.

I could continue, but I do pride myself on being brief. I hope this answers your question.
Posted by Patty Jr. Satanic Feminist, Monday, 20 February 2006 7:10:30 AM
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boat people are a real pain in this country. If the original population (those who walked here) had managed to keep out the boat people then things would be a lot different.
Posted by Peace, Monday, 20 February 2006 6:08:33 PM
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What can be more Kafkaesque than Family Law? In terms of “abuses of reason by shadowy, unaccountable bureaucracies”, secrecy, and the sheer numbers of people either directly or indirectly impacted, or involved in the industry, this is by far the most sinister example.

It has been going on for some 30 years, and we are yet to fully recognise it for what it is.

No-fault divorce is even more punitive than if faults were a consideration. Ex husbands will happily relieve themselves of 70% to 90% of all assets where children are involved – this is because they are primary earners and inadequate carers. If mere allegation of violence or abuse is a factor (ahem, fault), forget about ever seeing the kids. Any contract is only valid for as long as both parties agree – as is paternity testing, access, accountability or shared parenting. Decision to abort or carry to term, is a decision reserved solely for the woman. Abortions are usually decided and performed in secret, unless the vengeful woman in question wants you to know you are particularly inadequate as prospective father.

And let’s not even start on what is in the best interests of children …
Posted by Seeker, Tuesday, 21 February 2006 8:14:43 PM
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Dear redneck,
You say:
"Future historians will mark the downfall of Australia as a fit place to live with the abolition of the White Australia Policy under Whitlam."

So nothing before happened before Whitlam?

The link to the immigration 'fact sheet' (no pun intended) is:

It states:

"The abolition of the policy [White Australia Policy] took place over a period of 25 years.

Following the election of a coalition of the Liberal and Country parties in 1949, Immigration Minister Harold Holt allowed 800 non-European refugees to remain in Australia and Japanese war brides to enter Australia.

Over subsequent years, Australian governments gradually dismantled the policy, with the final vestiges being removed in 1973 by the new Labor government."

I think you had better write to them and get them to correct it to reflect your more accurate view of the world.

However, the point of the article is about how Governments of any ilk hide both themselves and their power behind impenatrable structures and institutions. While I don't share seeker's view of the Family Law, his perception of it is kafkaesque. But to have an impact, it is necessary to pick specific examples of injustice and change them systematically and systemically, instance by instance. To go after the generality in one hit is admirable. But then, like Sancho Panza , I always admired Don Quixote.

Posted by odsoc, Tuesday, 21 February 2006 8:36:40 PM
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Now all yous bickering cockroaches should/must, it is suggested that, yous all read old Kafka, cos he knew the truth - that we are all just a bunch of cockroaches. That our esteemed honourable leaders can stamp on us anytime they like. They can use cockroach bait to catch us but in the end coming down like a ton of bricks is their prefered method. The fascist State is upon us just as it was in Kafka's time. No, you do not need an explanation for government actions. You do not need to know what is in your best interest, for what is your best interest is our best interest. We have the power you are the cockroach. Now shut the Fxxk up and get back in your box. (The Forum has been infected with Kafka too. I can't use the word fxxk. A RED warning appeared ordering me to 'remove the profanity.' The Forum needs it nice and safe 'cos big brother IS watching.
Yous cockroaches that mirror the States views should remember the fascists will eat you too when the going gets tough, a white cockroach is still a cockroach.
Have a nice day
Posted by Barfenzie, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:34:05 AM
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