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Time to stop all this growth : Comments
By Jenny Goldie, published 23/2/2006Population growth in Australia is unsustainable in the face of water shortages, climate change and rising fuel prices.
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It all started when you insulted a formula you found to be silly, when actually ecology is based on an even simpler formula! We then moved on to evidence for overpopulation. We presented the evidence and you denied it.
I knew you were an armchair critic when you said the thousands of scientists writing for the UCS and MA were just presenting their ‘opinions’, not scientific data. So be it — your “Is not!” whine is louder than scientific reason. You don’t believe in overpopulation, peak oil is decades away, global warming is natural, and the flying saucers will save us.
Then you asked to see the WHAT of population policy. I never once imagined that you agreed with the WHY. I showed you the SPA document for the POLICY, but you saw global warming and forgot that thing called “CONTEXT!” Or worse, you felt threatened by the domestic focus of SPA’s workable policies and intentionally diverted.
Indeed, I am the only one answering questions and providing source documents — you are just carping. You have not really answered points 1-4. You have not provided any source material or engaged arguments. You call people names, insult, sidetrack, avoid, and then rinse and repeat.
I wrote this last night, but did not get to post as we had visitors.
>>>“It’s boring. Most people have already left this ongoing monologue from you. As Wikipedia says, “Do not feed the trolls”. If I get another “rinse and repeat” performance again, I’ll leave you to your trolling.<<<
You have just done another Pericles “rinse and repeat”. I gave you plenty of chances to change your tune — far more than most would. This conversation is over, but if I meet you here again I’ll simply warn others not to bother attempting to ‘engage’ you in conversation because it is so pointless.