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The Forum > Article Comments > Water shortages: It's the population stupid! > Comments

Water shortages: It's the population stupid! : Comments

By Tom Gosling, published 15/2/2006

Australia's increased levels of population growth is resulting increasingly in a lack of resources, including water.

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Whether because of its obvious effect on Australia’s water supplies or the environment in general, all immigration apart from that beneficial to Australia itself and the people already living here, should be stopped. Figures provided by the author, and previously by Ross Gittins in the SMH, show that the ‘benefits’ are now far outweighed by the problems caused by immigration.

Today, Australia’s population is 5,000 off 20.5 million; almost double the scientifically suggested optimum of 12 million.

We have been badly served by both sides of politics: both refuse to even discuss a population policy.

Tom Gosling tells it the way it is. He has correctly identified the greedy minority groups who benefit from high immigration, at the expense of the rest of us who have to pay for their greed and make do with less of everything as quality of living drops.

We don’t need a large population to defend ourselves, thanks to modern weapons, and we don’t need a large population for prosperity as is shown by Sweden and other countries with small populations. We need to be smarter. Unfortunately we seem to be getting dumber, particularly the drones we keep putting into parliament. These timeservers find it easier to line the pockets of anti-social developers whose only interest in Australia is how much they can get out of it before it goes under
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:20:16 PM
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people should realise that once the water is gone, it's gone. it's not coming use the water sparingly.
Posted by Smartcat, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 2:16:58 PM
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If market forces are wreaking havoc on the Australian environment and on our social structures then the majority of Australians who are clearly opposed can do little. It is well known Australia is a token democracy, a small 'd' Democracy.

However, real Australians have been outsmarting the world on all levels of endeavour for the last 100 years or more. We are not bereft.

The way to get at the perseus petes who wish to ride on our backs like sheep is to give 'em what they want. Gold-Girls-and-Glory.

Now any Australian with half a brain and who has any dignity left knows that multiculturalism has failed to create a cohesive Australia.
Most multicultural allegiances and MONEY leave Australia anyway you cut it. We can use that to divide and conquer.

We also know that an Australia with more than 23 million people all packed into the capital cities and their hinterlands is unsustainable at all levels due to the impossibility to kick start satisfactory infrastructure. Besides, no immigrants will EVER want to live anywhere else.
Big Banks and their zombie runners know this as well. They're in it for the short term high density populational profits. Bless their little souls.

Put these two together and hey presto, you realise that NO ONE loves this sh$t hole of a desert land, Australia, except us die hards. You also realise that like in the Philadelpheia Story, all you have to do to rid yourself of vandals is to present them with a more attractive option.

Hello! ... New Zealand is destined to become a major regional power with 60 million people. This is in line with the island nations, Japan and Britain, in similar global latitudes.

Additionally, Tasmania has a similar geographical bounty and is capable of up to 25 million people. This could be stretched to perhaps 40 million if some environmental carnage is pushed through with Big Bank MacDollars. Line a few political pockets and who knows. Tasmanians are not noted for being as canny as real Australians, so The Bank's MacChances are extremely good.

Hellooo, Tax-Fodder, gold-girls-Glory!
Posted by KAEP, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 2:27:27 PM
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Where do these 'water experts' get their hypothesis from? It seems the same irrational arguments are constantly put forward to justify the backward attitude held by the left and the Greens in particular in relation to water management, water storage and associated environmental issues.

Firstly more than enough water falls in Australia to support a population in excess of that today. Tully in North Queensland measures yearly rainfall in metres put there is no major dam within 200 kilometres of the largest rainfall concentrations. In fact there is a distinct lack of large dams in North Queensland. How can Townsville for example have 'a water shortage' when it is a tropical region subject to fringe monsoons?

Secondly money is not spent on sensible, ecological infrastructure. Sir Joh for once had it right when he suggested building large scale pipelines from NQ to SE Australian metropolises. Rain tanks are another neglected area. But what about the huge amounts of 'grey water' that go down the drains instead of being used in agricultural ventures? The problem is that the Greens have everybody so stymied by endless feasibility and environmental studies that no decisions are ever made-yet the left has the gaul to complain about river and water table problems in farming areas.
Posted by wre, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 3:06:14 PM
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Did I say the Philadelphia Story. It was 'The Philadelphian' of course.

In the Meantime, there are ways to make Australia SUSTAINABLE for a final 23 million people carrying capacity.

It involves the science of Thermodynamics and the study of Demographics (aka Human Geography). And don't believe those of little or no vision. There ARE magic bullets that can solve Australia's persistent drought problems.

I suggest that people who know nothing of these subjects do some Googling. It is entirely fair that as citizens of this nation we are all asked to contribute our time and hard study to understanding any topic, these two in particular, that can benefit our country.
Posted by KAEP, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 3:25:56 PM
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What Winston said. Australia has plenty of water, the problem is that most of it does not fall in Sydney, but everyone still lives there anyway.

The reason this situation comes about is because people do not pay for the water they use, and the forces of supply and demand are not regulating the market.

When government subsidises industries that use 80% of our potable water so they only pay about 1% of the actual cost of the water they use, there will always be a shortage of water.

Let them pay full price and you will quickly find these water-intensive industries relocating somewhere where water is cheap and plentiful (Tasmania, Far North Queensland, North West and South West WA). If you give them free water, of course they are going to stay in Sydney and Melbourne, they have no reason not to.

Most of Australia's highest rainfall areas are virtually uninhabited because of water subsidies. End the subsidies and you end the problem.
Posted by Yobbo, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 7:18:44 PM
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