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Women on top : Comments

By Brett Bowden, published 30/1/2006

Brett Bowden asks why Australia has had so few female politicians and no prospect of a woman as prime minister any time soon.

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Hear hear Brett. I have naive faith that the world is spinning in the right direction. Germany and New Zealand have female leaders and on January 17 it was reported that Chile's and Liberia's new leaders are women. All we need now is the right women at the helm in the UK and the US (easier said than done). But that said, it is crucial that we get our own house in order. I believe Julia Gillard would make an excellent Deputy PM and then when the time is right she could have a tilt at the top job. I won't hold my breath!
Posted by John Andrewartha, Sunday, 5 February 2006 2:20:43 PM
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“confirms my worst fears of the type of teacher that's corrupting the innocence of our children across the system daily - utterly frightening”.

Big statement. I’m curious, to what extent are you involved in the education system such that you can make a claim of this magnitude. As for ‘frightening’, I can think of scarier things.

You know nothing of how/what I teach but I can assure you I teach within the required guidelines, keeping my political stance out of the classroom. Your allegation about my professional status is therefore invalid.

As for today's ‘politician is a subversive liar - manipulative, mendacious, smarmy, two-faced sociopath intent on self empowerment wishing to control others’. Probably true. But do you think it’s possible that this description has emerged through centuries of male leadership? I wonder if, in time, the achievement of ‘balance’ will alter this outlook.

Your similar description of the “feminist movement” casts a small net over very large and diverse waters, feminism running alongside theology as one of the most sophisticated developments in history.


Is marginalisation a reality? Yes.

Is marginalisation an engineered, manipulated and corrupted process? Yes.

Is this marginalisation indicative of balance? No.

Is this democratic? Not really.

Have you adequately answered the question raised by Brett Bowden as to why there are 'so few female politicians'? No… no… no.

According to you, the acquisition of political power is based entirely on merit. If that's the case then one must assume that most women seeking a career in politics have insufficient merit. This blatantly contradicts your earlier comment that you “promoted the view that men and women are equal and should be treated as equal.” Is this happening? Of course not. And so there must be something wrong…

Once again I ask – Please respond to the question. You continue to evade the question that I'm waiting so patiently to be answered. If you fail to answer it in your next post then I shall move on to another thread, as I'm sensing that my frequent dialogue with you is becoming a lost cause.
Posted by tubley, Sunday, 5 February 2006 2:53:52 PM
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Opinionated in your comments in response to mine you included the word “likely”/ “lilelyhood” in two of them . “Likely” is a non-specific term used sometimes when something is a possibility but one cannot prove it or when someone wants to persuade an argument with emotion rather than reason. I am quite certain your stand is either of the sort I mention (non-provable or emotional) and thus, certainly devoid of debating reason and merit.

Tubley, you protest too much.

I did not argue-

Against women in politics or any other pursuit.
For the right of men to protect some bastion of maledom.
For women stay at home.
That the rigors of politics is either beyond or beneath to females to deal with.

I do however, as in all things expect males and females to be treated as equals within and before the law and in their civic and civil rights.

I do expect
men and women to equally cast a secret vote in public elections.
all those votes to be counted and treated equally
you to respect the outcome of all and every election, unless you can identify and prove coercion of corruption in which case you should dispute it.

Your issue with “marginalisation” is an emotional response to losing the argument. When suffrage and the right to nominate or be nominated for election is universal, there can be no marginalisation, in the elective processes.

Again you don’t like the outcome, get over it.

Re “fail to answer it in your next post then I shall move on to another thread”

Please yourself but threatening me will never work. To withdraw from posting is the act of the petulant bully who is miffed at not getting their own way. And that justifies what I said about you previously

“Again, that bullying attitude keeps seeping out from with your drivel.”

Doubtless, you would have me banned if it were your site (I think you might have even said that too, I will check). Life is tough when tubley don’t get his own way.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 5 February 2006 6:45:49 PM
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There are far better ways of increasing the proportion of women in government than affirmative action. Affirmative action would only increase the number of poor quality candidates and would eventually have the effect of denigrating women in government. Selection must be based on merit but it is imperative that the option is available to as many people as possible to allow true representation of all groups.

Few women with families are able to work the unpredictable and odd hours that are required by parliament. Perhaps if parliament sittings were spaced more evenly throughout the year rather than long hours followed by long breaks then more women could fit it around their family committments. This would also open up the field to those men who are also capable and willing but unable to carry out the job due to other committments. Maybe we would even get someone worth having running the country - male or female.

This of course also applies to businesses. Anyone with family committments - mainly women - cannot attend breakfast or after 5pm meetings and drinks after work. These 'networking' opportunities should not be a requirement for promotion.
Posted by sajo, Sunday, 5 February 2006 8:54:48 PM
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Hi there M' Tubley, how do you do?

Thank you for engaging. You've made my day.

You enquire as to my involvement in the education system so I shall speak freely and reveal all. My involvement with the education system is that of being a user - you know, user pays and all that stuff. As a user, I am a parent and deeply alarmed I was at the rubbish and utter bullsh' that was being served up to my young son by the system you call education. Education it was not. Marxist brainwashing was what it was and so I'm pleased to say that my son is now intellectually prospering as a home student. Now, he is no longer subjected to discriminatory persecution for having been born an intelligent white male. Now he can develop freely without being metaphorically bashed over the head daily for demonstrating normal healthy masculine behaviour. He is now a happy boy developing self confidence, self respect and knowledge. He is now beyond the clutches of your "politically correct".

And I'm a very happy father too.

Probably, all of that will come as quite a bit of a shock to you, but get used to it. Your so-called "teacher's" game is up. People are getting wise to your disgrace dressed up and sold as education.

And oh, by the way, I'm a career expert in the field of adult education. I've been there, I've done it, and I've got a long, proud history of success to look back upon in my present retired status.

But good luck to you mate, you're going to need it.
Posted by Maximus, Sunday, 5 February 2006 10:43:01 PM
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"Women on top" well these days with all my medical problems,there is no other option.Of course when I was young and healthy,this would have been out of the question.
Posted by PHILB, Sunday, 5 February 2006 11:05:51 PM
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