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Acceptance is ... : Comments

By Sebastian De Brennan, published 12/1/2006

Sebastian de Brennan argues Australians should aim for the higher ideal of acceptance, rather than just tolerance, of others.

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Nothing wrong with being anti-muslim Leo. Just a belief system that is a personal choice in the west. Same as anti-capitalism, anti-catholic, anti- communism.

Part of living in a democracy is that you are actually allowed to be anti-whatever. You may not win but you can try.

If it becomes a crime to be anti-muslim then we all may as well live in Saudi Arabia. But seeing many muslims flee countries where choice is not an option surely they understand their freedom here also means everyone has the same right to have very different opinion.

The Cronulla riots were not an expression of this freedom. They suppressed the freedom of many if anyhting. Same as being told it is a crime to be anti-muslim. It in itself is a crime, same as the rioters at Cronulla. No-one has the rights to take freedoms away.
Posted by Verdant, Sunday, 15 January 2006 12:39:15 PM
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I am fed up with the average Australian having to be tolerant of the intolerable, where is ther tolerance of our way of life, these multi-culti elite class has no idea of the real world, or do they? where do they live? Australia is becoming a nation of tribes. Wherever the Muslim lives there is trouble, they are territoral and it is a turf war, they think that the world belongs to Allah and Muslim's, we are pigs, the unclean trash, they are a belligerent arrogant breed.
They don't like us, everything they say in the media to wave over their crimes is a load of rubbish, behind closed doors it is very different. Please be tolerant, we have to be tolerant, well I for one am sick to the stomach with this BS, their is an agenda here, and the Left and Politicians don't give a hoot, we cop it because we are too tolerant. We are commiting suicide.
They get away with heaps, only have to look at the Cronulla fiasco, Australians are racists, what a load of crock they hide behind this multi-culti crap and racist slur, when if you look at the crime in their own back yard, and their threatening Aussie women because they are white, they are the racists and the intolerant ones. Wake up Australia.
Posted by bluerock, Sunday, 15 January 2006 6:56:42 PM
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well said Bluerock
Posted by meredith, Sunday, 15 January 2006 6:58:56 PM
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Thank your for your article.

Within my family, I accept most members. But then, there are others who I simply cannot tolerate, no matter how hard I try.

Get the anology?
Posted by kalweb, Sunday, 15 January 2006 7:23:17 PM
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Ditto Bluerock I'm with you on that one, my belief is that many things in society had to be changed, and it has been mostly a great thing for civilised poeple all over the world that certain rights and freedoms should apply to everyone equally, but they have in negiotating or fighting for injustices, gone over board in thier demands, and like the unions they have pushed to hard and have made ridiculous demands that only get people's back up and weaken their cause.

What is to be gained from the left wing media and acadamia elitist to continually paint false pictures that they have got to know is untrue, is it to cause bitter sentiment amongst the prevailing culture and lebanese muslims ?,that leads to more unrest so it makes better copy, and they can then turn around and tell you I told you so, therefor strengthen thier own position/cause/job/organisation ?

What amazes me is that there are truly manly horrific injustices all over the world, but through some twisted logic they will fight only the countries that will allow them to fight, that is like a parent that goes out and continually see's badly behaved children and because that cannot do anything about it, come home and give their well behaved kids a kick in the backside because they are frustrated !

Hamlet me old mate, you have broken my heart that you do not want to be one of my "mates" oh well mate I guess I'll have to find another mate to be mates with, lighten up champ you never know we might have more things in common than you think.
Posted by VGC, Monday, 16 January 2006 8:43:52 AM
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Good topic. Acceptance is itself a belief perspective, requiring that people suspend or reject their own self defining qualities in order to "include" all others. Thus ones own culture is rendered impotent in the face of having to "accept" and value others who get to maintain and even exploit their differences. Homosexuality is a good example - its just not tolerance that is required, but acceptance.

When we have to comply with politically correct agenders such as obtaining an "inclusive society" etc it is asking us to surrender our basic humanity that requires we identify who we are - largely in relation to everyone else. Sebastian, and this politically correct "religion" in essence requires people not to be human and obtain a clear sense of identity and worth by defining our differences.

If acceptance is to occur at all, we must define and relate by what we have in common (like joining a surf club together) - rather than shoving differences in each others faces and demanding acceptance.
Posted by desert, Monday, 16 January 2006 3:43:53 PM
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