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Young people working for change : Comments

By May Miller-Dawkins and Tim Lehâ, published 5/12/2005

May Miller-Dawkins interviews Tim Lehâ on youth culture and the Oxfam International Youth Parliament.

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At the risk of being called a grumpy old fart, I hope the 24 year old author and her friend don't overlook the experiences of their elders. They both belong to the second generation of people who have had a dream ride in the world, and naivety is always a problem.

Good luck to them, anyway.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:22:04 AM
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Look at history and it says that there are things wrong with the opening line:
"It is not a figment of our imagination that, for the first time, young people know each other and work together for change across the globe."
Yes, it is a figment of imagination.
Australian's greatest hero was Ned Kelly. Ned and his friends the Kelly gang were working for change. Ned was 23 when he died.
Bushranger Ben Hall was 27 when he died.
In the United States, Billy the Kid was 23 when he died. All these famous young people were working for change in the establishment.
Now in today's youth we don't have any that are memorable like Ned Kelly.
They are shielded by the estblishment.
Posted by GlenWriter, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:58:13 AM
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Yes, its easy to get carried away with the momentum of a program, leading to such hyperbolic phrases. However, subject to reservations about the degree of editing, the young man in question comes across as an articulate and self-aware person of good reasoning and intent. That in itself is not enough to bring about change, but I'd rather support him and his attitudes than the fundamentalist views of sundry Abrahamic religions.

So more power to him and his worldwide band. I hope they can bring about the social and environmental change our world needs if humanity and ecoonomy are to sustain.
Posted by Greenlight, Tuesday, 6 December 2005 1:26:47 AM
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