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With friends like Warren Mundine and the ALP ... : Comments

By Megan Davis, published 1/12/2005

Megan Davis argues the Australian Labor Party has been outwitted by the Howard Government.

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Megan, Your arguements are difficult to disagree with, Howard, whatever else he is, is a master manipulator, and tactician. Aboriginal people deserve better than an ALP President, who is willing in any way to co-operate with Howard, in any capacity, as this sends the wrong message to ingidenous Australia. Mundine, thankfully, will have little or no influence on the Parliamentry Labor Party, who when, and if they achieve Government will surely implement different policies to those espoused by the future ALP President. It is bereft of the ALP that they didn't interviene with advice to Mundine, to not make himself available for this task. Perhaps, because of past mistreatment of Aboriginal and Islander people, by the elitist white population, ingigenous Australia has been left with an inferiority complex, which motivates good people to take positions such as these, to try to feel important, I don't really know. What I do know is, that Howard will have a long term objective in mind for ingigenous land, that will have as a goal, seperation from the land of its traditional owners, so that it can be exploited by the wealthy elitist white population. Please don't fall for trap, and advise Mundine to resign.
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 1 December 2005 4:40:22 PM
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As usual, Machiavelli 'suck-hole' Howard successfully 'frightens the horses' and dangles dollars before bedazzled eyes. We need courage to stand up and fight: for indigenous human rights, for indigenous rights to traditionally based communal property ownership, and for the founding rights inherent in the first sovereigns of Australia. The ALP has to recover its guts and be independent again, as only that will defeat discrimination against 'different' minority groups: indigenes, Muslims, the poor and disabled - the new racism.
Keep going Megan ... barbh
Posted by barb h, Thursday, 1 December 2005 5:43:23 PM
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Now I am no expert, so please bear with me;

What is wrong with the two major parties agreeing on something for once? Megan seems upset that an aboriginal leader doesn't think exactly the same way she does, but exactly what is wrong with his policies?

I am not aboriginal, and I certainly do not claim expertise in this area. Whenever I see Mr Mundine on the news or in print he always seems to have a quite logical, straightforward message about self-responsibility and self-control. He doesn't shy away from talking about the problems in his community, and urging aboriginies to take responsibility for dealing with them.

Could someone explain to me what is wrong with what he says?

As for John Howard, these forums are just full of bitterness towards an extremely effective and astute prime minister. I think of all our politicians Mr. Howard has the firmest grip on what is really required for our nation. Austrlia greatly punches above its weight in terms of economy and foreign affairs. It's immigration system is admired around the world.

We actually have a lot to thank him for, and I think the Australian people reflected that at the last election.
Posted by gw, Friday, 2 December 2005 6:15:25 AM
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Thank you Ms Davis,

Unfortunately this is not the first time that the ALP has actually sought to limit the effectiveness and credibility of the various Indigenous organisations. Perhaps the most striking examples (because of their large ATSI populations) are the Western Australian, Queensland and Northern Territory Labour Governments (particularly ironic in the NT with so many ATSI MLA's & the highest ATSI incarceration rate in Australia).

I personally suggest that the NT should seek to implement the Circle courts that have worked in NSW, and possibly also community based custodial and non-custodial sentencing. However this suggestion has apparently been dismissed out of hand by the Martin Government, which is unsurprising given its oppostion to the Northern Land Council willingness to discuss the proposed N Waste dump, and its blatant use of the race card at the last NT election.

Perhaps it is time for an actual indigenous party - perhaps in the senate? (NB Coconuts need not apply
Posted by Aaron, Saturday, 3 December 2005 3:26:36 PM
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I agree Megan - Warrin Mundine is like a lot of the ALP who seem more like liberal party plants than fair dinkum Labor. He and his right-wing cronies have conveniently wiped 200+ years of oppression and desocialisation from their collective memory banks. This is what is causing the psychosis among Aboriginal people not, as they imply, a lack of responsibility for their behaviour.
Posted by rikki, Thursday, 8 December 2005 5:31:20 PM
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Howard and the national party won't say SORRY [on behalf of past government inhumanity ] or agree to a Treaty with reparations for lost land and culture . warren mundine and the alp must promise to do these things if they are to be considered credible .
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the FORUM readers , kartiya
Posted by kartiya, Monday, 19 December 2005 8:48:08 AM
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