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The Forum > Article Comments > Muslim to Muslim - people of humble common sense ask ‘why?’ > Comments

Muslim to Muslim - people of humble common sense ask ‘why?’ : Comments

By Bashir Goth, published 25/7/2005

Bashir Goth tackles the struggle between Muslims on the interpretation of the Islam.

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Edit those little mistakes of mine yourselves please. When I said "before you talk" of one nation, I meant all those opportuntists who are using the current situation to further their own ideas such as a mono-nation. I did in no way mean to suggest that "you" was you Bashir.
One of the greatest acts of terrorism was the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. A survivor of that horror said these, I think, very wise words to an Australian. "You are not my enemy; war is our enemy." I think that we need to remember that above all else terrorism and war are our enemy.
Posted by rancitas, Monday, 25 July 2005 4:15:04 PM
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Bashir Goth (love your surname, sorry I haven't grown up yet) - A superb and lyrically written article full of well ..... common sense. I feel uplifted just for having read it.

Loved the somali anecdote too.

Common sense and text sense: I know which makes sense.
Posted by Trinity, Monday, 25 July 2005 5:03:41 PM
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Well common sense tells me that the only effective solution to the terrorist problem is to eradicate the moronic social policy of multiculturalism. Commonsense tells me that whereever there is Islam, there is conflict. Look at the tragic state of Europe, what a mess. Muslims should never have been let in, especially en masse. They are let in by the fifth column, to become the fifth column.

End immigration and for god's sake, abolish multiculturalism.
Posted by davo, Monday, 25 July 2005 5:26:39 PM
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I appreciated the sentiment in this article.

When confronted with this subject matter in this type of forum, the responses are inevitably polarised. I feel it is sad that a fellow human has been forced to justify his religion. We are largely a naive country and I take the chance whenever I can to learn from new Australians. They appreciate what it is we have here. That being said, whenever a religion is explicit, conflict and inevitably violence and prejudice ensue and i don't feel it has to be this way although history would suggest otherwise.

The only way forward is respect, and personally I don't know how you enforce such a moral quality. We have no choice but to live amongst one another, no choice. We do have a choice when it comes to expressing our religion in such a way as to flaunt it.

My Grandfather who himself is a religious man expressed to me once a sentiment I hold dear to this day. When asked about his opinion (as he would never put it forward if not asked on this topic) regarding preachers (preachers in nature as well as occupation), he told me he felt the best way to express your religion was to live your life and set a good example. If then, someone approached you and asked why it was that you seemed to lead a good life and be happy, then you could share your practices and / or beliefs. To do otherwise is to, in your own way, pass moral judgement.

I feel if everyone were to adopt this sentiment life would be somewhat more enjoyable.

That being said, the only times I find myself tingling with nationalistic pride is when i see examples of true, accepting, tolerant multiculturalism at work in this great nation made of all nations.
Posted by iKen, Monday, 25 July 2005 10:41:23 PM
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Rancitas, Bolt hater I see, I am sorry but your comment that “You will never get 20 million people to all embody the same thinking, religion and lifetstyles”. That is a very simplistic statement that even he who should not be named is not suggesting. So please read what people say not what you think they say. (Common problem in debates)
Oh where has English language teaching failed?
Anyway COMMON SENSE says, as you do, that you cannot get the same thinking, religion or lifestyle as the people with different views on this forum prove. In fact history proves that you can accept the differences and hold onto your mother culture without losing them and still be involved and an integral part of Australian culture. The Italians and Greeks did it after World War 2 (my parents being prime examples) and people of Asian origin and descent are successfully doing it now especially seen in the hard work ethic in schooling. So COMMON SENSE says if these groups can, others can as well. You are right, Australia loves individualism but we love the team player as well.
Your comment “It gives them an excuse to have a go at people of different race or religion. Rather than attacking terrorism they seem determined to promote racist thinking and indulge in cultural supremacism.” Agree some people do have that intention. I think the majority do not. But do not forget that this article was written titled
Muslim to Muslim - people of humble common sense ask ‘why?
A Muslim is asking the question. COMMON SENSE says that others can ask as well. To attack them if they are non-Mulsim for asking questions is in itself racist. Why should Australians ask a question of another culture? Using the Australian term “fair go mate”
Posted by The Big Fish, Monday, 25 July 2005 11:53:50 PM
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Good sentiments, Bashir, but second book of the Koran includes such a gem as an order to fight until there is no religion left except Islam.

There are other surahs telling us to strike off the heads of the disbelievers, to cut off their fingertips, their hands and feet on opposite sides, to crucify them, and to cut for them garments of fire.

It is taught in more than one surah that it is wrong to make friends with non-Muslims, and in one place even if they are family.

If the silly Christians could throw away the scriptures of that other religion, Judaism/Israelitish, they could then search the New Testament in vain for similar texts.

The Islamic faith is a descendant of the bad parts of the Hebrew faith -- the eye for the eye, the tooth for the tooth, and stoning adulterous women (but not men) included.

Modern Muslims who want to believe that their scriptures teach only peace ought to quote us the books and the surahs, with the URLs, just as the unfriendly texts can be shown on the Internet. Convince us!
Posted by johnmassam, Tuesday, 26 July 2005 2:24:20 AM
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