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Howard harnesses fear in power politics : Comments

By Daniel Donahoo, published 15/7/2005

Daniel Donahoo argues John Howard is prepared to maintain our anxiety over the London bombings for his own political ends.

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Why bother with the bothersome effort and responsibility of logic when it so much quicker and easier to rely on emotion, particularly fear which is a powerful and proven motivator/manipulator.

Anyway... Long live Emmanuel Goldstein!,pageNum-63.html
Posted by trade215, Wednesday, 20 July 2005 11:27:56 AM
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kartiya– yep and a jackass is also an ass or donkey – stupid to boot.

per - jackass "n 1: a man who is a stupid incompetent fool [syn: fathead, goof, goofball, bozo, goose, cuckoo, twat, zany] 2: male donkey [syn: jack]" -

and for jr - the Synonym "twat" seems just so appropriate.

Trinity - you write like some sort of mincing fairy who likes to throw insults around but cannot handle them when they come back at you – so keep yourself nice and safe – I suggest you walk in the middle of the primrose path.

As for – “we're all having a good laugh …” are you so poor you have to share your PC with other cheapskates?

Anomie – sorry – no response with rhyme – you are not worth the bother.

Ah JR – well I will rely on you to tell us all about your close encounter with your own effluent – you seem to be spouting it from every other orifice – doubtless anyone will smell you from 300 metres.

Tell me you enjoy being critical at our Prime Minister - why do you not put up for parliament – see if you can muster support enough as to not lose your deposit – you might stand some chance if you use the branch stacking practices favoured by the AWU (who have probably bought and sold your vote for a song).

Of course – “walking the walk” is far harder than “talking the talk” (even after mincing lessons from Trinity).

Keep em coming fairies –nothing you say about me matters - because none of you have a clue
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 20 July 2005 2:59:40 PM
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Johnny Rotten,the Coalition have the runs on the board.Even the US is waxing lyrical about their economic prowess.More money for Social Security than ever dreamt of by any socialist.

The reality for every family is a job,income and a future.The Labor Party failed dismally and will remain in the wilderness until they learn their lessons.

It is not what pollies say that counts{they all Lie ,it is in the job description},it is their ability to conduct this complex orchresta we call the economy.

All your huffing,puffing,moralising,name calling and stomping have amounted to nothing.Your ilk is in a power vacuum and will remain so for a considerable time.

We will not put incompetant economic vandals back in power again.

The NSW Labor Party is about to find this out at the next election.We are going to bury them deeper than nuclear waste.

The NSW Labor Party just reinforces an incompetant stero-type we have all experienced time again.

They are about as useful as a spare pair of gonads under your armpits.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 20 July 2005 7:51:39 PM
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If Col Rouge and to a lesser extent Arjay are typical of Howard supporters, then may be we did get the government we deserve. I mean they are so charming and tolerant to a range of opinions as their posts to this forum attest.

For example they display the following admirable qualities:

Double standards – I can be as insulting as I like but no one is else is allowed to say anything. Eg :>> Keep em coming fairies –nothing you say about me matters - because none of you have a clue<<, and sneeringly referring to Daniel Donahoo as “dee dee”

Money Obsessed – >>are you so poor you have to share your PC with other cheapskates?<<

Confused - >>All your huffing,puffing,moralising,name calling and stomping have amounted to nothing.<< The only one on this thread who has been huffing and puffing has been Col Rouge.

Just plain stupid - >>Even the US is waxing lyrical about their economic prowess.<< Well what would you expect the USA to say? “Johnny Howard; Liar lair, pants on fire?’ The truth from the Bush government? I’d like to see that.

Thank you Arjay and Col Rouge for reaffirming all that is wrong with Howard’s Government.

Come back JR – I need another poem please.
Posted by Xena, Thursday, 21 July 2005 10:59:55 AM
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Xena – “I mean they are so charming and tolerant to a range of opinions as their posts to this forum attest.”

Thankyou Xena - based on any popular vote you and your "ilk" are the tiny minority - as applied to selection of government and presumably general opinion held of me -

Snivel and moan all you want, remember it is the likes of me who protect your right to express what you want to say – it is a socialist government in Victoria who have introduced draconian “anti-vilification” laws which censor free speech – based on such a values set, “socialists” are the ones most likely to shut you, JR and all the other gutter snipes up – and that is the sort of “tolerance” you are defending – and I voted against – “hypocrisy” is a word which defines your expressions.

So, make as many comments, comparisons and whines as you want they roll off me like water off a ducks back.

But just be aware - when some third rate hack or trollop decides to use low humour at the expense of the government which I voted for or myself, I will respond in whatever manner I see as fitting and appropriate to the circumstances, without thought or consideration for your worthlessly opinion
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 21 July 2005 12:50:09 PM
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Xena needs an economics lesson.Money ,Xena is not an evil thing.It is the medium of exchange,store of wealth and more importantly represents human endeavour.Now it has been perverted in my view by our financial system.They have made money a commodity in itself.

Global capitalism,big business and big disempowering the individual.John Howard says he wants to see smaller Govt.The reverse has happened.Once Govts got the Golden Goose of GST they went into expansion mode.Just look at NSW.

The next party that wants to represent,small business,subcontractors and the self employed will get my support.The Coalition keep winning by default because Labor hasn't got the talent or a f...g clue.Their soft option mentality over the last 30yrs has hurt the worker more than any capitalist plot.

They have taken taxes from the working poor and given it to the so called disadvantaged,paid them not to work and thus created huge bureaucracies to administer this evil monster we call social security.

Don't worry about Muslim terrorists,the socialists terrorists have done a much more devestating job.We have hundreds of thousands of people that the socialists have made unemployable.Most can't or won't be retrained and your taxes will keep them while,people like Numbat who have worked all their lives have to get by on a pension of
$200.oo per week.There would have been three times the present pension had it no been for the socialist disease.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 21 July 2005 9:52:53 PM
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