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Exchange students must be protected : Comments

By Danielle Grijalva, published 28/6/2005

Danielle Grijalva argues exchange students must be protected from abusive hosts.

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I live in the USA, and hosted exchange students the past two years through AFS. We provided them a document that allows them to perform a criminal background check on us. I do not know if this was actually done. They also had another adult volunteer that was supposed to check-in with both the student and the family once each month - this does not always happen, but the student has their phone number and is encouraged to call if any problems arise.

Your article concerns the safety of students with the host families... how about with others? The support the organization provided was poor. Last year's student had a great first 5 months. She became a part of our family. However, mid-year she found a boyfriend, and after only 2 weeks of dating she had sex for the first time. The boy was a drug user. This resulted in medical complications that required a doctor. Our student also was lying often. We insisted the behavior stop. We felt that our rules (which had been communicated to her on arrival) should be respected. We have a child and the same rules should apply to all. The student wanted to continue with the new boyfriend, and had the organization find her a new family that was okay with all this. The organiztion was not supportive of our efforts to care for this student, and enabled behavior that put her at serious risk of drugs, disease, and pregnancy. I am disappointed in the organization (which is supposed to take care of the kids) more than the student (who was only 16 years old, with active hormones).

Some kids will say that "hey, lots of teens have sex...", and they are right. But exchange students are vulnerable - not a time for life-risking decisions. And they are supposed to adapt to the rules of their host family for the months they are here (per AFS handbook). Some programs (ie: Rotary) send students home immediately for sex or drug-use.

We will host students in the future, but not through AFS.
Posted by Dan, Friday, 22 July 2005 10:40:42 AM
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This is written to Dan!

Hello! My name is Martin Salzer and I'm settled in Germany (at the moment :D). I'm trying desperately to find a host family for one student for one year. The thing is: the family must be a family running an "Amway" Business as the student comes from an Amway family here in Germany. He wants to come over to the States and work for Amway as its headquarters is in Ada, Mi. I'm thankful for any hint where to start looking for such a family...

to get more details and/or give me a hint: mail me please @
Posted by zYo, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 11:16:42 PM
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Hi. My name is Katarina and I am a year 12 student at Centenary State High School in Brisbane, Australia. I am currently studying Film and Television and am designing a documentary about foreign student exchange. If anyone would be interested in giving me comments or advice on this I would be very grateful. I am also looking for people who have had a negative experience with foreign exchange, whether personally, or if they know someone who has. I need to interview people who have advantages and/or disadvantages about foreign exchange. I need to show as many sides to the argument as possible. If you can help me or know someone who can, please e-mail me at or post a comment here. Thank you very much for your help!
Katarina Prosser
Posted by kat =^-^=, Wednesday, 29 March 2006 12:47:35 AM
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Well, I am an exchange student, or, I will be an exchange student. My departure is in the 21th July of 2007, my plane brings me right to the USA. And after two weeks of preparation in a "Language & Culture Camp" run by my exchange organization, the adventure starts.
Then I will meet my host family. That will be the most important moment of my exchange year. Of course I'm looking toward it.
But I'm also scared. I don't have a host family yet. Will I get one? When? And will this be the host family I ever wanted to have?
That is, in my view, the problem. I'm dreaming of a wonderful host family, very nice host parents, perhaps two or three children, will I have a big host brother? Does my host family have a pet, perhaps a sweet dog? A wonderful house and will my room be perfect?
Most exchange students will answer all these questions with "yes". Every exchange student is dreaming of whatever the organization promise him. "It will be the best year of your life..."
Well, I'm scared. I hope to become a host family which is as I dreamed. Is anyone interested? ;-)
As some said here, familys aren't controlled very good by the organization. The orga. wants host familys so that the students can be placed. They want there money.
So I will try to find a host family by myself. I hope I can do this. Then I will tell my orga. the name and adress of the host family and everything will be fine. But I doubt that this will work.
Well, this was just what I wanted to say. That exchange students must be protected, but not "only" for sexual abuse, they must be protected that they aren't dreaming to much.

PS: Sorry for my bad english... I'm just learning it as a foreign language in school... But it will be better after my exchange year in the United States of America ;-)
Posted by merle, Thursday, 4 January 2007 10:53:51 PM
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