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The Forum > Article Comments > ‘Panda-monium’ - what does China’s rise mean for the rest of us? > Comments

‘Panda-monium’ - what does China’s rise mean for the rest of us? : Comments

By Tim Harcourt, published 14/6/2005

Tim Harcourt argues the opening up of the Chinese market presents great opportunities for Australian businesses.

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This article, like just about every other article which discusses the supposed benefits, to us and the rest of the world, of Chinese economic growth, completely ignores the critical issues of:

1. the greenhouse effect, and

2. the looming depletion of oil reserves

... which are worrying to death almost everyone who has given serious thought to these issues. (I suggest that the author and other site vistors go to or By exporting non-renewable, greenhouse gas generating fossil fuels to China, at the unprecedentd rate we are now doing, we are stupidly sacrificing the futures of our own children, as well as the futures of the children of China, all for largely unnecessary throwaway consumer items.

Regarding the supposed refutation of the fear of "hollowing out" of the world's manufacturing sector, the growth of the Chinese textile industry has not only wiped out textile jobs in Australia, but has also (I recently heard reported on the radio) wiped out the textile manufacturing sector in Morrocco and in Nigeria (and who knows where else?). In the former case, the resultant loss of jobs is a significant factor causing the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in that country.

As for myself, my last long term job was lost because the work was outsourced to China. This is also obviously the cause of the recent loss of many of other manufacturing jobs including from Kodak in Victoria, Mitsubishi in South Austrlia, (probably) Allied Engineering in South Australia, etc, etc, etc.

The growth of the Chinese economy is clearly unsustainable, and this should have long ago been obvious to anyone with at least year 10 mathematical abilities and an understanding that our planet is finite. It has already caused social and economic catastrophe in many countries outside of China, if not, for now, within China itself, and may well lead to the complete breakdown of our global life support system.

The article, in my opinion, adds little worthwhile insight into this very worrying issue.
Posted by daggett, Monday, 20 June 2005 7:56:29 PM
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In the immediate future China will put up with environmental degradation and pollution in order become an economic power.They are already a thorn in the side of the US ,since the US has a negative balance of trade with them.There is no doubt that China has ambitions of power and influence.

Why does China have more spies in Aust than any other country?Australia could be the both the pressure valve to relieve their burgeoning population ,as well as being the source of 35% of the world's uranium and many other vast resources.

Can we rely on the US to protect us?
The new airbuses can easily hold 1000 troops.It wouldn't take many of these planes to land forces in our capital cities before the US had time to react.Once they had landed in Australia as para-troopers or in our airports it would be "fait accompli"Before anyone had time to work out what was happening ,it would be all over.

With our pathetic forces and unarmed population,we would be an easy target.The US would be loath to enter into a fight with so many Chinese troops and would certainly balk at the prospect of a nuclear conflict.A weakened US economy tired of fighting in the Middle East does not make for a healthy ally.

Not likely we think,but a small population with an enormous continent of energy and resources would be the conduit for China be the most powerful country on this planet.

China must look upon our society as being both weak ,ill disciplined and ripe for the pickings.We have certainly lost the plot in recent times in terms of discipline, courage and any grasp of reality.

I think it is about time we considered all possibilities since as the US diminishes,our own security becomes more precarious.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 20 June 2005 9:21:01 PM
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